[ This is a nifty animation about what happens when you export most of your industry to Asia and then keep practising usury … https://cohort11.americanobserver.net/latoyaegwuekwe/multimediafinal.html … reminds me of that old Rolling Stones song … and if you play the mp3 while you watch the animation it really works. ]
Source: opednews.com Most people on the planet know that Congress and the Obama administration have not yet really tried to investigate the corruption on wal-street (caustic pun and metaphor intended) and/or bring the cabal of criminals to justice –plus enact laws such as another Glass-Steagall Act to prevent another such […]
[ Dubai is where those evil fu*ks from Halliburton relocated their offices – when they got sick of paying taxes. This from Brasscheck TV ] For years the news media has portrayed Dubai as a wonderland. Now, it’s being held up as an example of extravagance. The missing part of […]
High Quality || Part 1 of 10 [youtube]r3OedIuaZto[/youtube] [youtube]dR0SfMG8aDs[/youtube] [youtube]gKKdC73Pdbc[/youtube] [youtube]1V0ugZQowXU[/youtube] [youtube]XBSxRA4qjo4[/youtube] [youtube]_i5Eoa5Bmus[/youtube] [youtube]oMdcEN-2j3E[/youtube] [youtube]7TOh67R3aZc[/youtube] [youtube]CoxNgPngNQY[/youtube] [youtube]YlYi2O2cLdY[/youtube] [youtube]
[youtube]Q8EKGtf_YrY[/youtube] In an unprecedented defeat for the Federal Reserve, an amendment to audit the multi-trillion dollar institution was approved by the House Finance Committee with an overwhelming and bipartisan 43-26 vote on Thursday afternoon despite harried last-minute lobbying from top Fed officials and the surprise opposition of Chairman Barney Frank […]
NEW YORK (Reuters) – Sooner or later, office buildings and other commercial real estate financed during the credit bubble will generate hurricane-scale losses for banks. Banks in recent years have been hammered by losses on home mortgages, buyouts and corporate defaults. Now, lenders face big losses from loans backed by […]
… it’s not a pretty picture. invasions … bombings … overthrowing governments … occupations … suppressing movements for social change … assassinating political leaders … perverting elections … manipulating labor unions … manufacturing “news” … economic and political sanctions … death squads … torture … biological warfare … depleted uranium […]
By Jeff Clark of Casey Research As you read this, the Chinese government is doing an extraordinary thing… something nearly unheard of in the modern world. It is encouraging citizens to put at least 5% of their savings into precious metals. The Chinese government is telling people gold and silver […]