INSIGHT-Evidence grows for narcolepsy link to GSK swine flu shot Tue Jan 22, 2013 7:39am EST By Kate Kelland, Health and Science Correspondent Jan 22 (Reuters) – Emelie Olsson is plagued by hallucinations and nightmares. When she wakes up, she’s often paralysed, unable to breathe properly or call for help. […]


  Blows Against Big Pharma and Its Vaccine Culture Fortress Catherine J. Frompovich, Contributor Activist Post Do you hear it happening? Do you hear the emerging discontent within the infrastructure that, up-until-now, Big Pharma was capable of preventing from happening around their ‘sacred cows’—vaccines and pharmaceuticals, aka legal drugs? How […]


If you’re looking for a deeply scientific treatise on the flu shot, this isn’t it. I’m not a chemist, a physician or someone with an advanced degree in biology. I’m just a mom with an internet connection. I’m a person who has researched and compiled an assortment of worrisome facts […]

Vaccine Industry In a Panic… Over Pending UN Removal of Mercury in Vaccine Action… Opinion by Consumer Advocate  Tim Bolen Monday, December 17th,  2012 More Articles About Vaccine Issues The Attack on Mark and David Geier… Why Was The Word-Wide Vaccine industry So Panicked Over The Geiers Addressing the UNEP […]

Official Vaccinated vs Unvaccinated study finally being done. Please read this and donate to the effort. – Suzanne Humphries, MD – December 3, 2012   Parents say vaccines cause autism and autoimmune diseases and many other acute or chronic disease. The question is: is there any truth to this? How […]


 Congressional Autism Hearing: Take Note By Cathy Jameson Psst, did you hear that? Congress talked about autism.  Not just any old autism, but the autism that has increased by 1,000%.  And that it has something to do with vaccines and not “better detecting”.  The autism that has something to do […]
