We all trust vaccines in this kind of context when a Rockefeller has said that the elite want to reduce the world population by a third to a half now? https://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1263677258215075609 11 10 2007 Sarah Muench The Arizona Republic Oct. 11, 2007 12:00 PM Chandler health officials are asking residents […]

Thursday, 15 November 2007, 5:12 pm Link here Stateside With Rosalea Barker An Interview with Dennis Kucinich, November 8, 2007 Ohio Congressman Dennis Kucinich with a pocket version of the document he believes gives Americans the tool to protect themselves against excesses of executive power: the Constitution of the United […]

7:46AM Thursday November 15, 2007 Link to Herald A lawyer for a man arrested in last month’s police anti-terrorism raids has filed contempt of court complaint against Fairfax newspapers for running leaked evidence in the case. Jeremy Bioletti said he had filed a complaint with the Solicitor-General, Dr David Collins. […]

Link to Herald Article 5:00AM Thursday November 15, 2007 By Claire Trevett and Mike Houlahan National Party leader John Key yesterday shrugged off news his life had been threatened, saying he did not intend letting “one or two people who inhabit the fringes of New Zealand society” stop him from […]

Endgame: Blueprint for Global Enslavement Prison Planet Wednesday, November 14, 2007 After our push to vault Endgame up the Amazon rankings in order to expose the vital information contained on the DVD to new people, Endgame is now sitting pretty at number three on the most popular documentaries list. Endgame […]
