I’m sure everyone knows the basics of the Assange extradition by now. Here’s some details:
Posted by:Home Office news team, Posted on:11 April 2019
Following the arrest today of Julian Assange, the Home Office published the below statement and factsheet on extradition.
A Home Office spokesperson said: “We can confirm that Julian Assange was arrested in relation to a provisional extradition request from the United States of America.
“He is accused in the United States of America of computer related offences.”
More at Government Source
UPDATE: Julian Assange arrest.
Julian Assange, 47, (03.07.71) has today, Thursday 11 April, been further arrested on behalf of the United States authorities, at 10:53hrs after his arrival at a central London police station. This is an extradition warrant under Section 73 of the Extradition Act. He will appear in custody at Westminster Magistrates’ Court later today (Thursday, 11 April).
Trump Responds To Assange Arrest: “I Know Nothing About Wikileaks”
Update (1:15 pm ET): The editor of the Global Times, widely seen as a mouthpiece for Beijing, has weighed in on Assange’s arrest, comparing him to Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, the “Chinese Nelson Mandela.”
The West deified Liu, while persecuting Assange, even though their actions – exposing government malfeasance – were similar. Why? Because Assange picked the wrong target.
Assange is a CIA puppet…
“I’m constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud.”
-Julian Assange.
Question everything and everyone…
Maybe, maybe not. I’ve yet to see actual evidence that Assange works either directly or indirectly, for the CIA. A man’s personal opinion on a “conspiracy” doesn’t necessarily make him “controlled opposition”.
EG:I don’t believe the “lunar landing hoax” narrative. Am I a CIA puppet? A NASA puppet? I guess you’ll have to use your own judgement on that Adam!
Regarding the Belfast Telegraph link. I couldn’t view the article without accepting their cookies: The list of Third Parties on their “cookielist” was phenomenal!! If anyone goes to this site, go into “Privacy Setting” and click “Reject All” under Third Party before reading the article.
“Question everything and everyone”. Good advice;)