Since we’ve all suddenly just like ‘Rejoined ANZUS’ or something ~ this may be worth a quick review. Part I of V Seventeen independent commentators discuss defence issues and present informed opinions on the future security of New Zealand. The commentators are authors, historians, retired diplomats, broadcasters, scientists, journalists, newspaper […]


  The final versions of some international trailers for some eagerly awaited & well-assembled cinema treats soon to be seen splashing themselves all over our cinema screens in the very near future are finally ready.   Enjoy.   [youtube]g8evyE9TuYk[/youtube] [youtube]P0xVp3N-M84[/youtube] [youtube]gCryADcgWCQ[/youtube] [youtube]yruArw21EGA[/youtube] [youtube]7N8wkVA4_8s[/youtube]  


[youtube]Drca8pa338s[/youtube] From Auckland New Zealand in support of 2000 Palestinian Prisoners on Hunger Strike in their struggle for justice against inhumane treatment and unjust administrative detention in Apartheid Israeli Occupation prisons. Palestine Human Rights Campaign PHRC, Auckland, NZ palestine.org.nz Scoop NZ Correspondant Julie Webb-Pullman reporting from Gaza www.gaza.scoop.ps  
