On Peter Lavelle’s CrossTalk, Israel critic Norman Finkelstein faces off against a formidable spokesperson of Israel’s ‘soft power’.
James Petras argues that Mossad’s murder of a Palestinian official in Dubai using stolen European passports presages an era of chaos in international relations and makes every European travelling in the Middle East suspected of links with Israeli death squads. On 19 January Israel’s international secret police, the Mossad, sent […]
Link here Tip: Use fullscreen option and zoom functions https://www.scribd.com/doc/2567299/EliteConspiracyTopUNSecret425pagesShareWorldwide
1,044 Architects & Engineers demand a new 9/11 WTC investigation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=agqfH8p0Yho The press conference was held concurrently in 19 states + Washington DC, 3 continents, 6 countries, 38 cities and 48 locations on 2/19/10. Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth https://www.ae911truth.org/ Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth – Press Conference […]
War is a legal way to rob the tax payers. Video: https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/103.html
The information age is a mere four decades old and is constantly changing our view of ourselves. This program is for those who are curious about this continously emerging portrait of our species. It is also for those who suspect that a lack of human portraits in our culture has […]
[ … because no-one else is going to do it … ] Zionist occupation has launched a campaign aiming to boost the entity’s image abroad even as it finds itself in the middle of an international uproar over the suspected role of the Zionist spies in the assassination of a […]
At times like these, I envy the people who passionately, frankly, with all their hearts, despise Israel. Hate Israel enough, and the Jewish state’s failings and blunders, its self-satisfied blindness and its resultant self-destructive policies, cause not pain, but delight. Hate Israel enough, and you’re spared all inclination to try […]
The fighting is still underway in the town of Marjah, in what is being described as the first battle in Obama’s War in Afghanistan, or alternatively as the biggest battle of the US War in Afghanistan. But already, the US has lost that battle. It lost it from day one, […]