New England Journal of Medicine Hammers Chemo, Applauds Alternative Cancer Therapy

Forgotten breakthrough!
New England Journal of Medicine Hammers Chemo,
Applauds Alternative Cancer Therapy
December 26th, 2002 (Note the date – Ed.)
Who would have believed that the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine would APPLAUD an Alternative Cancer Therapy, and in the same article, BLAST chemotherapy, as worthless?
Well, it happened.
in the December 12th, 2002 issue, in a review by James Spencer Malpas, M.D., D.Phil. St. Bartholomew’s Hospital London EC1A 7BE, UK.
You can find the article in the Journal at, if you’re willing to fork over the ten bucks.
For those of you that don’t want to spend the ten, here are the quotes:
Quote #1 – “He found the evidence in favor of conventional treatment unconvincing and opted for such alternative therapies as Gerson therapy with its strict diet, vitamins, and enemas. High-dose vitamin C and high-dose vitamin D, both contraindicated in the orthodox treatment of multiple myeloma, were later added to the regimen. What is evident is that this was the right therapy for him.”
Quote #2 – “The irony of the whole situation is that a recent randomized trial of treatment for stage 1 multiple myeloma by Riccardi and colleagues (British Journal of Cancer 2000;82:1254-60) showed no advantage of conventional chemotherapy over no treatment.”
– Tim Bolen
Consumer Advocate


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Mon Mar 14 , 2011
Savely Yurkovsky MD a US doctor (whose book BIOLOGICAL, CHEMICAL AND NUCLEAR WARFARE – on surviving nuclear disasters, biological warfare etc) states that the standard Potassium Iodide (KI) pills issued to authorities in states with nuclear reactors contain 130 mg of KI each. This is the dose for adults 18 […]

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