‘Woke’ Teacher is living proof that sometimes you CAN judge a book by its cover… ‘Anarchist’ Middle School English Teacher Admits He Wants to ‘Burn Down the Entire System’ After Previously Being Exposed for ‘Woke’ Indoctrination of Students … ‘F**k’ the Parents … ‘I’m Your Parent Now’ Project Veritas Project […]

Nuclear annihilation is a step closer, but what about global warming? Woke morons panic over a hiccup in the narrative. ‘Global warming religion’ is going ‘out the window’ Sky News Australia2.24M subscribers Sky News host Andrew Bolt says the Russia-Ukraine conflict has caused the “global warming religion” to go “out […]

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s a pleasure to be in Auckland for the 28th New Zealand First Party Conference. It is our intention and mission to remain the most successful political party outside of National and Labour in the last three decades. So many scribes have tried, and continue to, write […]

Following an intense wave of backlash, the Coca-Cola Company has suspended an aggressive “diversity” plan that called for anti-white racial quotas and other racist initiatives. Ethan Huff – Natural News May 8, 2021 The change was made almost immediately after Coke’s former general counsel Bradley Gayton abruptly resigned last month after less […]

Great advice for those struggling to argue logically and objectively against the illogical and subjective convictions of the “Cancel Culture” Critical Theory brigade. MH Grace DanielThe American MindMon, 03 May 2021 Wherever, however, don’t back down… Most “cancel culture” stories are brutal and alarming. It seems no one is safe […]
