Ivermectin and COVID: A Logical Hypothesis?

“Correlation does not necessarily indicate causation”

By Martin Harris 24/9/21

Inspired by a communication from G Squared

Ivermectin COVID

Several days back, we received our usual communications from our mysterious correspondent “G Squared”. One particular article had us scratching our heads. It addressed the subject of the apparent spectacular success of Ivermectin in treating COVID patients in India. (see for eg India’s Ivermectin Blackout | Columnists | thedesertreview.com )

G squared quoted an associate of his, stating logically enough:

Well that’s the joke with the whole corona circus. Its not a virus never was. You don’t give people anti-worming drugs to treat viruses. If Ivermectin works then it’s a parasite.

G Squared communication

Trouble is, although there are always naysayers, the majority accept the compelling evidence that “COVID 19” is caused by the virus SARS CoV-2.

This presents quite a conundrum. The “Fact Checkers” simply sweep the evidence under the carpet under the category of “unsupported” (see for eg No data available to suggest a link between India’s reduction of COVID-19 cases and the use of ivermectin – Health Feedback )

Ivermectin use does appear to have coincided with spectacularly reduced COVID deaths in India, yet Ivermectin is a parasite treatment:

Ivermectin is an anti-parasite medication. Ivermectin is used to treat infections in the body that are caused by certain parasites. Ivermectin is approved for use in humans to treat intestinal strongyloidiasis and onchocerciasis.

Ivermectin Uses, Side Effects & Warnings – Drugs.com

So what to do with G Squared’s article? Since the claims suggesting COVID must be caused by a parasite was not backed up by any links/evidence/data, despite being a logical enough deduction if we assume Ivermectin was the agent of fatality reduction, I chose to put the item aside. If I’d published it as it stood, I’d be burned at the stake as a heretic.

Nevertheless, I pondered what the connection might be between Ivermectin and COVID cures.

Logic Spock

And here is my hypothesis.

I’m sure we all remember when the COVID pandemic in India hit the Mainstream News channels. The coverage, in all it’s hyped and carefully stage-managed glory, followed a familiar pattern. We all know how “COVID cases” are counted: You have terminal cancer, you test positive for COVID in your last days, therefore you died of COVID. Same goes with old age and a variety of ailments and maladies. You also have COVID? You’re listed as a COVID case.

This is very different from the author’s understanding of how fatalities from other viruses, for eg the seasonal Influenza, are counted, where only direct cause counts a ‘flu death. With COVID, the “related” and “direct” although initially separated (at least here in NZ), soon became lumped together. One would almost suspect the Powers That Be were attempting to foment maximum fear, ahem…

So, one would guess India is no different. You show COVID symptoms? The PCR test indicates you have it? You are a COVID case.

But, many of these Indian COVID cases, like cases elsewhere, might just be suffering from other ailments in addition; possibly ailments of a potentially lethal nature. In India’s specific case, possibly parasitic?

Parasitic zoonotic diseases are prevalent throughout India at varying rates. First reports of zoonotic parasites and new emerging diseases have been recorded in both the human and animal populations in recent decades. The prevalence of zoonotic parasites is likely to be an underestimate, owing to the lack of proper surveillance and the shortage of information about the existence of asymptomatic animal carriers. Emergence of diseases such as human echinococcosis/hydatidosis, neurocysticercosis, cryptosporidiosis and toxoplasmosis in those with acquired immune deficiency syndrome, together with the re-emergence of cutaneous leishmaniosis, poses a serious threat in India and the prevention and control of these parasitic zoonoses, and others, is a great challenge.

Parasitic zoonoses in India: an overview – PubMed (nih.gov)

Another study found that:

Toilet facilities were utilized by 56% of the HHs, while 44% of the HHs resorted to open air defecation. The overall prevalence rate of intestinal parasitic infections was 15.19%. Parasitic infections due to protozoa were observed in 70.71% of the study participants. Helminth infections were detected in 25.71% of the participants, and multiple parasitic infections were detected in 3.57%. Diarrhea was the most common complaint (9.56%) in the study population….This study demonstrates that poor sanitation and inadequate environmental conditions are the main determining factors that predispose the population to intestinal parasites. Mass deworming programs are recommended for school children, as this population is easily accessible.

The prevalence of intestinal parasitic infections in the urban slums of a city in Western India – ScienceDirect

Therefore, in conclusion, it seems logical enough that many COVID patients had severe parasite-related illnesses. Give those patients Ivermectin, and regardless of whatever else they may be suffering from, they would surely have a much better fighting chance and certainly begin to feel much better. Hence; the Ivermectin doesn’t have to address the SARS CoV-2 infection directly, in order to have a beneficial effect on the patient’s overall health, leading to a recovery and thus natural immunity (plus freedom from parasitic infestation). Bingo: Ivermectin the wonder-cure, BUT only where COVID is exacerbated by parasitic infestation.

I would be very interested in feedback/reaction/critique, naturally. Remember this is purely a hypothesis and food for thought! Martin

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Martin Harris

I have a lovely partner and 3 very active youngsters. We live in the earthquake ravaged Eastern Suburbs of Christchurch, New Zealand. I began commenting/posting on Uncensored back in early 2012 looking for discussion and answers on the cause and agendas relating to our quakes. I have always maintained an interest in ancient mysteries, UFOs, hidden agendas, geoengineering and secret societies and keep a close eye on current world events. Since 2013 I have been an active member of theCONTrail.com community, being granted admin status and publishing many blogs and discussion threads. At this time I'm now helping out with admin and moderation duties here at Uncensored where my online "life" began.

2 thoughts on “Ivermectin and COVID: A Logical Hypothesis?

  1. interesting very interesting, what is not being mention is the fact of HOW is Covid Detected? Diagnosed…….

    1. Hi Rodolfo
      This blog is purely on the topic of the puzzling success of Ivermectin in India.
      I’ve addressed the methods used for the detection of COVID (and the hidden purposes and shortcomings in previous articles:

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