Short memories. Government relies on it. Who remembers the big selling point of the Trump 2016 election campaign? Something about a wall…border control… Even CNN remembers! I remember the mid-terms when the Republicans were hobbled in their wall-building endeavors, and I remember when Biden tottered into the Oval Office and […]
Meltdown News
The official representative of the Chinese Ministry of Defense, Wu Qian, said that the PLA is ready, together with the Russian Armed Forces, to defend justice in the world. via Inconvenient Truths by Jennifer Zeng Wu Qian stressed that the Chinese armed forces are willing to work together with […]
The Great Gloat began yesterday for yours truly when a lefty workmate got the notification he’d been waiting for on his spyphone and couldn’t wait to tell any Trump fan within a kilometer radius the joyous news. I simply gave him a look of pity. Once Pandora’s box is opened […]
Robert Kennedy Jr. says the 34-count felony conviction against Trump is going to “backfire” on Democrats. THE VIGILANT FOX MAY 31 He says, “The Democratic Party believes it has a candidate that can’t beat President Trump and that they need to do it in the court.” “I think that’s bad for our […]
Right on the cusp of WW3 and with Iran a solid partner with Russia and the CCP, this happens… President Raisi’s helicopter crashes in Iran: What we know so far A helicopter carrying Iran’s President Ebrahim Raisi and the foreign minister crashed while travelling back from East Azerbaijan. Iranian President […]
News we simply don’t hear in the mainstream. Putin may or may not have been a target, but Jennifer Zeng’s report and footage is important nevertheless as the New World Order continues to take shape. SEE ALSO: Meanwhile, I can attest to the spectacular auroral displays over Christchurch skies last […]
Can you feel it too? Over the past few weeks, I have heard from so many readers that are deeply troubled about economic conditions where they live. In some cases, sales are way down. In other cases, it seems almost impossible to find a decent job. It is almost as […]
The regime of Volodymyr Zelensky in Ukraine is running out of Eastern European bodies to funnel into the meat grinder of war with Russia, so Kiev is attempting to get more by forcing all military-age Ukrainian men currently living outside the country to return home in order to renew their visas. Ethan […]
Red Heifers are big news in Judeo-Christian fundamentalist circles right now. In fact there’s a considerable amount drooling enthusiasm about the thought of ushering in Armageddon. For a couple of weeks its all been under the radar via alt. media, but now its breaking into the mainstream news as this […]
…and on and on it goes. The report below is the only one I’ve found so far that gives the information and available data on the Israel attack on Iran today without screaming hysterics. In fact the story is delivered with almost surreal calm. MH Israel Strikes Iran From: Weeb […]