Month: December 2022 By Hilary White LONDON, August 26, 2008 ( – Crisis pregnancy centres, as well as doctors, nurses and midwives, may be subject to prosecution and a two-year jail sentence if they convince a woman to forego an abortion. Under a proposed amendment to the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Bill, […]
Apparently nobody in the halls of power learned anything from the MeNZB fiasco. So here we go again. Pay particular attention to the admission that nobody tested this vaccine for its carcinogenicity (whether it can CAUSE cancer) or its "genotoxic potential" (toxicity to DNA). Download HPV Flyer PDF 604KB
Gardasil – 18 Dead, Thousands Suffer Complications Growing opposition and flat sales trigger Gardasil manufacturer Merck stock sell-off By Thaddeus M. Baklinski July 8, 2008 ( – The public interest group Judicial Watch recently obtained more than 8,000 reports, under the US Freedom of Information law, of adverse events in […]
As some will know already who read the story in Uncensored Magazine last year, I was wrongly diagnosed as delusional by the psychiatric staff of Ward 7 at Northland Base Hospital and held against my will for 11 days, because I maintained that 9/11 was the work of criminal elements […]
Gardasil Meets Measles: A Coincidence? by Barbara Loe Fisher The bad news about GARDASIL vaccine keeps getting worse and it was only a matter of time before government health officials promoted an "epidemic" to deflect attention from GARDASIL risks and create an excuse to point accusing […] “It is easy to ignore the storm if you look at the opposite horizon. When the storm reaches your location there can be no more ignorance.” I hate to tell you, but the storm has reached your location and it is a Category 5 hurricane. The levees are leaking. […] The plan for an economic takedown, the results of rampant market speculations, insiders picking up assets for pennies on the dollar, the coming hyperinflation, the credit crunch, collapse of the dollar carry trade, suppression of metals prices, American meddling in Georgia The Big Sting Two is now being implemented […] Debunking NIST’s conclusions about WTC 7 is as easy as shooting fish in a barrel. Symmetrical Collapse NIST lamely tried to explain the symmetrically collapse as follows: WTC 7’s collapse, viewed from the exterior (most videos were taken from the north), did appear to fall almost uniformly as […] After a very productive time (working, not playing) in Hawaii, I believe that the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor is an apt metaphor for what awaits Barack Obama if he becomes the Democrat’s official nominee. Michelle’s “whitey” tape and the controversy over his birth certificate are the least of […]