Vaccines are NOT mandatory in NZ. A child has a right to refuse, as do their parents. No means no! MH
Thanks to Pam at EWR for this alert:
This incident was posted on social media yesterday, 1 July 2020. In the words of one of the parents:
“A nurse from counties manukau tried to force her vaccination on to our child today even after the child told them no 3 times they waited for the teacher to leave the room and told her to go down with the other kids then tried her hardest to force the vaccination on to her, after her saying no several times and told the nurse her parents said no… the nurse said just take it all your friends are getting it! She had to tell her no over and over …”
The vaccines being foisted on this child were Boostrix and Gardasil. Now, three NZ young people have already died following Gardasil vaccines. Any discerning parent wants to weigh up the risks against the benefits, which they obviously already had in their declining the vaccinations. To go over the heads of those parents & pressure a child is nothing short, in my opinion, of child abuse. Not to mention totally unethical. That discussion is to be had between the health professional and the parent, not the professional and the child.
Listen to the video below that further describes this nightmare scenario. Vaccines are not mandatory in NZ. These people had absolutely no right to pressure this youngster in this way. See this link for a similar incident that took place in NZ. This current incident was not the first time.
Time to review the training of respective health professionals on this issue. EWR

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