Story now breaking in the MSM surprisingly. Seems Ardern’s communications are at odds with the facts, at least as far as the Police communicate them. MH
Jo Blogs broke this story before the MSM, good work Jo!
From Jo Blogs Red Sky in the Morning:
Jacinda Adern has been praised for her empathetic leadership during this Covid-19 crisis. Should she be? Who has she been kind to? Why is she giving arbitrary orders to NZ that are at odds with the government’s instructions to the Police?
Adern said that under the Covid-19 level 2 rules, there could not be more than ten people in a place of worship. But yesterday, on the 20th May, a leaked Police document showed that places of worship can be open with a limit of 100 people. What’s going on? The inconsistency hasn’t been reported by the media. Where are the reporters demanding an explanation?
You might not care about faith, but ask yourself, who is she going to discriminate against next?
I’m going to call this a big, sloppy, steaming pile of bovine excrement. We should pray for the government, but keep faith with a higher agency. Perhaps the churches should meet in bars. Bars are allowed 100 people.

The NZ police can’t shut a church down – it will be going against their guidelines!

Links: This is just in after my blog post yesterday. It’s good to see at least one media outlet finally reporting on this.
Covid-19: Police give green-light to large church services, contradicting PM’s stance

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