The United States now has attributes of the 20th century totalitarian regimes that it opposed. The New York governor is implementing the hated Soviet internal passport that prevents freedom of movement, and the illegitimate Biden regime is working with private firms to create a nationwide internal passport. Paul Craig Roberts […]


A Totally Lawless Regime By PAUL CRAIG ROBERTS Think about this question: In the 21st century what regime is more lawless than the Bush Regime? Everyone is entitled to his own answer. The only answer I can come up with is the Zimbabwe regime of Robert Mugabe. Voted out of […]

1 Why Oil Prices Are So High A Weak Dollar, Bad Fed Policies and Hedge Fund Speculators By Paul Craig Roberts 6-14-8 How to explain the oil price? Why is it so high? Are we running out? Are supplies disrupted, or is the high price a reflection of oil company […]
