AUSTRALIA’S military will be given new far-reaching powers, including the ability to take control of terror incidents on home soil, under a national security overhaul. The Turnbull government is set to announce the sweeping terror law changes today. Under the changes, the army could block streets and kill terror suspects, […]
Times Change Out From Under Us Paul Craig Roberts He had lugged the 50 lb. bag of Milorganite into the garden in order to discover, as on many prior occasions, that he had nothing with which to open it. He blamed this on the war on terror and the TSA. […]
A senior member of President Trump’s personal legal team said Sunday that there was nothing improper in the meeting that Donald Trump Jr., the president’s oldest son, took with a Russian lawyer promising dirt on Hillary Clinton. “Well, I wonder why the Secret Service, if this was nefarious, why the […]
By Geller Report Staff – on July 14, 2017 U.S. Military Apparently, the military is still on a path of political activism because Army officials are actually putting out the word to their women recruits that they better get ready for showers with men — that gender, in the military, […]
Insert standard clause “not saying it’s aliens, but …” DAVE MOSHER, BUSINESS INSIDER 15 JUL 2017 Astronomers say they have detected “strange signals” coming from the direction of a small, dim star located about 11 light-years from Earth. Researchers picked up the mysterious signals on May 12 using the Arecibo […]
With trinkets and commemorative items on sale, Turkey celebrates the anniversary of the failed Coup. With his “emergency powers” Erdogan seems untouchable, and has himself marked this anniversary with the purge of thousands of workers, and some grim remarks: “TURKEY’S president addressed tens of thousands of people at a ceremony […]
Glenn Greenwald Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and one of the founding editors of The Intercept. His recent piece for The Intercept is headlined “As Momentum Grows to Remove Brazil’s President, New Pressure Campaign Sparks Rage.” Transcript This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. AMY GOODMAN: […]
Exclusive: As a backdrop to the Russia-gate hysteria and the heightened fear of China is a budget war over how much U.S. taxpayer money to pour into space warfare, explains Jonathan Marshall. By Jonathan Marshall There’s a civil war being fought on our nation’s soil, right in our capital. […]
Jul 14 Robots are inventing their own languages The programming and design of artificial intelligence by Jon Rappoport July 14, 2017 Along with assurances that we’re facing an imminent takeover of industrial production by robots and other artificial intelligence (AI), we’re also being told that AI can develop its own […]
ESSENTIAL VIEWING! Fascinating new presentation From Chomsky. What kind of world are we leaving for our children?