I like Max Keiser. He likes the idea of guillotines for Wall Street bankers and their political supporters. Hey, it worked for the French. [ these people are not French. These people are Wall Street bankers and their political supporters. ] Watch video here
[ Personally, I don’t like or use the phrase ‘Conspiracy Theory’. It’s just too broad to be of any use. I realised this – when this guy was asking me about the events of September 11 but within the context of the Apollo Moon Landings. And, just like a memory […]
GENEVA (AFP) – UN human rights experts warned in a report on Wednesday that “widespread and systematic” secret detention of terror suspects was continuing and could pave the way for charges of crimes against humanity. The report listed 66 countries that have allegedly been involved in secret detentions — from […]
Pro-democracy protests in Iran top the news agenda, but similar tensions in Egypt pass unreported Egyptian plain-clothes policemen detain a demonstrator in Mahala, April 2008. Here’s a thought experiment: pick a random Middle Eastern country led by an unpopular autocrat whose legitimacy is being challenged by a growing wave of […]
Clearing out the high power analog tv emissions will improve signal to noise ratio for RFID emitting in the 700MHz band, and potentially allow passive satellite tracking of these RFID signals. I’m thinking about getting a stainless steel wallet to protect against having any “enhanced” RFID cards tracked or skimmed […]
New cyber-monitoring measures have been quietly introduced giving police and Security Intelligence Service officers the power to monitor all aspects of someone’s online life. The measures are the largest expansion of police and SIS surveillance capabilities for decades, and mean that all mobile calls and texts, email, internet surfing and […]
The Millenial Perspective Student kicked out of school, undergoes psych evaluation for drawing Jesus on cross Date: 12/15/2009 11:01:25 AM Elijah Friedeman, the Millennial Perspective This is outrageous. When told by his teacher to draw something that reminded him of Christmas, this kid drew a picture of Jesus on the cross. […]
Source: https://kiwisfirst.co.nz/ Increasing reports of court registrars and judges preventing parties access to NZ Courts have raised concerns within the New Zealand Human Rights Commission. Commissioner Director Rosslyn Noonan admitted to kiwisfirst that complaints have increased significantly since the loss of the Privy Council and that ensuring access to the courts […]