Starshield satellites can operate as a swarm in low orbits, offering the most pervasive real-time surveillance of human beings in history. These ‘low orbit satellite swarms’ are what we call drones.
Karen Kingston Dec 28, 2024
December 27, 2024: With the recent news buzz about the unverified drones hovering over towns and military bases throughout the United States, I believe this March 2024 Kingston Report on Elon Musk’s Starshield Global Surveillance drone system may present an alternative hypothesis as to what the drones are, and who they belong to.
March 18, 2024: On December 19, 2017, the Wall Street Journal published an article entitle, “How China’s Surveillance State Overwhelms Daily Life.” The article details how the Chinese government turned Xianjing, China into a, “…remote laboratory for its high-tech social controls. Security checkpoints with identification scanners guard the train station and roads in and out of town. Facial scanners track comings and goings at hotels, shopping malls and banks…” [and we all got a taste of it shortly afterwards with the Covid mandates and digital passports, which did not go down well with a significant minority! MH]
Not only are China’s 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week (24/7) surveillance policies and technologies highly invasive, many western nations consider the use of these surveillance systems as a violation of human rights. In August of 2022, a U.N. High Commissioner for human rights found that China’s policies on religion, biometric surveillance (i.e. public facial recognition cameras), DNA surveillance (human identification kits), criminal medical experimentation, and the overall 24/7 police surveillance of Xiangjiang residents were human rights violations, and in some cases, crimes against humanity.
Unfortunately for global citizens, a highly-advanced 24/7 surveillance system is currently being deployed on civilians in the United States of America and in other nations around the globe…
READ MORE: Are the Drones Part of Elon Musk’s Global Surveillance System?
![Musk Messiah](
Martin comments: While many of the alleged drone sightings are (as with previous UFO flaps) a result of hyped-up media reports getting everyone looking to the skies and misinterpreting helicopters and regular aircraft, there are a significant number of genuine sightings of military grade drones in places they ought not to be, and organized satellite swarms doing things we can only speculate about. Adding to the confusion might be a few “real UFOs” (Plasma-Based life forms?)
There may be a ‘space war” going on right now. CCP drones versus whatever tech we have up there. And possibly both versus the “Plasma blobs”.
And of course we here at Uncensored have been making connections between Elon Musk, Project Blue Beam and the New World Order for a few years now. yet another wacky conspiracy theory becoming reality before our eyes!
Is Elon Musk friend or foe? It gets increasingly difficult to tell who is on whose side.
And this from a whole FIVE YEARS AGO!
Regarding plasma-based ETs:
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