Paul McCartney did not die in a car accident on 9/11 1966. The Industry that established itself around this hoax, is extraordinary in one sense, yet typical and pathetic in another.
By G Squared 8/7/19
When The Beatles recorded, there was an army of musicians present. Never shown in the various footages that were released (the great manufacturing by geniuses). And attributions were appropriately disseminated. Others were bought off.
A short distance to The Monkeys, who spent their studio time leaning the various songs; so they could fudge them later.
Billy Shepherd (Bill Shears, Faul), Paul McCadry, and Denny Laine (who also played George), played Paul. Colin Unwin and Mark Styger, played John. Pete Best played drums. There were many.
Paul’s girlfriend was Jane Asher, when Billy’s was Linda Eastman.
‘Bakckburn’ was an SIS unit. None of the original four (with Ringo) nor Shepherd were SIS operatives, and The Cavern in Germany, had nothing to do with anything beyond a music gig.
Playing records backwards, The Abbey Road Crossing, Cover, and hints on Sgt.Peppers, were ‘clues’ to nothing. Shepherd was in a band called Billy Pepper and The Peppercorns. ‘PID’ was the industry of ‘Paul Is Dead’ that was invented by The Beatles owners and managers. ‘The Walrus’ was McCartney in a costume.
A number of people associated with The Beatles died. The music community had a culture of drug experimentation, and it also took its toll (Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Jimmy Hendrix, and many others were lost). Michael Jackson had his services dispensd with, due to financial issues, and the inevitable US permiation as with The UK variant around Jimmy Savile. Albeit, Jackson was a practitioner and not an organizer per se. John Denver just decided to become one of his own impersonators.
At the same time, there was a war conducted by the big labels, concerning ownership of Rights. Wars over money and control.
Kevin MacDonald (owner of Sibylla’s Night Club, ‘fell’ off a ten floor balcony on 15/10/1966. Tara Brown died in a ‘car accident’ in a Lotus Ellan. Brian Epstein ‘overdosed’ on 27/8/1967. He had organized a Paul Look-Alike Competition, then sacked Paul. The final break up was due to Yoko, who also became a director of Apple records. Dr. Richard Asher committed ‘suicide’ on 25/4/1969. John Reilly, The Beatles dentist (?) died in a ‘car accident’. He is mentioned by Iamaphoney who also released pictures in 2009. Mal Evans (‘The 6th. Beatle’) was shot 6 times in the chest, when he found four ‘police’ searching his apartment in Los Angeles on 5/1/1976. His ‘problem’ was the fact that he kept a detailed diary. And much more.
Both Yoko Ono-Lennon, and John Lindner-Eastman became directors of Apple Corps Ltd.
Aleister Crowley was the father of Barbara Bush (GHWB) and related to Billy Shepherd.
‘Mull of Kintyre’ refers to the property on The Kintyre Peninsula; ‘High Park Farm’ bought by McCartney in 1966; after he ‘died’. It was written by McCartney and Denny Laine. Many of the songs attributed to Lennon-McCartney were not co-written by Lennon. Lennon was severely drug affected, with exhibited memory damage.
George Martin, Paul McCartney, and Neil Aspinal, were working on a project to release the true story concerning The Beatles; then Martin and Aspinal ‘died’; and Paul shelved the story. Shepherd was also sacked. He held rights to music after 1966 when Aspinal (related to the gambling fraudster John who was further linked to Kerry Packer and prior, to a number of very infamous others.
Charles Manson and his crew were blackmailing their way around The LA elite, long before The La Bianca and Tate Murders. They took over Terry Melcher’s house (Manager The Byrds) and that of Dennis Wilson (Member The Beach Boys). Wilson died of a substance abuse, aged 39.