9 Mar 2006 Arctic Beacon By Greg Szymanski Journalists To Be Jailed For Speaking Out Against “Little Hitler Bush;” Slats Grobnik Gets National Security Letter, Too! Doug Thompson reported how he was sent a letter by the FBI to turn over records about his popular Capitol Hill Blue web site. […]

03/09/06 “The Independent” William Buckley Jnr These are the right-wing intellectuals who demanded George Bush invade Iraq. Now they admit they got it wrong. Are you listening, Mr President?

03/09/06 “Cyprus Mail” By Gwynne Dyer The biggest pitfall in predicting the behavior of radical groups like the inner circle of the Bush administration is that you keep telling yourself that they would never actually do whatever it is they’re talking about. Surely they must realize that acting like that […]

https://www.rense.com/general69/assp.htm New Cancer Study Obligates FDA To Recall Aspartame From Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum 2-28-6 OPEN LETTER TO FDA – VIA CERTIFIED MAIL DELANEY AMENDMENT: If a product causes cancer in animals it cannot be put in food! The late FDA Toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross, testified to the Senate: “In […]
