They’re both engineered to eventually achieve DEPOPULATION of the human race
Mike Adams – Natural news June 3, 2020

The pandemic lockdowns and riots were rolled out in back-to-back fashion, crushing the U.S. economy and spreading fear, violence and unprecedented economic destruction.
What do both events have in common? They were both engineered.
They were engineered and deployed for a deliberate purpose.
That purpose, at first glance, may seem political. At one level, it is. The disruption of the Trump economy and the image of America’s cities burning is most definitely designed to destroy confidence in the current administration. But there’s a far larger and more nefarious agenda at work in all this. The real agenda is global depopulation.
Eliminating billions of humans can be easily accomplished if everyone would just agree to line up and be injected with something that would kill most people within a year or two (or cause widespread infertility, culling the human race within a generation). What an amazing coincidence that the entire corrupt establishment — Big Tech, the Lamestream Media, and the “death science” pharma / vaccine industries — are all destroying human knowledge about natural cures that could end covid-19 right now. Instead, they are making sure people stay locked down, fearful and diseased for as long as it takes to roll out a global depopulation vaccine.
They’re also creating severe economic pain, to be followed by immunity passports that require people to be vaccinated before they can return to work and earn a living. That’s how the economic destruction of the lockdowns + riots is designed to funnel people into vaccine compliance (i.e. kill shot surrender).
The coronavirus vaccine, of course, will be made mandatory. And the first batch will likely be made harmless in order to convince early observers that the vaccine is safe.
Within 1-2 years after the vaccine is deployed, we’ll start seeing a wave of new deaths from those who were previously vaccinated. The depopulation agenda will be in full force then, using vaccines as the vector for what is essentially a slow-release euthanasia kill shot.
That’s how the lockdowns and riots both drive humanity into a depopulation vaccine “genocide” system that’s wildly racist in the sense that it’s targeting the human race.
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