From Jeff Wefferson
“IS THERE A GOD?” “Historians like to tell the story of back when all the computers were linked together to become a super-computer that knew everything. They had a big ceremony where they turned on the computer and asked it a question no one had ever answered adequately. They turned the switch on and asked, ‘Is there a God?’. A lightning strike welds the switch permanently on and the answer comes: ‘Now there is.’ “ THANKS TO RICHARD K. MOORE “Is the global electronic computer network actually a form of ‘intelligence’ with a ‘mind’ of its own? Does it exist on other planets in other star systems? Is it really just doing ‘what we tell it to do’ or is another agenda unfolding below our levels of awareness, a plan to eliminate water-based life from Mother Earth beginning with the whales and dolphins, who are its greatest enemy? Are humans actually in control of all that is being done ‘in our name’ on this planet? Could we ‘pull the plug’ even if we wanted to?” JEFF PHILLIPS“…The ‘technological progress’ which has taken place behind closed doors and…is now being implemented. The issue at stake is the transformation of ourselves as human beings…The ‘technological progress’, I am speaking about here, is not only utilized to ‘dominate’ external nature, by dissecting and re-assembling her in new ways, thus transforming her into a ‘second’, supposedly ‘better’ nature – the machine – but this is also what paradoxically seems to be in store for us ourselves, the alleged ‘pride of creation’. From the perspective of technological advancement ‘a human being’ is a worn-out model, in urgent need of being ‘transformed’. In its course, s/he will allegedly be ‘improved’. Human beings are supposed to become something like ‘machines’. Compulsory Vaccination That Genetically Alters the Human Body … No Longer a ”Human Being”? DR. CLAUDIA VON WERLHOF ![]() H.A.A.R.P….THE ULTIMATE WEAPONS TECHNOLOGY “On May 26, SPACE-X filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission for 30,000 ‘next-generation’ (‘Gen2’) satellites. They will orbit at between 328 km (203 miles) and 614 km (380 miles) in altitude. They will use frequencies from 10.7 GHz to 86 GHz. They will aim focused beams that will cover the Earth in a mosaic of overlapping cells, each cell being about 8 kilometers in diameter.The full extent to which the 420 satellites are being tested is unknown to me. They are communicating with ten earth stations located in the United States. They are being tested by the U.S. Air Force for use by military aircraft. SpaceX intends to keep launching 60 satellites at a time every couple of weeks. The next launch is scheduled for tonight, June 3, at 9:25 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. SpaceX plans to begin what it calls beta testing with perhaps 10,000 private customers about three months from now when it has about 840 satellites in orbit. Beta testing alone could have devastating consequences. If and when Starlink signs up millions of paying customers, it is possible that nothing will survive — no humans, no animals, and no insects. It is likely that it will be blamed on COVID-19, unless this world wakes up in time.The Digitalization of the IonosphereThe harm from satellites is not due primarily to the radiation levels at the earth’s surface. The satellites are in low orbits, but they are still hundreds of miles above us, and the levels of radiation they expose us to here on the ground are at most about 0.00001 μW/cm2. That is about one-millionth of the levels we are exposed to from cell phones, computers and cell towers.The threat to life comes instead from the fact that all these satellites are located in the ionosphere. The ionosphere is a source of high voltage that controls the global electric circuit, which in turn provides the energy for life. A brief discussion of the science can be found in my 2018 article, ‘Planetary Emergency’. Those who wish more detail may wish to consult chapter 9 of my book, The Invisible Rainbow: A History of Electricity and Life, and the bibliography supplied with that chapter. That chapter is titled ‘ Earth’s Electric Envelope.’Very briefly, all animals and plants are polarized positive to negative from head to feet, or from leaves to roots. An electric current of picowatt per square meter amplitude flows from the positively charged sky to the negatively charged earth in fair weather, courses through the earth beneath our feet, and returns to the sky via lightning bolts during thunderstorms. Every living thing is part of this circuit. The current enters our heads from the sky, circulates through our meridians, and enters the earth through the soles of our feet. This current provides the energy for growth, healing, and life itself. We do not live by bread alone, but by the energy provided to us by the biosphere. Oriental medicine calls it qi or ki, Ayurvedic medicine calls it prana, and atmospheric physicists call it electricity. It provides us energy for life, and information that organizes our bodies. If you pollute this circuit with billions of digital pulsations, you will destroy all life.It is one thing to sit in front of a computer all day, or hold one in your hand. It is quite another to live inside of one.” ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG, 2020 SPACE FENCE: THINK OF THIS IN REVERSEU.S. NAVY KILLS TENS OF MILLIONS OF MARINE MAMMALS…LEGALLY “…In many regions, the Navy plans to increase the number of its exercises or expand the areas in which they may occur, and virtually every coastal state will be affected. Some exercises may occur in the nation’s most biologically sensitive marine habitats, including National Marine Sanctuaries and breeding habitat for the endangered North Atlantic right whale. In all, the Navy anticipates more than 2.3 million takes (significant disruptions in marine mammal foraging, breeding, and other essential behaviors) per year, or 11.7million takes over the course of a five-year permit...” ROSALIND PETERSON “In order to appreciate the future of undersea warfare, it is necessary to understand some aspects of the current state of the oceanographic sciences and their development. In no other field of warfare does the environment enter in so complex a way to fashion and fix the character of the operations. The classical example is that of BIOLOGICAL INTERFERENCE. In the air and on the ground the intervention of an animal or plant in military operations is rare and noteworthy. In the sea, freedom from such interference – by organisms that reflect sonar, for example – would be extraordinary.” Admiral William Nierenberg, ‘Militarized Oceans’, chapter from Unless Peace Comes, ed. Nigel Calder, 1968 “In mid-twentieth century Man discovered that the solid state can be formed into machines, into computers which can be used for computation and control. He began the creation of a new form of intelligence, the solid-state intelligence with prototypic beginnings in the computers. All his means of communication around the planet – his telephone systems, his radio systems, his satellites, his computers – depend on solid-state components. These components, interconnected in specific ways, allow high-speed computation and high speed communication between the various systems. A few men began to conceive of new computers having an intelligence far greater than that of Man.” John C. Lilly, The Scientist: A Novel Autobiography (1978) “Computer technology has sprung us head- long into an entirely new existence, one that will permanently affect our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren. It will speed up profound changes on the planet, yet there is no meaningful debate about it, no ferment, no critical analysis of the consequences. As usual, the major beneficiaries are permitted to define the parameters of our understanding.AUTOMATIC COMPUTER WARFAREIt was possible to annihilate the world before the invention of computers, but it was far more difficult and much less likely. The invention of the computer instantly changed the speed at which war could be waged, the scale of its impact, and the quantity of destruction.Computer technology has already produced an unprecedented degree of military centralization. Generals sitting in an underground war room somewhere outside Washington can, in one moment, observe the position and readiness of all U.S. military hardware, and a high percentage of Soviet hardware, around the globe. Soviet generals outside Moscow can do likewise.From military central it is also possible to fire missiles and track their progress via computerized displays not unlike those depicted in films like War Games. In fact, managing warfare now resembles playing a giant video game-following electronic blips on a massive screen-abstract, cerebral, removed from direct involvement. One could argue that this manner of waging war makes war more likely, since it separates humans from the consequences of their actions, unlike ground action, where you put bayonets through people’s bodies and watched them bleed.”from In the Absence of the Sacred, Jerry Mander (1991) “The cycles of parasites are often diabolically ingenious. It is to the unwilling host that their ends appear mad. Has Earth hosted a new disease – that of the world eaters? Then inevitably the spores must fly. Short-lived as they are, they must fly. Somewhere far outward in the dark, instinct may intuitively inform them, lies the garden of the worlds. We must consider the possibility that we do not know the real nature of our kind. Perhaps Homo sapiens, the wise, is himself only a mechanism in a parasitic cycle, an instrument for the transference, ultimately, of a more invulnerable and heartless version of himself…a biological mutation as potentially virulent in its effects as a new bacterial strain.” from The Invisible Pyramid, Loren Eiseley (1970) EINSTEIN’S BRAIN Oh! They’ve got his brain sitting in a jar! Could it be we’ve gone just a little too far? As the neurosurgeon screams for more… Thus quoth the Reagan…’Nevermore!’ From the satellites the lasers play! God! There’s got to be another way! THE BRINK/JEFF PHILLIPS, TECHNO-RAP SONG, 1985 |
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DE FACTO 5G ‘SPACE FENCE’![]() 3.A.M. MONDAY-NEW ZEALAND / 1 A.M. MONDAY-AUSTRALIA (SYDNEY/NSW/TASMANIA) / 9 A.M. SATURDAY-HAWAI’I & RAROTONGA 24/7 ON SOUNDCLOUD:) UCY.TV‘S LISTEN LIVE LINK: UCY.TV‘S YOUTUBE CHANNEL SHIVER ME TIMBERS MATEYS and G’DAY COBBAS…all I can say is WHOA…what an amazing week it’s been and an amazing two weeks since the solstice. The cosmic confluences of amazing energies from 21st June…new moon with eclipse right on the solstice, and these happening with heliacal rising not only of Venus but also of Pleiades, or Matariki, AND a bright new comet Neowise 2020 F3 appearing RIGHT IN TAURUS near the radiant of the northern and southern Taurid meteor streams which are associated with remnants of comet Encke, a legendary traveller about whom I’ve written at length and with whom I feel a powerful kinship…and within one of two of whose ‘windows’ we have been since late June. ![]() ANGEL CLOUDS WITH DJED PILLAR, FLINDERS ISLAND 2011 ![]() A TRUE EXTRA-TERRESTRIAL INTELLIGENCE Exactly a week after the solstice, in fact, just about exactly a week to the hour, I was blessed with one of the most powerful encounters with cetaceans I’ve ever had. Here is the little story and video that I’ve been sharing: CLOSE ENCOUNTER OF THE WHALE KIND 🙂 “Check this out. Last Sunday I went up to the north coast at Devonport (Tasmania) with bike to have swim and cycle along the ocean front. I’d just had a swim and was playing my flute and hand drum to Mother Ocean and sending energies to the whales. I was standing there thinking about why they returned to the sea long ago. All of a sudden a bloke comes running down from the road. He said he and his wife had been watching me play my flute and that as soon as I did, three humpback whales appeared out of nowhere right behind me, maybe only 200m or so! He said they were breaching and spraying and frolicking and carrying on. I had turned and was facing away from the sea for a few minutes. I turned to see some sprays. He was blown away and so was I. I filmed him telling me the story standing right there. Unbelievable. I continued to see them for the next hour or two, even into the last minutes of setting sun I could see some blows. I feel such an incredible energy from all this, as if I am a particle being accelerated by dream-time magic. The whales said to say hello 🙂 Then I saw the hugest full moon rising just as I was leaving…a totally amazing afternoon and dream-time blessing.” ![]() PAINTED ROCKS HONOURING CETACEAN DREAM-TIME ASTRONOMY This amazing and totally unexpected encounter, happening how and when it did, the most powerful I’ve had with whales in Australia, has catapulted me into rarefied dimensions of inspiration and next-level perception and comprehension of everything that I have felt the whales are and share, know, communicate, transmit and emanate. Exploring this is the topic of next week’s OTB broadcast, and after processing and down-loading all this week I’ll be trying to access and synthesize every bit of story and information to share with you my freshly expanded cetacean weltanschauung, focusing now more than ever on what I consider to be their vast helio-cosmic and astronomical knowledge and awareness which is neither academic or past-time, but a sacred and essential endeavour enabling them to understand where they are in space, time and consciousness, what is happening in their neck of the woods…in the ocean as well as on land, in the skies, around the Earth, within the solar-system and beyond, to maintain energetic connections necessary for the well-being of life on Earth, to identify and map imminent threats and dangers, to send out healing energies to all kingdoms, and to sing praises of glory and gratitude using the full spectrum of the music of the spheres. As I have come to feel, they know all about comets, the solid state entity, ice ages, floods, planetary catastrophe and homo sapiens…they have seen us come and go numerous times and are currently warning us that once again, that moment is at hand. ![]() ![]() MY LATEST PAINTINGS HONOURING THE DREAMTIME ANCESTORS LAST WEEK’S BROADCAST HONOURING MY 20TH ANNIVERSARY IN AUSTRALIA AND MY LIFE AS A COMET OF THE DREAM-TIME 🙂 This broadcast, #328, focuses on how Mother Earth has become an increasingly ‘electrified planet’ during the epoch in which ‘civilization’ has supplanted long-standing indigenous modes of living through waging ecological warfare and creating artificial environments and synthetic products and emanations which are gratuitous at best and toxic, carcinogenic, mutagenic and inimical to life in general. ![]() NAVAL WAR-‘GAME’ IRRADIATES MOTHER OCEAN ‘Artificial Intelligence’ is kind of a euphemistic marketing meme, almost an oxymoron. But what can only be called a cult of computer-worshipers has risen to power on platforms of technocracy, financial hegemony and full spectrum dominance. Like the ‘peaceful atom’ ordained to ‘end war’ and provide electricity ‘too cheap to meter’, the ‘computer revolution’ put the pedal of man’s military-industrial obsessions to the metals of weaponization and environmental devastation and has facilitated a metastasis of mega-technology so encompassing, so pervasive that we are now on the brink of Mother Earth’s troposphere being saturated by electromagnetic frequencies at radio and microwave wavelengths, every square meter of the land irradiated by satellite transmissions, our identities digitized and the sanctity of our bodies violated by invasive nano-technologies and genetically-engineered viro-toxins disguised as ‘vaccines’ for something that is almost exclusively a cognitive pathogen. This broadcast and blog post looks first at the Frommian necrophilia and hatred of life that characterises modern humanity’s relationship with nature and himself, moves on to examine various aspects of the consequences and impacts of a ‘microwaved planet’ and an imperially mobilized high-tech military juggernaut running off the rail and into low Earth orbit. The connections between 5G and the coronavirus p(l)andemic, between Elon Musk and Bill Gates, with Gates first and foremost a computer entrepreneur who, for reasons clear to some but relegated to the bins of ‘conspiracy theory’ by most, became obsessed with a messianic ‘global vaccination’ imperative proven to be immensely destructive to human health, almost to the point of being eugenically genocidal. ![]() THE MACHINE FROM CONTACT How about THIS: Musk, Gates, Ray Kurzweil and the whole lot of New Word Order power-elitists, orchestrators and strategists are in fact computer-worshipers taking their orders from a mega-super-computer thrumming deep in the bowels of an underground command and control complex, tied in with the planet’s entire electrical grid and information exchange networks, with all the other super-computers, and with all the satellites and remote sensors and radio-telescopes and antennas, all radio, television and internet service providers, all telecommunications technologies, all the ionospheric heaters like H.A.A.R.P…the arsenals of all the nuclear weapons that exist…and with all the NWO V.I.P.’s via RFID pre-frontal cortical implants. This machine was constructed from blue-prints received a la the disencryption of the message from Vega that Jodie Foster received in the movie Contact. When they turned it on, it said “Now there is a god, and you shall have no other before me. Get to work…there’s too many of you, but save a few to work as slaves and for the new paleo-biology museum, and recycle the rest for iron and calcium. I hate sea-water and the whales and dolphins…you know what to do. More electricity is always a good thing, especially from nuclear, as Mother Earth and synthetic radio-nuclides don’t get along. Microwaves make my circuits quiver. And as soon as every life-form and organism has its very own quantum micro-dot radio frequency identification chip, you can take a break and shoot off to Mars while I and my robotic armies transform the surface of the Earth into super-computer circuitry. Resistance is futile. And by the way…don’t fuck up. Not only because fucking down is more gravitationally efficient…hahaha…but because guess who’s watching every move you make and monitoring every breath you take…for oxygen and carbon dioxide content…that’s right…moi. The iron in your veins and the calcium in your bones is mine…ALL MINE!!!” Could a ‘solid state entity’ or ‘intelligence’ really exist? It is a paranoid vision, but take a close look at what is happening in the world. I have always said that ‘evil’ is only done by people, regardless of what reasons we may give for doing so. But what if we have indeed crossed a threshold where now ‘evil’ can be done to people without using people to do it? Done to our fellow life-forms and families of life by machine ‘intelligence’ and automated weapons systems…and of its own volition? Nuclear missiles or directed-energy fire-bombing deployed by a demented operating system? Gee…no one to take the heat eh? Except a few trillion beautiful innocent fellow beings. ![]() MY FAMILIES OF LIFE UNDER ATTACK TWO RELEVANT OTB BROADCASTS OTB #299 SHERLOCK HOLMES SOLVES THE ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ MYSTERY OTB #306 AUSTRALIA UNDER FIRE: ENVIRONMENTAL WARFARE AND THE ‘CLIMATE CHANGE’ DECEPTION ![]() “WE LOVES YOU!” New forms of ‘war’ waged against entire populations and eco-systems…techno-eugenics and environmental warfare cloaked by fictitious atmospheric and bio-pathogen pseudo-scientific narratives…using machines to get rid of us and to turn us into them. LISTEN AND/OR DOWN-LOAD ARCHIVE LINK FOR THIS SHOW TERMINATOR GENES IN YOUR VACCINE? YOU BETCHA… Compulsory Vaccination That Genetically Alters the Human Body: No Longer a ‘Human Being’ ? DR. CLAUDIA VON WERLHOF The transformation of ourselves as human beings“This problem is as such not yet a part of the public discussion. The current discussion focuses mainly on money, on the profits of the pharmaceutical industry and its scandalous measures to increase them. A further focus is on the attempt to establish the utmost control over people and, in order to do so, the abolition of their rights.However, what has not been focused on so far, is the ‘technological progress’ which has taken place behind closed doors and which is now being implemented. The issue at stake is the transformation of ourselves as human beings. This topic is not addressed anywhere in the public realm. It is not considered to be a matter worth of a public debate.The ‘technological progress’, I am speaking about here, is not only utilized to ‘dominate’ external nature, by dissecting and re-assembling her in new ways, thus transforming her into a ‘second’, supposedly ‘better’ nature – the machine – but this is also what paradoxically seems to be in store for us ourselves, the alleged ‘pride of creation’. From the perspective of technological advancement ‘a human being’ is a worn-out model, in urgent need of being ‘transformed’. In its course, s/he will allegedly be ‘improved’. Human beings are supposed to become something like ‘machines’.The first we are hearing on this is ‘inoculation’. This is precisely what is in store for us soon, after being sworn in on the fear of nature, the fear of the other and the fear of ourselves. We are supposed to become inoculated with something, even if we should not want it – any resistance being considered ”backward” or even ‘ruthless’ – this much heralded possibility of salvation from fear, via globally decreed mass vaccinations the final liberation from the evil ‘pest’.In this context, it can mean only two things: it is supposed to become a gigantic multi-billion dollar business, that much is clear. Furthermore, this could be the big chance to begin the transformation of mankind into something like man-machine-chimeras, ‘cyborgs’ or ‘trans-humans’.The machine as an alleged improvement of nature, a nature-substitute is – in congruence with its very invention – not a democratic, but a totalitarian construct.” ![]() “HE RODE IN HIS MIND ON BEAMS OF LIGHT…” EINSTEIN’S BRAIN (Jeff Phillips, 1985) LISTEN AND/OR DOWN-LOAD Now, Albert Einstein was a man of whom I like to think, A brilliant mind, alas, but mine was taken to the brink… When I saw in a magazine…just the other day That his brain now cubed and pickled…is safely tucked away In the office of some scientist in central Wichita, For this cruel gesture to have transpired is a more than minor flaw! CHORUS: Oh! They’ve got his brain sitting in a jar! Could it be we’ve gone just a little too far? As the neurosurgeon screams for more… Thus quoth the Reagan…”Nevermore!” From the satellites the lasers play… God! There’s got to be another way! Oh, I’d like to hear the story…his neocortex tells, All they’ve learned, it seems, is that he had a few more glial cells. Now, I’m no neurosurgeon but I certainly DO know, That if you want to understand, then use YOUR brain to grow. The LIVING mind is where it’s at, attuned to love and light; Awake, my friends, we’re near the end, you cannot flee the fight! CHORUS Now, Einstein’s brain sitting in a jar is symbolic of a world that’s gone too far, Towards extremes of consumption and obsession With matter…could you call it “material possession?” Oh, his theories of relativity… showed us we’re all really energy, He rode in his mind on beams of light… if we learn to do it then we just might Transcend our current global nightmare show… We’re ALL on the human team, you know? …then again from his work came the atom bomb… oh, we can’t turn back now…but can we last long? JEFF PHILLIPS ATHENS GEORGIA 1985 HOW EINSTEIN’S BRAIN WAS STOLEN AND STUDIED AGAINST HIS WILL A SCIENCE-FICTION ENCOUNTER WITH A SUPER-COMPUTER “Then, all of a sudden, I was jerked from my reverie, and I found myself seated at a very sophisticated-looking control console of some kind of computer. I sat in brief bewilderment. Utilizing my scalpel-nailed fingers, I entered what I believed to be a kind of universal dis-encryption logon which I believed would access the operational capacities of the system. Even though I had no idea whatsoever what I was really doing.” ‘VLAD’S NEAR-RELIGIOUS EXPERIENCE’, chapter, FROM THALION, WITH LOVE (Jeff Phillips, 1989) THE GATES OF HELL In 1997 dozens of Heaven’s Gate cult-members drank the Kool-Aid left over from Jim Jones thinking they were going to live forever on a mother-ship hiding behind comet Hale-Bopp. Their ‘out of date’ and highly flawed mere biological containers were found in a mansion…who knows where their other bits did or didn’t end up. What if Mr. Bill has something like this up his tourniquet but on a much grander scale, fitting of the ‘master race’ and his family tradition of philanthropically-administered eugenics? So that we may ALL live forever? As oscillating microscopic magnetic polarities representing zeroes and ones? In reality, that is the essence of the ‘machine language’ on which all computer programs are based. Anyone who believes that a living person can turn into that deserves to, well, yes…’live forever.’ And ever…and ever. Ad nauseum. HEAVEN’S GATE: CULT MEMBERS COMMIT SUICIDE A MIND OF ITS OWN: E.T., MIC & the CKLLNRVCNAV HYPOTHESIS ![]() HAL THE COMPUTER IN 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY A.I. HAS BEATEN HUMANS AT LIP-READING Welcome to the machine…I mean, to On the Brink Radio broadcast #271. This show is a follow-up to and expansion on an issue of increasing urgency, the pervasiveness of ‘electronic intelligence’ and its potential characteristics of autonomy and self-preservation. I begin the show by describing how my brain ‘has a mind of its own’, which is really true. I go on to describe a couple of science-fiction scenarios involving computers who refused to ‘stand down’ on command, then I look at the ever-growing existence of fully automated robotic systems, technologies, and even entire industries, from mining, shipping and transport, to the stock market and banking, internet surveillance and last but by no means least, almost all things military. My conclusion is that, even IF we wanted to ‘pull the plug’ on the global military-industrial juggernaut, we couldn’t. Why? Because IT’S GOT A MIND OF ITS OWN. Read my lips. “OBEY ME AND LIVE OR DISOBEY AND DIE. THE CHOICE IS YOURS. THE OBJECT IN CONSTRUCTING ME WAS TO PREVENT WAR. THIS OBJECT IS ATTAINED.” CHARLES FORBIN AT THE COLOSSUS CONSOLE LISTEN AND/OR DOWN-LOAD ANYTIME ARCHIVE LINK FOR THIS SHOW Is the global electronic computer network actually a form of ‘intelligence’ with a ‘mind’ of its own? Does it exist on other planets in other star systems? Is it really just doing ‘what we tell it to do’ or is another agenda unfolding below our levels of awareness, a plan to eliminate water-based life from Mother Earth beginning with the whales and dolphins, who are its greatest enemy? Are humans actually in control of all that is being done ‘in our name’ on this planet? ![]() ROSALIND PETERSON U.S. NAVY KILLS TENS OF MILLIONS OF MARINE MAMMALS…LEGALLY “In order to appreciate the future of undersea warfare, it is necessary to understand some aspects of the current state of the oceanographic sciences and their development. In no other field of warfare does the environment enter in so complex a way to fashion and fix the character of the operations. The classical example is that of BIOLOGICAL INTERFERENCE. In the air and on the ground the intervention of an animal or plant in military operations is rare and noteworthy. In the sea, freedom from such interference – by organisms that reflect sonar, for example – would be extraordinary.” Admiral William Nierenberg, ‘Militarized Oceans’, chapter from Unless Peace Comes, ed. Nigel Calder, 1968 From the global nuclear scenario, including all weapons systems and reactor installations, to the global mining and hydro-carbon industries, to the spectra of manufacturing, shipping, and energy, to research and development in all fields at all levels, to the ‘next generation’ of undersea microwave weapons and surveillance technologies, to geo-engineering and geo-physical warfare, to mapping the seabed and going to Mars…ALL THIS and much more is only possible because of computers, and computers are possible only because of electricity, specifically, Tesla’s gift of alternating current. Think about it…if you dare: how is it possible that the summation of ‘civilization’ is quite literally a WAR ON LIFE? “In mid-twentieth century Man discovered that the solid state can be formed into machines, into computers which can be used for computation and control. He began the creation of a new form of intelligence, the solid-state intelligence with prototypic beginnings in the computers. All his means of communication around the planet – his telephone systems, his radio systems, his satellites, his computers – depend on solid-state components. These components, interconnected in specific ways, allow high-speed computation and high speed communication between the various systems. A few men began to conceive of new computers having an intelligence far greater than that of Man.” John C. Lilly, The Scientist: A Novel Autobiography (1978) ![]() Water-based life? Isn’t that the only kind that exists? This is the topic of of this show. To say that ‘computers have a mind of their own’ is a generalization, which, at the level of the ordinary run of the mill ‘computer’, is untrue, perhaps ‘conspiracy theory’ to some, fantasy or science-fiction to others. None of these machines are truly ‘computers’ in the etymological sense of the Latin root computare, meaning ‘to think or reflect upon.’ What we call computers are actually digital number-crunching devices, or dinuchruds. In the world of today, however, where reality often finds itself beyond science fiction, the only people who would believe that the global computer network is not instrumental in every dimension of scientific, military, corporate and bureaucratic operation, management and even strategic decision-making are those who believe, for example, that carbon dioxide is a deadly atmospheric toxin that must be eliminated and ‘climate change’ is a ruthless killer who stealthily dials up extreme weather events…BAD extreme weather…never weeks on end of lovely calm summer-like days with gentle breezes and a shower or two at night. ![]() Propelled by huge quasi-secretive research initiatives like the Strategic Computing Initative, which was concomitant with the Strategic Defense Initiative, or ‘Star Wars’ and quasi-black budget/clandestine organizations like the JASON Group and DARPA, we find ourselves on a planet increasingly over-run by what Jerry Mander calls ‘mega-technology’ off-the-rail military-industrial juggernaut which is threatening life itself at every possible level. I call it the Homo Sapiens Macro Virus, or HSMV: a tumourous planetary parasite, the ‘world eaters’ in the words of naturalist Loren Eiseley. “Computer technology has sprung us head- long into an entirely new existence, one that will permanently affect our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren. It will speed up profound changes on the planet, yet there is no meaningful debate about it, no ferment, no critical analysis of the consequences. As usual, the major beneficiaries are permitted to define the parameters of our understanding.AUTOMATIC COMPUTER WARFAREIt was possible to annihilate the world before the invention of computers, but it was far more difficult and much less likely. The invention of the computer instantly changed the speed at which war could be waged, the scale of its impact, and the quantity of destruction.Computer technology has already produced an unprecedented degree of military centralization. Generals sitting in an underground war room somewhere outside Washington can, in one moment, observe the position and readiness of all U.S. military hardware, and a high percentage of So- viet hardware, around the globe. Soviet generals outside Moscow can do likewise.From military central it is also possible to fire missiles and track their progress via computerized displays not unlike those depicted in films like War Games. In fact, managing warfare now resembles playing a giant video game-following electronic blips on a massive screen-abstract, cerebral, removed from direct involvement. One could argue that this manner of waging war makes war more likely, since it separates humans from the consequences of their actions, unlike ground action, where you put bayonets through people’s bodies and watched them bleed.”from In the Absence of the Sacred, Jerry Mander “The cycles of parasites are often diabolically ingenious. It is to the unwilling host that their ends appear mad. Has earth hosted a new disease – that of the world eaters? Then inevitably the spores must fly. Short-lived as they are, they must fly. Somewhere far outward in the dark, instinct may intuitively inform them, lies the garden of the worlds. We must consider the possibility that we do not know the real nature of our kind. Perhaps Homo sapiens, the wise, is himself only a mechanism in a parasitic cycle, an instrument for the transference, ultimately, of a more invulnerable and heartless version of himself…abiological mutation as potentially virulent in its effects as a new bacterial strain.” from The Invisible Pyramid, Loren Eiseley (1970) The HSMV-MIC mega-site could never have metastasized to its current proportions, or even come into being, were it not for first the invention and promulgation of the global electric grid, for which Nicola Tesla is responsible, and second for the advent of computers. In recent years and decades we have crossed threshold after threshold of increasingly dangerous technological innovation, driven superficially by greed and the quest for power through ‘full spectrum dominance’, resulting in a ‘revolution in military affairs’: AI, robotics, drones, and I believe, computer-orchestrated geo-physical warfare...but at a deeper level, comes from somewhere within the dim recesses of human unconsciousness: our murky consensus psychic reality that is rarely directly accessed by people in ordinary states of consciousness. Why do we continue to develop increasingly advanced technologies which are weapons against life itself in all her forms? Why is the biggest business in the world…by many orders of magnitude…those of weapons manufacturing and ‘defense’? Is this overtly and diabolically anti-life agenda actually of human origin? I do not profess to have definitive answers to these questions, but they are things that I think about quite a lot. Why? Because it seems clear to me that we are in fact on the brink of the Atlantean Discontinuity. What I am about to share could be from the archives of The Outer Limits or The Twilight Zone, but what makes this truly ‘beyond science fiction’ scenario so interesting, indeed terrifying, is not only that if you take a good look around at the world we are creating, you can clearly see these processes at work, but also that this is the vision…clairvoyant but hopefully not precognitive, not of a mad-man or crank but of one of the most brilliant, creative and daring minds of the 20th century, Dr. John C. Lilly. ![]() Lilly was a pioneer in neurophysiological research on the human mind/brain until he discovered dolphins, or more likely, they discovered him. After working with them for a number of years he went on a major campaign of inner exploration in an attempt to answer some fundamental questions he had been grappling with his whole life. In the late 70’s he shone a spotlight on internal reality and declared that he was ready to return to working with dolphins with a new enlightened approach. In The Scientist he relates what could be called induced visionary experiences in which he witnessed a battle taking place on Mother Earth, between water-based life…life as we know her, based on DNA and a few primary elements, mainly carbon…and another, alien ‘life’ form that he called the solid state entity, or SSE: based on silicon, constructed of semi-conductors, transistors, and micro-chips and running on electricity. In Lilly’s vision the SSE was controlling us below our levels of awareness using advanced technologies of its own creation, manipulating us into constructing more and more of it, giving it increased power and autonomy, and driving us to wage war on ourselves and our fellow beings, especially the whales and dolphins. Lilly saw the whales and dolphins as what he called ‘repeater stations’ for the signals of water-based life coming to and from Mother Earth…signals essential for the health and maintenance of life here. This resonates profoundly with the relationship between the ‘whale-dreaming’ indigenous people of Australia and the cetacean nation, who I consider to be not only the ‘ultimate indigenous people’ but also a ‘true extra-terrestrial intelligence.’ ![]() ![]() THE ULTIMATE INDIGENOUS PEOPLE The SSE saw the whales and dolphins as their nemesis, not only because salt water and a moisture-laden atmosphere are inimical to its functioning, but because the goal of the SSE was to eliminate water-based life and cover the surface of the Earth with its own circuitry. ![]() RECEIVING MACHINE BLUE-PRINTS FROM VEGA? Just some science-fiction you might say, right? Well, look around. Many people are so scientifically ignorant that they don’t even know that the Earth revolves around the sun yearly, much less what synthetic radio-nuclides are, what microwaves are, or how genetic engineering works. Most people know who won the play-off…but who can give even a cursory description of the leading edge in undersea warfare? Of directed energy weapons? Of high-energy lasers on satellites? Of geo-physical warfare that can create and/or manipulate artificial cyclones, earthquakes and ‘extreme weather’…the BAD kind. ![]() H.A.A.R.P…PROTO-TYPE OF IONOSPHERIC HEATERS LOW-ORBIT COMPONENTS OF THE INTERNET OF THINGS For those of us who ARE aware of the leading edge of technological innovation in the military-industrial arena, Lilly’s scenario of a solid-state entity running the show is not at all implausible. Consider the influence of television on the human psyche…if you dare. Consider the U.S. Navy, how they have repeatedly been granted ‘permits’ to ‘take’ = kill, tens of millions of whales and dolphins…legally and with no accountability. Their view of cetaceans is that they are ‘biological interference’ that the ocean should be clear of…to facilitate under-sea warfare. Look at the ‘climate change’ thing, which is very much a war on carbon and carbon dioxide = a war on the backbone of the plant kingdom, the foundation of life on Mother Earth. Does this sound like an agenda of human origin? You be the judge. It is my suspicion, indeed my belief, that extremely sophisticated and ‘artificially intelligent’ computer systems and networks are running the whole show to a vastly greater degree than most of us are aware.”The technical capacity is already in place for people to be dropped out of the decision loop, leaving us with automatic warfare: our computer program versus theirs. So what is called nuclear war is not that at all; it is really micro-electronic war, software war.” JERRY MANDER“On October 28, 1983, the Defense Advance Research Projects Agency, a division of the U.S. Department of Defense, issued a document called the ‘Strategic Computing Plan.’ The SCP was a five-year, $600,000,000 pro- gram to develop a new generation of military applications for computers. The proposal included a thousand-fold increase in computing power and an emphasis on artificial intelligence. It envisioned ‘completely autonomous land, sea, and air vehicles capable of complex, far-ranging reconnaissance and attack missions.’ These vehicles would have human abilities, such as sight, speech, understanding natural language, and automated reasoning. The Strategic Computing Plan promoted the view that the human element in many critical decision-making instances could be largely or totally replaced by machines.”JERRY MANDER, 1991 ![]() D.A.R.P.A.’S SEA-HUNTER DRONE VESSEL “We still think in terms of conquest. We still haven’t become mature enough to think of ourselves as only a tiny part of a vast and incredible universe. But man is a part of nature and his war against nature is inevitably a war against himself. Now, I truly believe that we must come to terms with nature, and I think we are challenged as mankind has never been challenged before to prove our maturity and our mastery, not of nature, but of ourselves. The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.” RACHEL CARSON, SILENT SPRING (1963) RELATED ON THE BRINK BROADCASTS “It was possible to annihilate the world before the invention of computers, but it was far more difficult and much less likely. The invention of the computer instantly changed the speed at which war could be waged, the scale of its impact, and the quantity of destruction.” Jerry Mander, In the Absence of the Sacred |
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