[ What Really Happened.com is running a lot of interesting 911 materials at the moment. This from the excellent Washington’s Blog ] 9/11 Commissioners: The 9/11 Commission’s co-chairs said that the 9/11 Commissioners knew that military officials misrepresented the facts to the Commission, and the Commission considered recommending criminal charges […]


Source: https://colinandrews.net/StrangenessOnM6-England2008.html Astounding incident on the M6 motorway in England. Two woman exhibit telepathic connection and super human abilities, some would say demonic. A shocking case which some believe was a scheduled event which even the police became part of. Some think that the woman were not of this Earth and others that […]

[ a scorching little belter from the days when the biggest threat to the human race was something called ‘Y2K’ ] [youtube]Nc0zDfH1jog[/youtube] [ … & the good news is that Skunk Anansie are getting their band back together again ]
