Subject: Osama, Al-Qaeda, and the Mythology of the ‘War on Terror’
Ex-CIA officers expose that the CIA is the world’s largest terrorism operation https://www.brasschecktv.com/page/1094.html
Government Used medieval Torture Techniques Specifically Crafted to Produce FALSE Confessions As I noted in 2009: Senator Levin, in commenting on the Senate Armed Services Committee report on torture declassified today, drops the following bombshell: With last week’s release of the Department of Justice Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) … https://georgewashington2.blogspot.com/2011/05/debate-stopper-government-used.html
MP3: https://www.apfn.net/CC253/A001I110508-1508A.MP3 https://www.apfn.net/CC253/A002I110509-1006B.MP3 https://www.apfn.net/CC253/A003I110509-465C.MP3
Brief Biography: Hulet is periodically a consultant to The United States Justice Department’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives: U.S. Justice Department/Homelan Security; as well as other law-enforcement agencies State and Local; https://www.kcandassociates.org/
Pentagon doctored and released a short video clip, after it removed the audio track, claiming to show OBL. The biggest casualty of war on terrorism is the truth. The fake video clips prove nothing. Laden died in Dec 2001 of lung disease. Analyse the guy (Akbar Khan) holding the remote control in his right hand (Laden was left-handed!) and flips between channels. His eyebrows are different as is the shape of the nose and the width of the face. His Beard and mouth look different. This man in the video does not even look like Laden. The length from his thumb knuckle to the tip of his thumb is much longer than the one you’ll see of Bin Laden’s actual photo with his right hand raised. 9/11 has become the excuse, for everything from curtailing human rights, imperial interventions for greed, through to torture and suffering. It means another 9/11 style attack is almost ready to roll out.
Those who live close to the AbbottAbad house say that Bin Laden was never in that house. ‘I have lived here all my life. I have never seen Laden come or go from here. We are a close-knit community. At least we would have seen him once, but we did not.
US GOV continues to climb-down and backtrack on what really happened in Abbottabad on Sunday 01 May 2011. Whitehouse-Pentagon account of the way Osama Bin Laden was killed US Navy Seal commandos remains riddled with lies. A dramatic description of Laden using his wife as a “human shield” and forcing her to sacrifice her life also proved to be yet another lie. The alleged target was unarmed when he was killed, again. His last will was dated 14 Dec 2001. No credible sources have seen him alive after 14 Dec 2001. He was shot in the head for allegedly resisting arrest without any firearm! October 2008 Wikileaks files reveal US forces were stationed yards from the attacked house that is valued at much less than $300,000 and not $1 million as Americans claimed. Was Laden ever prosecuted/tried and convicted even in an American-Gitmo kangaroo court? CIA is set to recycle Laden’s old DNA tests. Who would verify undeniable, irrefutable evidence for 9/11 tragedy or the inside job? Voters don’t expect politicians to lie. Voters also expect media to expose liars, however, both gov and media lie.
All major terrorists, including Osama Bin Laden, are trained by the CIA. They are friends with US military leaders and serve as double agents. They are created by the US governments with the purpose of scaring the people into submission. US Government manufactures outside threats to control Americans and Europeans with fear — terrorists are created for this purpose. The internal American police state needs an excuse to crack down on Americans. The CIA-FBI lies. The US government lies. They use fear to control the population into reacting. American government is run by a globalist foreign banking cartel that create terrorist and then use it to control the world. The government can fake anything. They make fake videos, images and other documentary evidence.
“If … the US had been privy to bin Laden’s not-so-secret location since August 2010, how does one explain the ferocious drone campaign that took place from September to December of that year?” Fatima Bhutto wondered. “In the span of 102 days, an unprecedented 52 drone strikes were launched against Pakistan, none targeting Abbottabad or its environs,” Fatima added.
More and other analysis on/via profile page links, https://www.youtube.com/spsyed , https://spsyed.livejournal.com
The Bin Laden videos are fake and made for propaganda purposes to promote support for the US imperial policies of invasions, occupations and exploitation.
Abbottabad residents: Operation led by US military ‘a complete hoax’ – CCTV News video 04 May 2011 Reporter, Danial Khan: “Pakistani President Asif Ali Zardari has denied that Pakistan knew about Osama bin Laden’s presence in the country. And those who live close to this compound say that Osama bin Laden was never in that house. [Pakistan eyewitness:] ‘I have lived here all my life. I have never seen Osama bin Laden come or go from here. We are a close-knit community. At least we would have seen him once, but we did not. And even if he was killed, the Pakistani Army should have conducted this operation.’ Surprisingly, even the members of the anti-terrorist squad couldn’t confirm Bin Laden’s killing.
[Alleged] Al-Qaeda compound facing the wrecker’s ball –Sources have told The Sunday Age that demolition of the concrete buildings and high perimeter wall is being considered to stop it becoming a shrine. 08 May 2011 Pakistani authorities are reported to be considering demolishing Osama bin Laden’s hideout in the garrison town of Abbottabad to prevent it becoming a rallying point for extremists. While al-Qaeda [actually Al-Ciadah] has finally admitted bin Laden’s death, many Pakistanis are sceptical about claims the al-Qaeda chief was killed in the raid and question the White House’s decision not to release photos of his body. The US disposed of bin Laden’s body at sea so his grave wouldn’t become a shrine for extremists. But if the past few days are any guide, the al-Qaeda chief’s house has pulling power. [Heads up! Crime scene is about to go bye-bye even quicker than when Rudy Giuliani recycled and shipped the steel (evidence) from the control demolition exploded WTC!]