Take your computer in to the police station for it’s annual inspection Comrade! “consumers are entitled to run applications and use services of their choice, subject to the needs of law enforcement.” Read the last seven words again. FBI to get veto power over PC software? September 27, 2005 11:37 […]

OK, let’s get real here.  Burning hydrocarbons (and anything else) removes free oxygen not only from us to breathe, but from the ozone. Hence, the ozone “hole”(planetary hypoxia). Many viru- implicated illnesses get on with their job anaerobically (without oxygen). Cancer, for example. Free energy (no fuel, just drawing energy […]

Mon Dec 5, 1:34 AM ET The Australian parliament is poised to adopt new counter-terrorism laws, despite a last-minute warning from the country’s leading jurists group that the legislation is “as terrifying as terrorism itself”. The bill, which allows for the secret preventive detention of terrorist suspects for up to […]
