“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.”
“The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature — the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.” “It is a curious situation that the sea, from which life first arose should now be threatened by the activities of one form of that life. But the sea, though changed in a sinister way, will continue to exist; the threat is rather to life itself.” “Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.” “In nature nothing exists alone.” “But man is a part of nature, and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself.” “In every outthrust headland, in every curving beach, in every grain of sand there is the story of the earth.” “If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder, he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement, and mystery of the world we live in.” “Why should we tolerate a diet of weak poisons, a home in insipid surroundings, a circle of acquaintances who are not quite our enemies, the noise of motors with just enough relief to prevent insanity? Who would want to live in a world which is just not quite fatal?” “A child’s world is fresh and new and beautiful, full or wonder and excitement. It is our misfortune that for most of us that clear-eyed vision, that true instinct for what is beautiful and awe-inspiring, is dimmed and even lost before we reach adulthood. If I had influence with the good fairy who is supposed to preside over the christening of all children, I should ask that her gift to each child in the world be a sense of wonder so indestructible that it would last throughout life, as an unfailing antidote against the boredom and disenchantment of later year…the alienation from the sources of our strength.” RACHEL CARSON, The Sense of Wonder and other works “…the universe, by definition, is a single gorgeous celebratory event.” “Our relationship with the earth involves something more than pragmatic use, academic understanding, or aesthetic appreciation. A truly human intimacy with the earth and with the entire natural world is needed. Our children should be properly introduced to the world in which they live.” “Our challenge is to create a new language, even a new sense of what it is to be human. It is to transcend not only national limitations, but even our species isolation, to enter into the larger community of living species. This brings about a completely new sense of reality and value.” THOMAS BERRY, THE DREAM OF THE EARTH” We are blinded by the delusions that rise from our hollow and rotting social order. It is vain pomposity to believe that humanity can advance while the Earth and its native peoples, plants and animals are enslaved, desecrated and destroyed. The dream of human origins and destiny as an evolution from monkeys swinging in trees to men in space suits lumbering off to other planets is an adolescent dream of uninitiated men drunk on the power of the cerebral cortex. Unfortunately, the men who maintain this dream are the ones who hold economic, military and political power today. Whether it be by socio-political revolution, economic disaster, or environmental catastrophes, the overturning of this power is the only hope for the Earth. The change must occur while there is still time to nurture the seed and to prepare ourselves inwardly for the dream of regeneration. it is important to realize that the Aboriginal way of life retains the seed of human culture. It is of great importance to humanity to retain and protect this seed. The thwarted attempts by Aboriginal leaders and communities to obtain land rights over some of the uninhabited regions of Australia so that they can practice their traditional way of life is a significant issue for our entire civilization. Whether it is with us consciously or unconsciously, whether we proceed gradually or rapidly, the return of the seed – the reestablishment of our basic humanity, as well as the sacredness and beauty of nature – is the image of the future to which we should turn.” ROBERT LAWLOR, VOICES OF THE FIRST DAY: AWAKENING IN THE ABORIGINAL DREAM-TIME (1992) |
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SUNSET ANIWANIWA, MT. WILLIAM NATIONAL PARKFAR NORTHEAST TASMANIA, AUSTRAL SOLSTICE EVE NEW BROADCAST WEEKLY @ 8 A.M. SUNDAY EST-USA / 3.A.M. MONDAY-NEW ZEALAND / 1 A.M. MONDAY-AUSTRALIA (SYDNEY/NSW/TASMANIA) / 9 A.M. SATURDAY-HAWAI’I & RAROTONGA 24/7 ON SOUNDCLOUD:) UCY.TV‘S LISTEN LIVE LINK: http://ucy.tv/Default.aspx?PID=113&=On+the+Brink UCY.TV‘S YOUTUBE CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEGocUztnYtS-I2kk97AWqA ![]() MAGIC FEATHER CLOUDS A BEAUTIFUL ANCESTOR FRIEND 🙂 SUNSET AT ONSET OF NEW MOON AND ECLIPSE 🙂 MORE PHOTOS FROM MOUNT WILLIAM TRIP https://renavigating-the-human-process.blogspot.com/2020/06/mount-william-national-park-far-north.html Lo and behold its yet ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL DAY 🙂 Once again I am days late in getting this post out. I am reminded of the oft-quoted adage, ‘Time flies like an arrow…fruit flies like a banana’ from Groucho Marx. This kind of sums up my response to the human scenario of today. I must apologize for exhibiting levity in the face of major issues du jour, for example, which colours of lives matter the most? Is beige with freckles an official human skin colour? Is it acceptable or politically or bio-medically correct to wear a designer bandana as opposed to a surgical face-mask…or a Lone-Ranger mask? What WILL my vaccination have in it? Will I be able to check my email using my RFID micro-chip implant? Will contact-tracing let me keep track of my kids and pets? How fast WILL my new 5G internet connection be? And last but not least, if someone opts to become trans-human through nano-genetic engineering technologies, will they have an edge on being able to go and live on Mars with Elon Musk? ![]() TASMANIA AS CROWN CHAKRA IN RAINBOW SERPENT DEPICTED AS A CONTINENTAL GEO-TELLURIC ENERGY BEING Sorry, I just haven’t found time to dwell on these matters of import. I’ve been occupied by playing my flute to Mr. Platypus every evening down by the river, working on the most intricate medicine wheel I’ve ever done in honour of being here now in the crown chakra of the Rainbow Serpent, finishing up some long-overdue painted rocks and paintings for lovely friends, monitoring borders and regulations so that I can continue my healing expedition around Australia…which given a ‘three steps forward…one step backward…four steps forward..one step backward…five steps forward…no steps backward’ kind of bureaucratic juggling or shall I say roulette that is going on…IS gradually happening…it’s looking like I will actually be heading first to South Australia possibly for a brief visit to Kata, or Kangaroo Island, who was brutally devastated by the fires, then to Wilpena Pound/Ikara in the Flinders Ranges, hopefully touching base with Uluru in the central desert before proceeding to my beloved top end, where some of the most powerful events of my life have occurred, and then heading over into western Australia to the Kimberley to visit some of the amazing rock art there and to bring a bubble of protection for the dozens of sacred sites recently slated for explosive destruction by the mining industry. Even with the bizarre manifestations of bureaucratic turmoil going on in New Zealand, spirit continues to affirm that I will indeed be able to return to my beloved Aotea and Aotearoa probably in mid-September. Right now that seems light-years away, not in doability but in time…even though a light-year is a measure of distance! ![]() ORUAWHARO BAY, AOTEA, MY NEW ZEALAND HOME The last few days has been a time of great cosmic confluence and synchronicity. I have been very lucky not only to be here in Tasmania but to have made my third sacred trek to her least-visited national park in the far north-east, Mount William, a place where I imagine that Mannalargenna, chieftain of the northeast aborioginal nation, would have stood countless times, and on whose summit I played my flute and drum and burned some sage in honour of the dream-time ancestors right on the austral winter solstice last Sunday. I was there for the autumnal equinox back in March. When I swam in Stumpy’s lagoon this time, however, the water was a bit chillier than in March…in fact, I’d say this water, which tasted to be about 50% sea-50% fresh, was around 6 C or colder, making it possibly the coldest water I’ve ever swum in. The other extreme cold waters I’ve jumped into were at Glen Ellen springs in the central desert in August of 2017, and in the Takaka river on the south island of New Zealand in February of 2018, but I had full sun with both of those. RE-freshing many times over. ![]() MANNALARGENNA, CHIEFTAIN OF MT. WILLIAM CLAN ![]() FURNEAUX GROUP (FLINDERS, CLARK AND CAPE BARON ISLANDS) ![]() ICE-WATER LAGOON Right now I can look out my south-facing window and see a bit of snow on the western tiers of the central Tasmanian highlands. The golden beams of Grandmother Taiowa (Hopi name for the sun) will melt it soon, and shortly thereafter will shine through a ‘shrubbery slot’ I cut in some bushes. I’ve been seeing a lot of awesome aniwaniwas lately, too, the most recent being right out this window yesterday morning. I don’t know, maybe I’m crazy…MAYBE you might say?…but I get truly excited when I see even a tiny rainbow like the four we saw last Saturday. Every one seems to convey a beautiful message of hope and beauty and healing, mending the ‘sacred hoop’ spoken of by Black Elk, honouring the rebirth of all that is real and true! ![]() LIESBET WITH ANIWANIWA, AOTEA 14 JUNE 2012 WHAT A COSMIC MOMENT IN TIME! Not only did we have the solstice last Sunday morning, but about 8 hours later we had the new moon AND an annular solar eclipse whose phase of totality was visible across a huge swath of Indonesia and south-central Africa. ![]() NEW MOON WITH VENUS (cred. Donald Gargano) Around the same time began the heliacal rising of Venus, when she comes out of conjunction with Taiowa to become the ‘morning star’ who figures heavily in the cosmologies of indigenous cultures, particularly the Hopi and Mayan native Americans. ![]() https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7aDJ7e-MHpM ‘SONG FOR THE MORNING’ STAR R. CARLOS NAKAI [Carlos has a painted rock we sent him in 2009 as he gave us permission to use his music in the sound-track to our still-photo film Gaiotea Dreaming] As well, the Pleiades, known as the Seven Sisters, has also been heliacally rising, coming out of solar conjunction to become visible in the pre-dawn skies. Known as Matariki to the Maori of New Zealand, her rise to prominence in the morning heavens heralds a mid-winter Christmas-like festival celebrated by the people of Aotearoa. ![]() TEN OF THE SEVEN SISTERS HAVE PROPER NAMES ORION-HYADES/TAURUS-PLEIADES FAMILY FAMILY WITNESSING CELESTIAL SPECTACLE ‘AUSTRAL SKY DREAMING’ Jeff Phillips (2009) To say that there’s a lot of cosmic stuff happening right now is both absurd and an under-statement…of COURSE a lot of cosmic stuff is happening. It’s called the universe, and is a bit more than we or I at any rate can fully grasp much of at once. By the way, understatement has two technical names, litotes and hypobole, for the pedantic literati among us. Emphasis on cosmic complexity is in no way alitotial, if that can be a word…is it? ![]() COMET MCNAUGHT And just about now, in the last week of June, is when yet ANOTHER cosmic moment in time happens, and this one has been and/or can be of far greater impact than any of the solstices or heliacal risings…what I call the Encke window…a span of a couple weeks plus or minus that occurs twice each year, from late June into early July, and again from late October into early November. THE ENCKE WINDOW Encke is the comet who comes around to visit more often than any other, with a period of approximately 3.2 years. The importance and indeed centrality of comets and asteroids in general and specifically comet Encke has become increasingly salient on my psydar, or psychic radar, in recent years. I have talked about this many times on various OTB shows, and covered the overall scenario in great detail with these two posts from last year. In a nutshell, the Encke of today is believed to be only a small fragment of who was once a super-comet whose encounters with Earth over epochs of time spanning tens of millions of years have resulted in a variety of effects, from actual impacts, proximal effects like meteoric dust, and myriad stories, myths and legends of interplanetary visitors and theomachy, or gods battling in the heavens. Top comet researchers Victor Clube and Bill Napier, both of whom now have my painted rocks and with whom I am in a degree of communication, have been studying Encke for decades and have written extensively about her. To me, the single most important thing to understand about Encke specifically, and all other comets and asteroids in general, is that the scenarios described are very much not just things of the past, remnants of archaean epochs far-removed into the dim recesses of geological time. Au con-very-traire mes amies…Encke is very much still with us, here and now, and not that far away, and beyond that, many astronomers believe that unknown and undiscovered sister-fragments from the original proto-Encke exist but are undetectable from Earth due to being obscured by clouds of dust and debris. ![]() KUIPER BELT…TRILLIONS OF INDIVIDUAL OBJECTS The Encke family unit is believed to have been involved with the Chicxulub impact of 65 million years ago, that took out the dinosaurs; the lower Dryas ‘mini-ice age’ sequence of around 13,000 years ago, as well as the Tunguska event that occurred on 30 June 1908. Even though it clearly goes without saying, leave it to me and may I be so bold as to say, once again, that the implication is that another close encounter and/or impact could happen again at any time…but is more likely at some times than others. One of those times of increased probability happens to be right now. The Encke windows are two periods of time, of varying duration as they define probability zones more than discretely delimited instants, when Earth passes through two main debris clusters connected with this comet family. The Taurid meteor showers are also connected with the Encke family; the radiants, or apparent points of origin, of these characteristically bright meteors, lie with the constellation Taurus the Bull, whose shoulder is represented by Matariki, the Pleiadean seven sisters. I wonder if to the ancient Maori navigator-astronomers, Matariki and Encke were connected in their knowledge and lore? ![]() TWIN ENCKE RADIANTS: Hyades-Pleiades- Delphinus window [near UV band] [from the Cetacean Dream-time Astronomy series, 2019] THE ENCKE WINDOW: COMETS, ASTEROIDS AND ROGUE CIVILIZATIONS (1) http://synthaissance.blogspot.com/2019/06/the-encke-window-comets-asteroids-and.html THE ENCKE WINDOW: ‘EPISODIC BOMBARDMENT’, KOYAANISQATSI AND ‘CATACLYSMIC EVOLUTION’ – A TELEOLOGICAL SYNCHRONICITY http://synthaissance.blogspot.com/2019/07/the-encke-window-part-2-episodic.html ![]() A TRUE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE This is a huge and on-going area of research for me, not only because of the gravity of what it all means, but even more because I believe that the cetaceans, the whales and dolphins, are not only astronomers in the most fundamental sense, but that they have modes of perception and knowing about what is going on in the helio-cosm, solar system and local universe as a whole which are far beyond anything we are capable of comprehending. My experience is that they are sharing information with us and warning us about an impending planetary-level catastrophic event which will be due to cometary impact. OTB#301 A TRUE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE & THE ENCKE WINDOW https://mailchi.mp/9e586f642ff9/on-the-brink-radio-301-a-true-extra-terrestrial-intelligence-and-the-encke-window-new-jeff-art OTB#314 MY KINSHIP WITH COMETS AS FELLOW SPACE TRAVELLERS https://mailchi.mp/ffd6520c5fb2/on-the-brink-radio-314-my-kinship-with-comets-as-fellow-space-travellerslyle-maysdr-seuss1970-solar-eclipseassange-as-psy-opcv-as-mind-pox HUMPBACK WHALES ARE HEADING NORTH NOW (cred. Glenn Edney) My friend saw some whales from Eddystone Point last weekend, and Migaloo the albino humpback was spotted off the Gold Coast a couple weeks ago…I feel their presence and guidance now more than ever as I honour the dream-time ancestors, carry the torch of the elders who called me down under, and continue my healing expedition and navigation of song-lines old and new…maintaining and forging connections with life as we know her wherever she lives in the universe. And beginning around mid-July, yet another magic window opens, this beginning a span of time lasting into mid-August defining the heliacal rising of Sirius, the brightest star we can see, and of immense significance to the ancient Egyptians, who celebrated their new year with her rising. Some believe that the Sirius system has planets with water where the whales and dolphins may have originated? ![]() YOURS TRULY WITH SOME TOMATOES 🙂 “IT WAS TWENTY YEARS AGO TODAY…” Almost. On the first of July 2000 I didn’t meet Sergeant Pepper but I did set foot in Australia for the first time, in this life-time anyway, and DID embark on what can truly be called a ‘magical mystery tour’ that has taken me at least 200,000 kms of hitch-hiking and probably that many more involving less adventurous forms of travel all over Australia, including from Darwin to Perth and across the null-arbour three times, through the central desert, up and down the east coast numerous times, and all over Tasmania many times. OMG. Let me rephrase that…OMFG! What a story this is…one that I’ve been sharing bits and pieces of, but also one or more that truly deserves to be encoded, expressed, recorded and shared to the best of my abilities as artist, writer, musician, photographer, film-maker, free-lance intelligence agent working for Mother Nature, information activist and human RNA messenger-molecule. In the past two decades I’ve spent about 8 months in Hawai’i, never having visited mainland USA to this day; six months in Chile; four months in Europe; one month in Rarotonga, Cook Islands, and approximately 7 years in New Zealand, the vast majority of that time on my beloved Aotea, or Great Barrier Island. That leaves around 11 years that I have spent in Australia. Because of living on the road and being in relatively constant motion, having such deep and loving connections with my families of life, indigenous peoples and myriad ancestral beings of all kingdoms, and both returning to and visiting friends and places I know and love, as well as being lucky to be able to visit new places on every trip, I have come to know Australia and New Zealand not only far better than the vast majority of people who ‘live’ in these countries…and what I do can truly be called ‘living’ as opposed to ‘enduring’ or ‘occupying…but better in breadth and depth than practically anyone out there. Frankly I cannot imagine anyone has done anything even remotely comparable to what I, through the grace of goddess, ancestor and guardian angels, have been able to see, do and accomplish. One or more each of books and films are on the table and will be forth-coming. Sometimes I wish the universe would slow itself down just a bit so I can catch up but no, the opposite seems to be happening, which is why I have to keep on creating new levels of neuro-cybernetic hyper-algorithmic software meta-programs to help me keep abreast. This amazing journey is the subject of next…which is almost this…week’s new broadcast of On the Brink radio. LISTEN AND/OR DOWN-LOAD ANYTIME ARCHIVE LINK FOR THIS SHOW https://soundcloud.com/user-911773143/on-the-brink-radio-326-convergence-of-cosmic-synchronicities KANDINSKY’S ASTRONOMY LESSON IN LEMURIA In honour of the cosmic convergence of coolness, I created a special sound collage honouring the soundtrack from the Stanley Kubrick film 2001: A Space Odyssey. This consists of three tracks composed by Gyorgi Ligeti, ‘Lux Aeternae’, ‘Atmospheres’ and ‘Requiem for Soprano, Mezzo-soprano, Two Mixed Choirs and Orchestra.’ The musical paragons of freak and cosmos. Layered in some colliding radio-galaxy sounds from Fiorella Terrenzi and some humpback whales. SOME OF MY MUSICNative American Flute https://soundcloud.com/user-659267141/native-american-flute-ian-mcallisters-18-jan-2018-2 ‘New Dreaming’ https://soundcloud.com/user-708619507 ‘Stars’ from The White Electric Dog Transmission cd (1998) https://soundcloud.com/jeff-weffiops/05-wedt-stars?in=jeff-weffiops/sets/the-white-electric-dog ‘Constellations of the Southern Hemisphere/Charlie Brown goes to Proxima Centauri’, from The Proxigean Solstice Session cd (1999) https://soundcloud.com/jeff-wefferson/04-prox-constellations-of-the And I am excited and honoured to have met a true musical brother, a nice Canadian bloke named Tristan. We have done one session so far, the Warm Springs Solstice session a couple days ago, which turned out fantastic. We will be recording again tomorrow night and on next week’s show I will be able to share some of our new music, which has me on flute, guitar and shaker, and Tristan on guitar and tablas, along with some frogs, kookaburras and a helicopter-sounding lawn mower, bless its wee pistons! KIA ORO, KIA MANUIA, LIVE SIMPLY SO THAT OTHERS MAY SIMPLY LIVE, MAY ALL BEINGS BE PEACEFUL, MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY 🙂 SOME RECENT OTB BROADCASTS OF INTEREST HONOURING DR. ROSALIE BERTELL, ECO-WARRIOR/RUSSIAN MINDS https://mailchi.mp/ad0dd80cbf51/on-the-brink-radio-325-honouring-dr-sister-eco-warrior-rosalie-bertell-russian-minds-convergence-of-cosmic-synchronicities THE ART OF CRITICAL THINKING https://mailchi.mp/22afb527d3bf/on-the-brink-radio-324-critical-thinking-the-art-science-challenge-and-necessity-in-the-age-of-infotoxin ON BEING AN ASTRONOMER https://mailchi.mp/4e0545872cdc/on-the-brink-radio-322-on-being-an-astronomer-honouring-star-nations-and-our-cosmic-context THE ELECTROMAGNETIC UNIVERSE https://mailchi.mp/a0e38d80f3ed/on-the-brink-radio-321-the-electromagnetic-universe-current-issues-and-shocking-anomalies AUSTRALIA UNDER FIRE: GEO-PHYSICAL WARFARE AND THE ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ DECEPTION https://www.pbme-online.org/2020/01/13/australia-under-fire-environmental-warfare-and-the-climate-change-deception/ ![]() SELF-PORTRAIT AS A GEMINI DOLPHIN (2015) |

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