WTC Collapse / Demolition ~ Acceleration & Serendipity


This is a study of the overall downward acceleration of WTC1,

the North Tower of the World Trade Center.

During this investigation it was discovered

that the one feature that kept pace with the original acceleration of the roof-line

was a wave of ejections on the west wall.

A clearer, stabilized view of these ejections

that Chandler is discussing at 5.10 mins in the clip above

can be seen here :



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Traumas Faced By Palestinians Living Under Occupation

Mon Feb 6 , 2012
This clip looks at the trauma faced by Palestinians living under occupation with a group that has recently returned from Gaza. [youtube]suc7GGy1BjQ[/youtube] Representatives of the Palestine Trauma Centre (UK), set up to support mental health and community workers in Gaza who are dealing every day with a traumatized population are […]