A “must watch” speech from Senator Pat Toomey ‘Where Would A Person Even Come Up With These Ideas?’ Toomey Points To Soviet Upbringing Of Nominee Forbes Breaking News919K subscribers Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA) took to the Senate floor on Wednesday to discuss the candidacy of Saule Omarova to run the […]

“We are all just monkeys with money and guns” Tom Waits. Gary King: “Hello, I am a robot.” Reverend Green: “It means slave. And believe me, they are not slaves”. World’s End. Somebody has strapped a sniper rifle to the back of a quadrupedal robot dog. An image shared on Twitter by military robot maker […]

College football country hasn’t been kind to President Joe Biden since the season kicked off. The trend of anti-Biden chants from fans continued amid an offensive slugfest between the Ole Miss Rebels and Arkansas Razorbacks. Adam DobrerThe Post MillennialMon, 11 Oct 2021  Despite the dismissiveness of the establishment press, who tried […]

If you believe in a “Deep State” embedded in the US government, then you’re falling down the conspiracy “rabbit hole,” the Washington Post claims. Yet the Post believes this theory too. It just doesn’t call it a ‘Deep State’. RTFri, 08 Oct 2021 Nine in 10 Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory, researchers found earlier this […]

President Biden was slammed over the weekend and Monday after claiming his Build Back Better agenda “costs zero dollars” in a Saturday tweet.  “My Build Back Better Agenda costs zero dollars,” the president tweeted from his official account. “Instead of wasting money on tax breaks, loopholes and tax evasion for big corporations […]

Does this science fiction narrative look a teansy bit familiar…? Of course it’s “just Coincidence”, right? V(Fallen)-The Vax is designed to build a following that may actually hide a more malevolent agenda, (bitchute.com) One that twists a very deep component of human nature: devotion. R6 is a compound created by […]

While President Joe Biden is using a legally questionable statute to enforce what is essentially a vaccine mandate on the American workforce, members of Congress, their staffs, and anyone who works in Congress will reportedly be exempt from the mandate. Chris EnloeThe BlazeSat, 11 Sep 2021 What is the background? […]
