Truth is immutable. It cannot be ignored, adjusted or blocked. It cannot be invented. It stands as Factual History.
Between 2008 and 2016, America passed through a condensation of reality. it’s “Post Truth Era”. It’s reality became a fictional and adjustable illusion.
It’s Government Departments and Agencies became exposed as rogues of independent illusory gains.
Delusions attempted to drive the rewrite of reality.
Congressional Hearings became an expose as liars were paraded in numbers and variety. The deceivers believed they could adjust Truth and Perception to what they purported.
By lying, distraction, silence, and avoidance, they exposed all.
Whatever America in its varied history; from its colonialism to the contemporary; tried to achieve; it destroyed in less than a decade.
Truth cannot be retraced. And it cannot be repaired. It cannot be invented or deleted.
Factionalism by sex, race, and religion, destroyed all that was purported to have been ‘gained’.
America was Socio-Economcally vanquished by its Post Truth Era.
As The British Empire finally suicided by misguided over-reach in 1914, the fledgling American Empire began its short-lived overlap from 1898.
A century of hoaxes, fakeries, and false flags, delivered America to destroy itself by its own deceptions, by 2016.
Fallacies, however inculcated, indoctrinated, tutored, or reference channelled, can never become reality.
The desperate posture of the sword, is the final stage of all that purports ‘Empire’. Economy and Trade, cannot be invented.
Government stands bare, as the ultimate Enemy of The People. It having abrogated all its theories of existence and specific purpose. It having never; Protected, Guided, or Built; but Misled, Destroyed, and denied all its assumed responsibilities.
A New Era has commenced for America and the World. Whether America admits it or not.
G Squared