By Clare Swinney Peter Power of Visor Consultants, who openly admitted during a BBC interview shortly after the London bombings of July the 7th 2005, that he was running an exercise for a company of over a thousand people in London based on simultaneous bombs going off precisely at the […]
Month: April 2023
BY JULIE SMITH (Timaru, NZ) Being the mother of a ten your old daughter I was curious when I initially heard Helen Clarke announce the government was implementing a $180 million HPV vaccination programme for our daughters. Having investigated the meningococcal vaccine and seeing how our Ministry of Health was […]
A rather interesting paper, indeed.
The Corbett Report is pleased to announce the latest instalment of the podcast which is now available for download from the homepage: Here is the latest from James Corbett in Japan. Episode 082 Goodbye Australia Look out, says J.D. Rockefeller IV! The internets is coming for you! Don’t worry, […]
International Business Editor says “Conspiracy theorists will love it” Steve Watson Saturday, April 4, 2009 The international business editor of the London Telegraph has today penned a piece admitting that the fallout of the G20 summit sets the stage for a global central bank and a global fiat currency. […]
This is the latest dispatch from HealthFreedomUSA (5th of April 2009): URGENT! In This Issue: Food Fascism and Codex Alimentarius The Link between HR 875 and the New World Order Index: The General’s Communiqué Action Item Legal Eagle: Health Freedom White Paper Video Report on NSF-Europe April 29 – Is […]
This demolishes the official story that “no evidence” exists for explosive/pyrotechnic materials in the WTC buildings. Yet more evidence to add to the mountain that shows that 9/11 was an inside job! 9/11: Active Thermitic Material CONFIRMED! From LATRUTH.Com Dr. Steven Jones Formally published in a peer-reviewed Chemical Physics journal, […]
April 02, 2009 “Information Clearing House” — These are extraordinary times. With the United States and Britain on the verge of bankruptcy and committing to an endless colonial war, pressure is building for their crimes to be prosecuted at a tribunal similar to that which tried the Nazis at Nuremberg. […]
Youtube Friday, April 3, 2009 Peter Power, the “crisis management expert” who ran drills of the very events of the London bombings on the morning of 7/7 as they were happening, told the BBC that some companies used the shut down of the city on Wednesday as a dress rehearsal […]
Aaron Dykes / Jones Report Friday, April 3, 2009 The State of New York Division of Cemeteries has sent out “Mass Fatality forms” to cemeteries in that state to collect data about their ability to deal with the high volume of casualties that would occur if their were a flu […]