Irish People Shut Down Repossession Auction


Allsop Space is an English Company who had no involvement with Ireland until after the Banking Crisis and resulting attack on struggling homeowners and small business people.
They are here for one purpose and one purpose only, to cash in on the misery and misfortune of Irish people who have been let down by Banks and betrayed by politicians.
[ Ireland should have done what Iceland did – and told the bankers to just FUCK off.
Now the Irish are going to pay through the nose for their mistake ]

One thought on “Irish People Shut Down Repossession Auction

  1. It is never too late to nationalize banks. It is never too late for a country’s elected leaders to issue their own countries money for the citizens of that country. In this way the interest remains in the country for the country. There are many examples, countries who have done it. Three American Presidents tried to do it and they would have, except they all have been assassinated. This is proof perfect that it would be effective. Must be their love of guns 🙂

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Mon Sep 16 , 2013
Most thinking people already know this, but this is apparently the first time that one of the “political elite” has publicly admitted it. – Ed.

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