After seeing these sites, we wondered? satellite and infra-red images – Weather News “I’m not looking forward to this trip,” Bush said as he toured Alabama and Mississippi and headed for Louisiana. “It’s as if the entire Gulf Coast were obliterated by the worst kind of weapon you […]
Source: 9/11: “IF YOU’RE IN DOUBT…CHECK IT OUT!” 1) Info supporting 9/11 as Psy-War Hoax The following is a list of about 30 links to excellent material:
The plan to draw up a list of historical events that people can be prosecuted for celebrating is a sign of a leader losing his grip Simon Jenkins Friday September 23, 2005 Source: The Guardian At last history hits pay dirt. For years it was pap for television. The nation’s […]
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Source: “The primary job of the military, FEMA, and Homeland Security is not to protect the American people in times of emergency but to protect the government in times of emergency and keep it functioning. Their primary assignment is, not to rescue people, but to control them…If there are […]
Iraqi police recently caught two terrorists with a car full of explosives. Would it surprise you to learn they were British Special Forces? By Matt Hutaff Sep 20, 2005 Source: The story sounds amazing, almost fantastical. A car driving through the outskirts of a besieged city opens fire on […]
FEMA’S BLUEPRINT FOR MARTIAL LAW / REX 84 The Cheney/Bush administrationhas a plan which would accommodate the detention of large numbers of American citizens during times of emergency. The plan is called REX 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984. Through Rex-84 an undisclosed number of concentration camps were set in operation […]
UK ‘Undercover Soldiers’ Driving Booby-Trapped Car By Michel Chossudovsky Global Research Editor 9-21-5 The following Reuters report raises some disturbing questions. Why were undercover British soldiers wearing traditional Arab headscarves firing at Iraqi police?
Source: WhatDoesItMean.Com By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Russian Subscribers Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that the Military Leaders of the United States have ordered their Internal Military Forces to redeploy to ‘Ready Position Ophelia’ in anticipation of what Russian Scientists are reporting as an impending cataclysmic […]
Earthpulse Press The questions you’ve always wanted answers to, but were too afraid to ask…