[ Last time I looked ~ most Semites spoke Arabic ]
In the last day or two
we have seen one of the most remarkable policings
of the discourse
that I’ve ever seen
… and it seems to be one man’s achievement,
that the longtime New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd
was anti-Semitic
in saying
that the Romney braintrust
includes the same guys
who started the Iraq war.
It is remarkable
because so many people inside the Beltway have heeded Goldberg;
even Joe Klein in defending Dowd says that she was crude
– this from a man who wrote openly of Jewish neoconservatives,
which Dowd didn’t do
– and so the line has held:
the idea that we are allowed to debate the Jewish neoconservatives’ role in the Iraq war for the sake of Israel,
well that is an anti-Semitic idea.
As Goldberg says,
it is the idea that the gentiles didn’t start that war,
but were manipulated into it
by the likes of Wolfowitz and Feith.