A Virginia school is under fire after video footage showed a teacher berating a student for refusing to acknowledge racial differences. The teacher’s Critical Race Theory sermon is not the only woke scandal to hit the district. RTTue, 30 Mar 2021 Located on the outskirts of Washington, DC, the Loudoun […]

Ecce nova facio omnia -Rev 21:5 by Carlo Maria Viganò, Archbishop (excerpts by henrymakow.com) original is five times this length The pseudo-pandemic gives us the picture … of a … disturbing criminal conspiracy hatched by misguided minds…  It must be recognized that the apparent illogicality of what we see happening – the […]

The Chinese are winning the war against The West without firing a single bullet. Asymmetrical warfare techniques clearly work. MH On Friday, Chinese forces committed their largest ever incursion into Taiwanese airspace, and in the Middle East, Iran rebel militias are attacking Saudi oil fields and building up missile stockpiles. […]

Few phenomena have had a profound impact on a global level as quickly as the current corona outbreak. In no time, human life has been completely reorganised. I asked Mattias Desmet, Psychotherapist and Professor of Clinical Psychology at Ghent University, how this is possible, what the consequences are, and what […]

Shocking scenes obtained by Veritas. Project Veritas895K subscribers Donate: https://www.projectveritas.com/donate​ Get emails: https://confirmsubscription.com/h/j/E…​ Follow: Telegram: https://t.me/project_veritas​ FB: https://www.facebook.com/ProjectVeritas​ IG: https://www.instagram.com/project_ver…​ Telegram: https://t.me/JamesOKeefeIII​ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/jamesokeefeiii​ IG: https://www.instagram.com/jamesokeefe…​ Mission Statement Investigate & expose corruption, dishonesty, self-dealing, waste, fraud, and other misconduct in both public and private institutions in order to achieve a […]

In what may become the most unexpected and, perhaps, unwanted political comebacks in American political history, U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris, who never inspired much confidence on the 2020 presidential campaign trail, may soon find herself, through default, the next president of the United States. Should the world start praying […]

“There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe, and it has a longer shelf life.” ― Frank Zappa TheCrowhouse  51499 subscribers  http://thecrowhouse.comTheCrowhouse YouTube Archive on AltCensored:https://www.altcensored.com/channel/UCegOTmclzjfKuQh0SHflqwwBitChute https://… Support The Crowhouse: https://www.patreon.com/maxiganCrypto-currencies:Bitcoin: bc1q8cjrfzjwzr6z5maxvp4d2p6arwtguj5c9fcea7Monero: 47aohp7p1Ci7uU44NqgpezLVG7uxCuo1dSwGBYv935aVDPw9MSeEwksey5MJRyBU7jQfHtPjcTN5b2zo29MXnpzu7h751cB Melbourne scientists create first artificial human embryo out of skin cellshttps://www.skynews.com.au/details/_6241376363001 Would you eat an insect burger?https://www.facebook.com/BBCOne/videos/would-you-eat-an-insect-burger/2408547029223025/ Amazon Onehttps://one.amazon.com/ […]

Wars and Rumors of Wars – BREAKING NEWS: ALL RUSSIA-NATO CONTACTS NOW “CUT-OFF” — FIERCE MILITARY CLASHES BEGIN IN EASTERN UKRAINE WORLD NEWS DESK 18 MARCH 2021 All contacts between Russia and NATO were suddenly and completely cut-off today, just hours after the United States “warned” all entities working on the NORDStream-2 pipeline to […]
