When a government turns on its people, the people turn on the government.
by Martin Harris 16/7/21
Not a statue was toppled. No windows broken, no fires were lit. Yet what may be the largest and most significant protest in New Zealand history took place today.
The MSM, of course, downplayed the protest, as it defied the carefully curated Narrative.
Howl of a Protest: Tractors and utes descend on cities as farmers protest
“The Howl of a Protest event, organised by Groundswell New Zealand, has seen thousands of farm vehicles rumbling through cities in protest against what farmers say is increasing interference from the Government, unworkable regulations and unjustified costs…The protests took place in 55 cities starting from Kaitaia to Southland.” Says the low-key report from NZ Herald. The article proceeds to focus on traffic disruption nd gives the impression this was all about a bunch of grumpy farmers. It was, in fact, far more “inclusive” and “diverse” a protest than any Socialist banner-waving march.
Agriculture. We all complain about water usage, nitrates and burn-offs. But lets face it, the agricultural sector is New Zealand’s primary industry; the lifeblood of our nation.
So when our own government attacks and practically attempts sabotage upon our farming communities, the people, country folk and ‘townies’ alike, put differences aside and stand united.
Jacinda Ardern’s “Team of five million” have had enough and true to The Lock-Step Scenario, the pushback has begun.

“Feebates” on farming vehicles in a bizarre ‘reverse Robin Hood’ tax on petrol-diesel farm vehicles to subsidise commuter EVs, proposed theft of land for “environmental protection”…New Zealanders are usually a docile bunch, but we’ve reached the limit.

How did it get to this? Well, because we are too easygoing. Too laidback. We let a noisy minority set the rules unchallenged. Jacinda Ardern’s Labour government got elected the first time based on a fresh face in a sea of old-boy’s network suits. They rode a wave of popularity based more on a series of crises (upon which Ardern has capitalised with relish), thankfully balanced by a much-forgotten co-governance with Winston Peters and the NZ First Party. Ardern got a re-election based largely on a heavily fragmented opposition and a lack of charismatic leadership to challenge.

Emboldened by a second term victory, this time freed from the shackles of NZ First, Ardern and co. have gone full-throttle Socialism-on-steroids. And in typical Socialist fashion, the New Normal is being snuck in below the radar under the guise of COVID lockdowns, Climate Emergencies, and threat of terrorists both real and imaginary.

Thing is, we’re all getting smarter. When the government announces a “hate speech” law revision proposal and quietly slips in a clause addressing “Political Speech”, the people notice. We’re all familiar with terms such as “Orwellian” and “Totalitarian” and know what these terms mean and what it looks like. We recognise Marxism.

Most Kiwis will accept a temporary lockdown “for the greater good” but when the panic’s over, we expect our freedoms returned. So when our government proceeds, with unrestrained enthusiasm, to dismantle and re-engineer our democracy with the apparent aim of creating a “little CCP”, we wake up find we have a voice.
Today, the tide turned and the pushback began in earnest. Let us hope the momentum continues.

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Letter to the Editor(s)
Wow! What an impressive feudal-farmers’s parade, showing-off $100,000 4WD tractors & $50,000 utes, mostly financed GST-free as farming costs, just like the flat-deck farm utes that are WOF-free registered for only $40 — exclusive for farmers only. Was this a fully-paid farming advertisement, a drive-by strike perk or a “duty-free”-tax declaration to the public? Farmers are definitely not starving…
However, cities’ daily rush-hour protests against environmental regulations truly dwarf this farmers’ show-off; We’d reach the ceiling if airline crews drove their planes in such protest convoys against Covid regulations. The involved fuel wastage is sufficient protest against any environmental regulation. If a similar amount of counter-protest marchers were blocking roads like that, they’d be arrested…
Soon they’d replace brute motor power with vigilante proud-boys, just like they did as Massey Cossacks violently crushing rural working-rights dissidents, mob-style…
I better stop my dripping sarcasm here, or else… Tooting greetings, Fritz Fehling
Thanks for your rant, Fritz. good to see you have a calm, balanced and well-informed perspective on things.
..at least my sarcasm is confined to a single sentence.
For you Fritz: