Jim Marrs Presents 9/11 Truth in 10 Minutes

He “quickly lays out every main point that demonstrates 9/11 was an inside job”


Excerpts from the article “Who Is Truly Behind the Attack on America” by Jim Marrs

As in the case of the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, the key to understanding the event lies not in who actually committed the violence but rather who was able to strip away the normal security protection.

…Watch for more anti-terrorist legislation to further shred the U.S. Constitution.

As we all scramble to deal with the effects of terrorism, are we in danger of losing our few remaining individual liberties?

…the biggest threat comes from the inner elite of the globalist societies. Within hours of the attack, the television and radio airwaves were full of ranking Council on Foreign Relations members, such as Henry Kissinger, Wesley Clark, Alexander Haig and Strobe Talbot. Talbot, President Clinton’s deputy secretary of state, told Time magazine in 1992, “In the next century [today], nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority.”

The full article can be read here: https://www.attackonamerica.net/jimmarrs.htm

Dr. Stanley Monteith interview with Jim Marrs on Radio Liberty (5/30/03)


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Jonathan Barnett ~ Forensic Engineer For WTC7 Collapse

Wed Jun 30 , 2010
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