Ahoy mateys: A motley crew of piratical scallywags have sailed this ship! A superb bit of detective work and on-the spot fieldwork by Ben Vidgen that takes in the Kashoggis, Ghislaine Maxwell, Trump, the Clintons and Hong Kong minister Patrick Ho Chi-ping, the United Nations, and the common demoninator; a yacht called The Dancing Hare. Which happens to have just sailed quietly into NZ waters. MH

A luxury yacht with a shady past just visited Dunedin on its way to Stewart Island.The 58m Dancing Hare arrived in Akaroa from Sydney earlier this week were it was stated publicly it would dock at Victoria Wharf in Dunedin at 11.30am on the 23rd, according to the Port Otago website. The boat in fact arrived at 11 pm on the 22nd where it docked at a seclude part of the wharf ended off and secured behind locked gates a security detail was then assigned to the boat. The security detail taking photographs of me after I asked them questions about the the boat. Built in 1986, the yacht, we now know as the Dancing Hare, was bought from its original owner by British media mogul Robert Maxwell, who renamed it Lady Ghislaine after his daughter Ghislaine Maxwell the woman accused of being human trafficker Jeffrey Epstein’s pimp.

https://www.facebook.com/postmangazette/videos/2690306104338717/?lst=100000780600969%3A100000780600969%3A1579871657&subkey=manage -Two Min clip on Dancing Hare in Dunedin.
It was originally built for Emad Khashoggi a Saudi property developments and nephew of arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi. In 2019 Epstein was identified as a “bounty hunter” for Adnan Kashoggi hiding and retrieving stolen loot from African and Arab dictators. Kashoggi is the glue that ties Epstein not just to Clinton but Donald Trump as will.
The Trump Epstein connections which begins in the 1980s, when Trump and Robert Maxwell owner of London’s Daily Mirror tabloid, rubbed shoulders on the high-flying Manhattan party circuit and Trump came in contact with Ghislaine Maxwell Jefrrey Epstein’s future girl friend and partner in crime. Their crimes laundered through Deutsch Bank New York and JP Morgan the New York banks also used by Trump.

In 1989 Trump and the Maxwells were photo graphed a party aboard Robert Maxwell’s, yacht the Lady Ghislaine (Now known as the Dancing Hare) attended by former Republican Senator John Tower of Texas where Trump brought up the subject of his own yacht the Trump Princess (Photo below). A luxury vessel purchased from major Iran-Contra player Adnan Khashoggi with Epstein as the broker.

In July 2019: Hong Kong minister Patrick Ho Chi-ping was indicted and sentenced for UN bribery. The 32-page show Ho not only brokered “arms transactions” via an unnamed intermediary but was singing like a canary. Ho-ping had a track record of doing business involving military transactions and oil rights in Middle East and Asia, in return for favourable terms for CEFC China Energy business interests in the region. CEFC seeks to advance China’s geopolitical strategy, the Belt and Road Initiative in Africa.

For this purpose CEFC used accounts to manage bribes and kick backs in several bank accounts including those held at Deutsche Bank USA New York. The bank also favoured by the Clinton’s Trump Epstein and the Mexican Russian mobsters in bed with China also involving Australia New Zealand bans which investigators first became aware of in 2009 but are only surfacing in mainstream news now. A model of laundering stolen aid, charity and criminal contra funds which replicated both the Epstein’s JP Morgan and Bear Stearn models of laundering also duplicated by the Clinton Foundation money laundering network which Epstein himself had created for the Clintons.
Ho- ping has links to Epstein via his girl friend Ghislaine Maxwell (Robert Maxwell daughter) who ran the “Environmental” charity TerraMar Project, which was shut down right after Epstein was arrested in July. In 2015, the Daily Mail reported that the organisation was listed as a partner of the Clinton Global Initiative in the UN Sustainable Oceans Alliance.

In 2017 Ho Ping UN ambassador of China’s Blue (ocean) Silk Road can be seen posing in a photo with the United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres special envoy Peter Thomson of Fiji for the Sustainable Oceans Alliance (photo above) which includes the Clinton Foundation, The TerraMar Project . The Marching Hare also visited Fiji twice five days in July and and two days in June. Once can go on about Fiji and it ties to NZ dodgey yacht including Michael Swan the man who stole over 16 million from Dunedin hospital which was spent on super cars and a fleet of Luxury yatchs but will save that story of kiwi gluttony for another day

The reality behind the fji photo op with Sustainable Oceans Alliance (which had included the Maxwell TeMara Foundation) special envoy was Patrick Ho like Epstein like to get into the highest of circles so he could bribe and seduced officials including those at the highest levels of the African government in Chad and Uganda as he pursued lucrative oil deals and other business opportunities, all while using U.S.-based NGO’s and Charities to conceal his money laundering and kickbacks.
Using such tactics Ho Ping, who emerged as the mastermind behind two African bribery schemes undertaken for CEFC China, in 2015 donated $100,000 to the Clinton Foundation which Epstein had designed for the Clinton’s as mean of financing their political ambitions. Methods which have similarity to New Zealand money laundering cases that have emerged in Christchurch’s property market sourced from stolen aid money, or dubious oil deals as Ben’s World has documented for the past twelve months. Allegations which have being vindicated time and time again by events that confirm my articles after they are written as being correct.

Money launders who have also being linked to Christchurch firms affiliated with London based charities run by known high society Tax evaders with ties to Prince Andrews investments such as Lee Robinson Christchurch Law firm SBR (who also handled Catholic church sex abuse hush money pay out for over thirty years). In 2007 Lee Robinson of Akaroa, whose on the board of several children based charities, hosted VIP’s from Christchurch, Wellington and Akaroa at a The Global Party and The Akaroa Health Hub invite-only VIP charity.

The event was held at the New Zealand Akaroa Winery and was hosted by former Tory treasurer and hedge-fund king Stanley Fink and his business partner, entrepreneur David Johnstone.
The UK duo told kiwis it aimed to host lavish parties for the rich simultaneously around the world and raise millions for charity world wide. Finks New Forests Company, is among the largest forestry businesses in Africa operating in Uganda, Tanzania and the beneficiary of UN Climate Change grants. Before arriving in Dunedin the Dancing Hare made a stop in Akaroa and its ship to shore vessel Heavenly Blue made a trip ashore were its passengers are believed to have visited local wineries.

Maxwell TerraMar Project was founded on September 26, 2012 at the Blue Ocean Film Festival and Conservation Conference in Monterey, California in the United States, promoted as an environmental based nonprofit organisation with a focus on ocean protection. It was founded by Ghislaine Maxwell, the alleged sex trafficker, in 2012. A separate ocean conservation charity, TerraMar (UK), was incorporated in 2013 by Maxwell in Salisbury, United Kingdom. TerraMar (USA) announced closure on their website and Twitter on July 12, 2019, a week after charges were brought by New York federal prosecutors against Jeffrey Epstein. However, the UK company continued to exist with Maxwell listed as a director until it was officially dissolved on December 3, 2019. Documents for USA organisation the TerraMar Project list Ghislaine Maxwell as the organisation’s President. Board members included Amir Dossal and the film producer Steven Haft.

Amir A. Dossal is a British chartered accountant and founder and chairman of the Global Partnerships Forum (GPF), an international platform to address economic and social challenges, through innovative partnerships. Amir is also Commissioner of the Broadband Commission for Digital Development. In December 2010, Prince Albert II of Monaco appointed Dossal as Ambassador for Peace and Sport.
Steven Haft film producer and advisory Board Member of the Global Partnerships Forum, a member of the Motion Picture Academy In 2007 partnered with Burson-Marsteller, to under take digiatl marketing. Birson is one of the world’s largest public-relations consultancies, its CEO Mark Penn served as political adviser to Bill Clinton on Mr. Clinton’s 1996 re-election campaign and throughout the second term of the administration, and served as strategic adviser to Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton in the 2000 elections.

In 2019 Paola Tholstrup, a model who had been friendly with Maxwell in the 1990s met her at a funeral, Thoslstrup notes “She hadn’t changed exactly, but she was hyper, and talking very fast,” says Tholstrup. “All she seemed to want to talk about was the ocean and the charity she was involved in”. Maxwell had hoped to use TerraMar and the public’s concern about the ocean and climate change to re-brand her image after Epstein first arrest while rubbing shoulders with the folks happy to use that concern to further their own political agendas, branding and a chance to feather their pockets along the way.
The TerraMar Project’s address was in New York City for 990 tax filings from 2012 through 2015, with later filings showing a Woburn, Massachusetts address for 2016 and 2017. The New York Times reported that TerraMar gave out no money in grants between 2012 and 2017 and that it was described as “having unusually high accounting and legal fees for an organisation of its size“.

In December 2019 The March Hare was reported as being in Brisbane December 2019 where Australian media made no mention of its ties to Maxwell and Epstein only it links to Tom Hill.
Tom Hill is the Director/owner of Rivergate Marina & Shipyard in Brisbane (non board director Adco Construction and director of Tropical fruit), who was instrumental in bringing Dancing Hare to Australia for “lucrative” maintenance and refit work at Rivergate, Brisbane. While its crew partied with the rich and famous over Christmas, before heading south to Sydney where (NZ PM Jacinda Adern incidentally was also on Holidaying and talking to those involved in water privatisation) the boat left for New Zealand in the New Year. Hill and other staff member can be seen on the March Hare during a video of it South Pacific travels in September where background of ports, hotels and land marks identify Blue Hare as having visited Fiji and French Polynesia.

In 2019 just before crewing the Dancing Hare Hill visited Monaco (which is also as a known tax haven) to attend a yacht show, also attended by the Hare’s Dutch builders, Amel Motors, to participate in “The London to Monaco Cycle Ride whose Patron is Prince Albert II of Monaco’s one of Jeffrey Epstein former clients.
Hill stated of the event it is a wonderful opportunity to raise awareness on the necessity to protect our fragile oceans” a celebrity event raising funds for the charity Blue Ocean to research and aid in “practical rehabilitation” projects worldwide, including in the Maldives, Aeolian Islands and closer to home, Patagonia where Blue Ocean is gathering evidence to support a marine protected area (MPA).
Patagonia and Mladives are also areas where firms interested in deep sea mining are gathering saying the rare minerals mined from the ocean will help fight climate change with green technology. Though these same firms are less vocal on the damages such mining will do to the ocean or that the same minerals they lust after are the same one used in defence technology that is sparking a smart weapons and rush for space minerals arms race. Blue Ocean is based in Colorado and partnered with accounting firm Blue Ocean Enterprises whose interest also include angel armour advance ballistics and sister company Otter Box provides protection accessories for battlefield military technology.
Employees at Blue Ocean Enterprises are listed in the International Centre for Investigative Journalism data base of firms with tax haven links. Its CEO Jim Parke is also CEO of Otter Products. The Blue Foundation adress is 401 W. Mountain Ave. Fort Collins Colorado 80521. This is the same address given for Blue Ocean Enterprises.
Collins Colorado 80521. This is the same address given for Blue Ocean Enterprises.

In 2016 Six Otto Product executive were indicted by a grand jury on allegations of running a theft and money-laundering scheme that embezzled millions of dollars from a firm linked to the Blue Ocean charity funds court documents show. A nine-month investigation by the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office, the Colorado Department of Revenue and the Larimer County District Attorney’s Office found evidence of $2.9 million stolen from the OtterBox a sister company linked to Blue Ocean run by Blue Ocean Enterprises.
Read More: Fort Collins Men Indicted in Alleged $1.15 Million Fraud Case | https://999thepoint.com/fort-collins-men-indicted-in-alleged-1-15-million-fraud-case/?utm_source=tsmclip&utm_medium=referral

In August 2019, Maxwell was photographed in a burger restaurant in Los Angeles. Lawyer Dan Kaiser who is representing Jennifer Araoz, one of the women who says she was raped by Epstein, and who is suing his estate, Maxwell and three other “enablers” told journalist he believed she might be heading to Colorado the location of Glenn Dubin and Eva Andersson-Dubin Epstein close friends and where Epstein is known to have invested money in Dubin’s Colorado based hedge fund. It was Dubin who introduce Epstein into Manhattan’s society circles after he was released from a Palm Beach jail, followed by house arrest, in 2010. “If Mr. Epstein had Dr. Andersson-Dubin’s friendship, it suggested to others that perhaps he should be given the benefit of the doubt,” a Times article pointed out.
The Dancing Hare is believed to have being moored over Europe summer in Monarco before departing for the Pacific. Monaco is where Ghissane, pimp to human trafficker and [paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, was seen in the background of photo taken of Paris Hilton taken at the ‘Yacht club De Monaco’ in June 5th 2019 to celebrate the final stop on the all-female charity drive event Cash & Rocket she was found to have met Prince Andrew on the same date. Before being snapped in the background of a photo of Paris Hilton taken on June 09, 2019 in Monaco at the Cash & Rocket Offices celebration gala. Cash and Rocket is a race to Monarco from London. It involves super cars and some of the world’s most “successful” people (e.g. those who are stinking rich).

It’s founder Julie Brangstrup, formerly of Morgan Stanely and owns the rights to the world most expensive ralley of super cars the Cannnon Ball Run and the Cannon Ball Run films. Brangstrup founded Cash & Rocket in 2011 with a “vision to change the world through the creation of a platform that inspires, motivates and supports women from all walks of life”. The vision seems to involves getting spoilt super rich women, who once were hotties, to wear lots of red and drive fast cars (also coloured red) and party over Europe were they can then take selfies and tell themselves how awesome they are.

The charity official address is 20 Buckingham Street London. This is were Rocket to Cash began and were Ghissane was last seen before getting into the Car (Number 28) driven by Nettie Mason, the wife of Nick Mason the drummer for Pink Floyd the band famous for such album as Wish You Were Here and Darkside of the Moon, tales that dwell on the isolation and paranoia that comes with life at the top and how it can ultimately led to insanity, and ultimately an unfulfilled life. Rather apt lyrics when you think of the whole sorry Epstein Ghisane saga.
Run, rabbit run.
Dig that hole, forget the sun,
And when at last the work is done
Don’t sit down it’s time to dig another one.
For long you live and high you fly
But only if you ride the tide
Cash and Rocket aim is to raise money for several charities but its Star is The Helen Bamber Foundation (HBF) with a trustee list of whose who which has drawn sponsored including Aston Martin, Bentley and BMW. HBF is a human rights charity based in London founded by Helen Bamber in 2005. It states on its own website that its mission is to “work with the most vulnerable and marginalised people in society, those who are haunted by memories of entrapment, rape and torture. Some have been imprisoned or detained in the UK or in other countries, or are suffering continuing threats from traffickers.
It just seems bizar that Ghissaine, the woman known as human trafficker Epstein pimp, should attend a high profile event like this and those there not think this in appropriate. Its unclear how aware the organiser were that she was there having deleted her car off the official list on their website promos but the image of her at the start of the Ralley also exist when she was last seen in London talking to Prince Andrew a regular guest of Epstein and the royal at the centre of child rape allegations. What ever the circumstance the total amount of money raised by Maxwell herself for the human trafficking and human exploitation charity was zero.

Trustee of HBF include Sir Nicolas Bratza the former President of the European Court of Human Rights. He was the Judge of the Court elected in respect of the UK for 14 years. Sir Nicolas is the Chair of the Board of Trustees of the British Institute of Human Rights.
The Dancing Hare last stop in new Zealand was an out of season trip to Stuart Island. January 23 Maritime tracker show the ship moored north of Stewart Island Paterson Inlet Stewart Island close to Port Pegasus Pearl Island.

Pearl Island only has two claims to fame. One it the temporary home of Kakapo the endangered flightless bird and two centre of conservation pest eradication plan which has a strict quarantine conditions. The pesticide plan on Pearl Island is run by ‘Island Aerial Solutions’, formed by Tony Michelle and Graham Parker. They operate in New Zealand and French Polynesia.
Michelle owns Amuri Helicopters Ltd based in Hanmer Springs in the Central South Island of New Zealand. The firm specialise in ocean and land based conservation including Aquatic Weed Control, Pest Eradication and “Project Management” such as its role in helping fight fire in Australia. Tony Michelle is described as “actively participates in industry and stakeholder organisations and has been a driving force behind industry implementation of AIRCARE™ (a flight and environmental Safety Management System”. He is Chairman of the New Zealand Aerial Agricultural Association (NZAAA) and a councillor for the Aviation New Zealand governance council who serve the aerospace, defense, aviation and one of lobby groups setting out to privatise New Zealand air space for commercial aerospace and defence purposes as Five Eyes and US defence contractors see NZ as important pawn in the chess game with China and the race to mine space and achieve satellite based air superiority .

ww.iasl.co.nz › benchpearl
Bench & Pearl Islands – Bench/Pearl – Island Aerial Solutions Ltd
On that note one final set of oddness surrounds Pearl Island. Namely its Google maps image compromise of a picture of the Island, a satellite, and Air-force One.

Keith Renata who is listed as an Independent Research in Waikato I.R.D.No.91-050-471 who studied in the coromandel information gleaned off a raft of LinkedIn profiles all
A closer look shows they were posted there by a Keith Renata who is listed as an Independent Research in Waikato I.R.D.No.91-050-471 who studied in the coromandel information gleaned off a raft of LinkedIn profiles all

linked to one firm National Data Base Ltd.
Before I could get much further information off those pages the LinkedIn author wall went up and was blocked from further viewing, make of that what you will. A Facebook profile fitting that person, using same ird number, also surfaces but has little information and only a handful of seemingly unrelated photos. A minor but curious detail in my search.

Meanwhile Maxwell has other issue namely her phone was recently hacked.
The hack may have implications for Prince Andrew after it was revealed in December that the Duke of York exchanged emails with Maxwell in 2015 about Virginia Giuffre the women who alleges she was raped by Prince Andrew. Those emails, revealed on Panorama, show Maxwell and the British royal discussed Giuffre – despite denials from Prince Andrew that he had never met the then-teenager and that a photo of them together was a fake. Giuffre the billionaire paedophile trafficked her while she was underage, and abused her over the course of years. Prince Andrew has denied the claims.
Im guessing right now Maxwell wishes she just wasn’t here, as the song goes
So, so you think you can tell
Heaven from hell
Blue skies from pain
Can you tell a green field
From a cold steel rail?
A smile from a veil?
Do you think you can tell?…
How I wish, how I wish you were here.
We’re just two lost souls
Swimming in a fish bowl,
Year after year..
Published by BENS WORLD – an interesting read with your coffee.
Ben has worked as investigative journalist, researcher and writers for a number of NZ/Australian publications, radio stations, as well as working for universities, NGO and commercial clients, as well as being a best selling author (State Secrets 1 & II [Return Fire]) specialising in organised crime and national security issues. With a degree in history and political science specialising in political violence and counter terrorism Ben spent six year in New Zealand Army territorial (reserves) serving in the Royal Artillery and the infantry with posting in signals, artillery intelligence, field and counter intelligence, reconnaissance and as a rifleman & platoon grenadier. Ben also has decades of experience in all aspect of the hospitality and tourism industry (from kitchen hand to marketing and promotions) through out Australasia as well a having strong root in the arts community of New Zealand’s South Island his beloved home and were he prints his own cafe publications and books . View all posts by BENS WORLD – an interesting read with your coffee.