Here’s the Democrats “new look” with a certain Middle Eastern flavor! Yes, this is a photoshopped image and intended as humorous satire. But lest you are inclined to think “will never happen”… This is neither photoshopped nor a joke. (And no, she isn’t a devotee of Islam, nor a believer […]

In 2018, nearly a year after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, reports surfaced that piles of food and supplies were left to rot in semi truck trailers, and ended up eaten by rats and other vermin. Date: January 21, 2020 Author: Nwo Report Source: Gateway Pundit This was while San Juan […]

President Vladimir Putin has introduced changes which could dramatically affect Russia’s international image and respond to decades-long criticism of the country’s political path from the global mainstream media, say international observers discussing the president’s historic decision. SputnikWed, 15 Jan 2020 21:53 UTC Addressing lawmakers, ministers and other high-ranking officials on […]
