Canada Conjoins Euthanasia and Organ Harvesting: The NWO Agenda

It was inevitable: Euthenasia and organ harvesting all part of the NWO agenda. As I’ve pointed out in several self-authored blogs, we’ve been conditioned for several decades now to accept the idea of our flesh and blood bodies as mere “containers” to be harvested.

My thanks to Jordan B. Peterson for the link to this first article via his newsletter. Martin.

A chilling development on the mercy-killing front.

byWesley J. Smith

June 8, 2019, 12:15 AM

How do you convince society to embrace euthanasia as a means of attaining utilitarian benefit — while also convincing yourselves that your culture remains both moral and compassionate?

Once you get past the squeamishness of allowing doctors to kill patients, it isn’t that difficult: First, legalize euthanasia of the seriously ill and disabled. Once the community becomes comfortable with doctors committing homicide as a means of eliminating suffering, you next allow those who want to be killed to donate their organs. After all, they won’t need their livers anymore, so why not let others have them? Next, ensure that the potential of euthanasia to add to the organ supply becomes well known, both to normalize doctor-administered death and to induce people to believe they or a loved one might personally benefit from doctors killing the sick. Finally, over time, you expand euthanasia/organ donation eligibility to patients who are far from death, such as those with neuromuscular disabilities or psychiatric illnesses — better organs, don’t you know — justifying it as you go along with soothing words of respecting autonomy and preventing suffering.

Lest any reader believe that I am conjuring a paranoid dystopian fantasy, this very scenario consumed the medical and organ transplant ethics of the Netherlands and Belgium, nations in which patients with mental illnesses and other diseases are admitted to hospitals, killed by lethal injection, and then wheeled immediately into a surgical suite for organ harvesting. When I bring up these facts in domestic debates about assisted suicide, supporters of doctor-prescribed death sniff that the Netherlands and Belgium are not the United States, and that such crass utilitarian exploitation of the despairing would never happen here. But why? Once we deem certain categories of people to be killable — which is precisely what legalizing assisted suicide and euthanasia does — it becomes all too easy to conclude, as Belgians and Netherlanders have, that since these patients want to die we might as well benefit societally from their deaths.

That is precisely what happened in Canada, the United States’ closest cultural cousin, and indeed, a country many Americans see as having more enlightened public policies than our own. In the three years since lethal injection euthanasia became legal in Canada, at least thirty people were organ harvested after being euthanized. That number may soon increase dramatically as the Canadian medical establishment has come out solidly in favor of letting people who die by euthanasia to also become organ donors.

A major ethics “Guidance” was just published in the Journal of the Canadian Medical Association that establishes euthanasia kill-and-harvest (my blunt term) protocols. It makes for a chilling read…READ MORE


Bob Lazar: “I hate to repeat this stuff. I say this every time I mention it, because I have no other proof it’s true, other than the fact that I read it; and I always follow that up by saying, yes, everything I read about the propulsion system turned out to be fact. But it’s really far-fetched, and even though I did work with alien technology on flying saucers, I still find it difficult to come to grips with the physical alien thing in itself. But as far as where that came from, yes, there was a book that was almost like a history of the development of the human race. It was written from a different point of view. I don’t think that particular thing had a title to it. But that’s where we were referred to as ‘containers.’ Any time the word ‘human’ came up, it was always replaced with the word ‘containers.’ Earth was referred to as Sol 3 instead of earth. It was a strangely written report.” Michael Lindemann: “What do you think the word ‘containers’ referred to?” BL: “That referred to people. Now, containers of what, I don’t know. You can speculate on that until you turn BLUE.


Once again, George Lucas, NWO whistleblower extraordinaire, left us a clue in his “cover” title for the work-in-progress Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi:

Blue harvest

This was the late 80s-early 90s period of Ufology, when Area 51 and Lazar’s story made world headlines. And right at the time when George HW Bush, the new President, Skull and Bones member and “special envoy” to China, said this:

You think these things are unrelated? The timing of Lazar’s whistleblowing, the Desert Storm operation, the NWO announcement. These things are all connected and carefully orchestrated and Bushes “New World Order” is well on track. MH

Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

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The truth's not out there? Trump was briefed on UFOs he doesn't believe exist

Mon Jun 17 , 2019
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