Interesting item that links Von Braun’s Alien Invasion false flag (project Blue Beam) and Paperclip with world events post WW2 (Including biowarfare) and the subtle influence of “The Nine”.
Who are “The Nine”? You may not know, but you really should. That’s a subject worthy of an article on it’s own. Blog coming soon! MH.
This broadcast is intended to be used in conjunction with L‑1 and L‑2: Might the future see Bormann network-controlled pharmaceuticals and/or foodstuffs used to disseminate “Aryan-friendly,” genetically-engineered binary pathogens to an already vulnerable and depleted humanity?
Might we see “Aryan” space aliens (“The Nine” or some manifestation of same) come down to earth to rule, disseminating some kind of “divine” or “extraterrestrial” eugenics doctrine? Might this be combined with a variety of theocratic Aryan supremacy religion?
With the Reinhard Gehlen spy outfit and the Project [Operation] Paperclip scientists having been incorporated into the very heart of the U.S. and Western national security establishments and with the Bormann capital network dominating the international cartel system that stands astride the international capital markets, what we have termed the Underground Reich did indeed prevail in the postwar period.
In this program, we take a look at what a Nazi future might look like.

Martin comments: I think this “NAZI future” might already be here in some respects (as I clutch my Essential Worker authorization papers). Not so sure it will be “Aryan” though. It appears to me that the Kalergi Plan (AKA 2030 Agenda) intends to eliminate all racial and ethnic differences in favour of “Coffee colored people by the score”. AS I mentioned in the intro, the subject of The Nine is a hell of a story and very relevant so I will indeed address it in a blog.
(Thanks to Jeff for the link to the article)

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