[Can you say ‘Viral’? Another Video taken down by youtube for “terms of use violation” has been posted here: https://snardfarker.ning.com/video/banned-on-youtube-israeli Another deleted for “terms of use violation” video removed by youtube was the utterly heinous ‘Gaza Massacre Horror’ cell phone video that was posted back in December when Israel killed […]
Month: December 2022
[This from Axis of Logic. ] By Talha Mujaddidi. Saturday, Aug 29, 2009 We are watching it happen in the streets. The recurring nightmare has become a grim, new reality for the people of Pakistan. After watching the horrors of the U.S. invasions and occupations of Iraq and neighboring Afhanistan […]
https://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/8227915.stm News Corporation’s James Murdoch has said that a “dominant” BBC threatens independent journalism in the UK. The chairman of the media giant in Europe, which owns the Times and Sun, also blamed the UK government for regulating the media “with relish”. “The expansion of state-sponsored journalism is a threat […]
https://www.rense.com/general87/forced.htm By Mike Adams NaturalNews Editor 8-30-9 (NaturalNews) — The United States of America is devolving into medical fascism and Massachusetts is leading the way with the passage of a new bill, the “Pandemic Response Bill” 2028, reportedly just passed by the MA state Senate and now awaiting approval in […]
https://globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=14937 by Stephen Lendman Given today’s hysteria over a non-existent Swine Flu threat and possible mandating of experimental, untested, toxic, and likely bioengineered vaccines, it’s appropriate to review early fears about their dangers – when evidence first surfaced and concerns were raised. In 1920, Charles Michael Higgins’ “Horrors of Vaccination […]
by Thierry Meyssan The news of alleged election fraud has spread through Tehran like wildfire, pitching ayatollah Rafsanjani’s supporters against ayatollah Khamenei’s in street confrontations. This chaotic situation is secretly stirred by the CIA which has been spreading confusion by flooding Iranians with contradicting SMS messages. Thierry Meyssan recounts this […]