CAL Cargo Airlines, based at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv, began operations in June 1976, with two 747-200Fs leased from El Al.
China seems to be leading the way with the introduction of facial recognition tech, and you can be sure the civilised world will follow. Xi Jinping certainly got it right in proclaiming his nation as top dog in the New World Order pack!
While Wall Street Crumbles, China builds fortresses!
Inevitably, humans will be next. “Clone Wars” isn’t just something from Star Wars. Ethical issues aside, if primates can be bred with specific genetic traits, so can humans. Remorseless, brutal super soldiers could be cloned to order once the cloning tech is perfected (unless the Military Black World hasn’t secretly […]
Something has changed dramatically. First the “thaw” in North/South Korea relationships, and now Trump’s shift in tone towards North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
“Bigass fight”? Military Intelligence code for “Impending conflict” I guess….. Is this just a General’s pep talk, saber rattling nonsense, or is it time to head for the bunkers? Think For Yourself.
Benjamin Haas in Hong Kong Wednesday 13 December 2017 04.53 GMT Last modified on Wednesday 13 December 2017 11.41 GMT Chinese authorities are collecting DNA samples, fingerprints and other biometric data from every resident in a far western region, Human Rights Watch has said. Officials are also building a database […] At about 3 a.m. Halloween morning, senior Pentagon officials gathered around television monitors to watch the live feed of a high-stakes, experimental weapon test—the launch from Hawaii of a hypersonic glide vehicle, a pointy contraption carrying the hopes of U.S. military leaders to beat China and Russia in the […]
Trump is providing sensational fodder for the MSM yet again: ReTweeting “Far Right” videos to open up discussion about Muslim extremism. Paranoia-mongering or valid concerns? Terror can come from within as well as from outside, regardless of what walls one builds. Should we start “walling” the internet? Novus Ordo […] President Xi Jinping hailed a “new era” for China in his speech at a pivotal Communist Party meeting yesterday (Oct. 18), an event that also effectively marks the start of his next five years in power (at least). He actually hailed it no less than 36 times in the […]