America’s Downfall


Until America come to grips with a few ugly realities of its history,

the US as we know it has little chance of surviving.

In fact,

because of a consistent failure to address reality,


the degeneration of the country has reached a kind of terminal velocity.

These basic realities are:

1. The Vietnam War and all the wars the US has been involved in since World War II

were unprovoked, unnecessary acts of aggression executed with maximum sadism

directed and covered up from the top.

[ North America was the last continent left standing after WWII

 ~  so it then systematically proceeded to pillage the planet

as it saw fit

using its 

‘Foreign Policy’

in its own

‘National Interest’.  ]

2. The assassination of John F. Kennedy and scores that followed – up to this day –

though reported as lone nut murderers, overdoses and suicides,

were in fact carried out by a cadre of government trained killers.

3. The perversion of medicine, science, education, law, finance, education, journalism

and just about every conceivable profession with the corrupt being elevated

and those with integrity driven out or marginalized.

Video here

 ~ Brasscheck

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California Scientists Say Marijuana Compound Cures Cancer

Thu Feb 14 , 2013
The Huffington Post reports that two researchers in San Francisco, California have made the astonishing discovery that the compound called cannabidiol, or CBD, extracted from the marijuana plant, could help stop the spread of cancer. Article

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