Eat up! “You don’t think people who hid behind face diapers and face shields are going to say no to a dinner of grasshoppers and cockroaches?”
by Mike Stone – (

Forbes recently ran a piece called “Eat Bugs! It’s What for Dinner.”
Why is a so-called financial magazine promoting bugs for dinner? The answer is conditioning. It’s how every “organic” movement begins. Grass roots is really astro turf.
Conditioning is how the whole tranny movement started. In 2007, Barbara Walters interviewed Jaron Bloshinsky, a ten-year-old boy who claimed to be a girl. That was the first step in getting the public to accept tranny mania. It was followed by a subtle increase in news stories about “transsexuals” and how they were accidentally born into the wrong bodies. Total nonsense, yet look at where we are today.

That’s how these agendas are pushed. They begin with what looks like a harmless question or an enlightened news story that’s put forth by the media in order to gauge public perception. Gradually those stories increase in number until the public is fully conditioned, then the push begins.
Bugs for dinner is the latest thing. It’s being heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum, and when Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum says, “Jump,” the presidents of major countries ask, “How high?”
Under pressure from the WEF, the European Union has declared meat carcinogenic. Their recommended replacement? Bugs.
Bill Gates has his hands all over eat bugs. He’s a major investor in Beyond Beef, a fake meat company. The more people he can convince to stop eating meat, the more money he will make.
Replacing meat with bugs is an issue that very few people are currently aware of. Mention it, and the average person will laugh out loud and not take you seriously. How blind they are. Like trannyism, they won’t see it until a plate of fried cockroaches is staring them right the face.
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