A recent revelation in Australian parliament reveals the creeping and insidious harnessing of school-age children as state informants.
“We’re coming for your children!” was the alarming chant heard loud and clear at one “Rainbow” march captured on video recently. As the LGBTQ+ movement is but one tentacle of a communist octopus, we should be looking all around for the various ways our young ones are being conditioned into turning against their families.
In the New Testament, Jesus is asked by a sarcastic detractor if he is come to rule over us as the ‘king of peace’, he retorts that he has come “as a sword”, an instrument of division. The harbinger of a time when sons will be turned against their fathers and daughters against their mothers. This should not be misunderstood as Jesus inciting violence and stirring hatred, more that his revisionist “new covenant’ will lead to a time when conflicting forces will tear families apart. I hardly need mention the ripping apart of families under the Covid exercise.
Ever heard of the Antinatalist movement? Where did this originate?
One of the openly stated goals of Marxism is the dismantling of the traditional “nuclear” family unit.
“Marx’s and Engels’ critique of the family consisted of three main elements:
(1) a depiction of the hypocrisy and inhumanity of the contemporary bourgeois
family; (2) the historicisation of the family, i.e. a historical account of the origins
and development of the family in the past; and (3) a vision of the future ‘family’ in
communist society. While Marx once alluded to a higher form of the family in
communist society, he and Engels usually wrote about the destruction,
dissolution, and abolition of the family. The relationships they envisaged for
communist society would have little or no resemblance to the family as it existed
in nineteenth-century Europe or indeed anywhere else. Thus it is certainly
appropriate to define their position as the abolition of the family. Only by
making the term family almost infinitely elastic can they be said to have
embraced merely a reformulation of the family”.
Marx-Engels-and-the-Abolition-of-the-Family.pdf (csustan.edu)
Thus comes forth the opponent.
And how does this opponent intend to carry out its intentions? By targeting your children, naturally.
It starts with a worthy cause. Environmental concerns. The cause is a hijacked. The dangers inflated to the level of paranoid alarmism. the world will end by the year 2030 if we don’t stop what our parents have wrought. Simplistic thinking for growing minds to absorb easily.

It’s effective. “Your parents and their parents before them have destroyed the planet: They are your enemy!” is the core message. You can beg, plead, cry and scream, they will not listen.
No, they won’t listen, but we, the State, hear your cries of anguish. We will be your new parents. We will help you save the world from annihilation by CO2.
That is but one of many ways the Globalist-Communist New World Order attempts to turn young ones against their parents.

The author recalls an incident where one of his youngsters (now home schooled) came home from school one day distraught over the imminent extinction of Polar Bears. Thankfully a few minutes of online research revealed the opposite. Polar Bears were endangered in the early 1950s when only a few thousand remained. Now their population is thriving and growing exponentially. So much for the education system: Fearmongering over facts, in the name of the 2030 (Socialist) agenda.
Don’t believe me? Then listen to Yuri. he tried to warn you back in the 80s.
And here is the latest underhanded little stunt to emerge from Australian government. Sneaking an “inform on your parents” question into a seemingly innocuous school survey.
We are right on the precipice of the chilling moment in Orwell’s 1984 when a brown-shirted youngster singles out Winston Smith as an enemy of the State.

“Winston is tormented by the fervent Parsons children, who, being Junior Spies, accuse him of thoughtcrime. The Junior Spies is an organization of children who monitor adults for disloyalty to the Party, and frequently succeed in catching them—Mrs. Parsons herself seems afraid of her zealous children.”
1984 Book One: Chapters II & III Summary & Analysis | SparkNotes
They are coming for your kids. Then your kids will come for you.

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