“Twas Covid, sheeple CNN’d, did quake and tremble in the fright; Sir Veillance o’er all Wuhan ruled with 5G satellite. Demics from the lairs of Pan, a global virus mean! How do I know? Bill Gates said so, he’s got a fine vaccine! ‘If you feel unwell’, he said, ‘trust me, I’m not insane… We’ve got a nano-id-chip to shoot into your vein… Don’t worry, you’ll feel better soon, for it’s all tried and true, There’s no rehab for our vaxy-jab, it’s non-adhesive glue! I’m going to New Zealand soon, to meet Ardern’s admin, To roll out our agendas and vax contracts to win. If you should see a cootie there, appearing to be lost, We wish to share our vax with him, we must at any cost!’ “ from THE JAB-A -VAXY, Jeff Phillips, in progress “I was over at the airport just the other day When I saw a little cootie crawling on the run-way. I said ‘Mr.Cootie, may I give you a hand?’ He said ‘That would be lovely, you’re kind for a man… I’ve come from Andromeda, it’s a bit of a strain, My mission to Mars was all in vain When my craft was side-swiped by Elon’s satellite, Forcing my landing in New Zealand tonight. Take me to your leader. That’s what you could do…’ But Orange was busy, and Scomo, too… So I took him to Jacinda thinking she’d understand This microbial being from a distant land…” from THE COOTIE FROM ANDROMEDA, Jeff Phillips, in progress “‘Microbial subsurface life has existed on Earth for billions of years and still does,’ Gold said. ‘It is very likely that we will find a deep, hot biosphere on Mars, as we have found on Earth, and probably on many other planetary bodies in our solar system.’ “ ASTRONOMER THOMAS GOLD, THE DEEP HOT BIOSPHERE (1992) “I am currently working on a book advocating the spreading of genetically-engineered microbial life to all extra-terrestrial locations found to be barren.” “[My] third book is to be entitled Inoculating Mars; in it I will argue that humankind could and should deliberately infect Mars with genetically-modified micro-organisms designed and constructed to be able to thrive there, once we are sure that the planet has no indigenous life forms.” DUNCAN STEEL “A single terrestrial micro-organism reproducing as slowly as once a month on Mars would, in the absence of other ecological limitations, result in less than a decade in a microbial population of the Martian soil comparable to that of the Earth’s.” CARL SAGAN, ELLIOTT C. LEVINTHAL and JOSHUA LEDERBERG, 1967 JEFF: “Are the Martian’s going to like Elon Musk?” STEEL: “It’s a good question, as such, as people wonder if there’s life on Mars. I’ve worked in astrobiology for many years, off and on… JEFF: “There could be some Goldian microbes down in the soil…” STEEL: “…yep…my personal view is that probably Mars is sterile. I don’t have any real solid scientific basis to say that on… JEFF: “Now let me ask you this. I wasn’t sure if this was for real or not, but I read that you have an idea to seed other celestial bodies with genetically engineered life-forms…” STEEL: “Yes, I think we ought to. Mars would be the first stop. I think that as soon as we’re pretty sure that Mars is sterile we should be seeding it if you like with bacteria that we’ve engineered in order to be able to thrive in the Martian environment, that can eat the carbon dioxide and eat the terribly noxious things in the soil and tinker with their DNA such that they are then able to thrive in the Martian environment in particular where we see liquid water on Mars at the foot of these scarps and cliffs and then once we’ve done that…” JEFF: “Did you say liquid water?” STEEL: “Yeah, there’s clearly water seeping out on Mars at the foot of these scarps and that’s the absolute necessity of life on Earth as far as we know and maybe everywhere. This is why we look for liquid water. I think that we could seed Mars in this way and then life itself will be two-planet. I think that philosophically that would be a great thing to do. Some people would be outraged by the idea of polluting Mars with these microbes but it is possible that we could wipe ourselves out, it is possible that a comet or asteroid could come and wipe out civilization. We’re in this narrow window of opportunity at the current time, potentially only narrow, where we’re space-faring. We’ve only been space-faring for 60 years and what we need to do, in my opinion, is to take the opportunity we now have, with all the different sciences and technology coming together, we can go to Mars and we can also genetically engineer organisms which could thrive there. We may not be able to do that in 50 or 100 years time because we may blast ourselves to pieces or a comet or asteroid might blast us to pieces.” JEFF: “Well, there’s another option, the trans-humanists who are trying to transform themselves into non-biological life-forms that don’t need oxygen and sunlight?” STEEL: “Indeed…” JEFF: “Then we could just go into space with our own body…stick your solar panel out and a sail from the solar wind and off you go…” STEEL: “Again, these are interesting things to talk about on a philosophical basis…” JEFF: “Would this be to pave the way for larger life-forms?” STEEL: “That’s looking too far into the future. Here I’m looking only a few decades into the future. The basis of my argument is this: as far as we know at the current time is the only place in the cosmos that has life is the Earth. That puts a very special responsibility on our shoulders…” JEFF: “Doesn’t it?” STEEL: “…Right. Now people talk about how we ought to become a two-planet civilization by populating Mars or somewhere else, building huge structures in space so that the human race doesn’t get wiped out. If you like, I’m taking a wider view than that. The essential thing is self-replicating molecules. DNA, RNA and so on. We can, we do have the technological capability to ensure that life itself becomes two-planet within our actual personal life-times. It could be done within twenty or thirty years. All we need to do is take terrestrial organisms or synthesize new ones, tinker with their genetics, tinker with their DNA such that they are then able to thrive in the Martian environment, in particular where we see liquid water on Mars at the foot of these scarps and cliffs, and then once we’ve done that…” ON THE BRINK INTERVIEW WITH DUNCAN STEEL, NELSON NEW ZEALAND, JANUARY 2020 “We’re looking for life on Mars and we don’t even know what’s on Earth!” BIOLOGIST CRAIG VENTOR “Many thanks, Jeff – and I’m with you on Mars. Any kind of contamination is bad, and I think the COSPAR Planetary Protection Rules should be followed to the letter. And as for colonisation… don’t get me started.” AUSTRALIA’S ASTRONOMER AT LARGE FRED WATSON “Perhaps Homo sapiens, the wise, is himself only a mechanism in a parasitic cycle, an instrument for the transference, ultimately, of a more invulnerable and heartless version of himself…a biological mutation as potentially virulent in its effects as a new bacterial strain. The fact that its nature appears to be cultural merely enables the disease to be spread with fantastic rapidity. There is no comparable episode in history… To climb the fiery ladder that the spore bearers have used one must consume the resources of a world.” LOREN EISELEY, THE WORLD EATERS, THE INVISIBLE PYRAMID (1970) |
THE RED PLANET SHINING BRIGHTLYOn this very day, 9 September, Mars, rising in the eastern skies in early evening, has become stationary and is about to begin a period of ‘retrograde’ motion as its movement appears from our perspective here on Earth. Mars is closest to Earth on 6 October and reaches opposition on 13 October. https://spaceweather.com/archive.php?view=1&day=10&month=09&year=2020 APPARENT MOTION OF MARS https://vimeo.com/454212252 ‘AUSTRAL HELIOCOSM’ (in progress) JEFF PHILLIPS ART http://dolphinmatrix.com/Jeff NEW BROADCAST WEEKLY @ 8 A.M. SUNDAY EST-USA / 3.A.M. MONDAY-NEW ZEALAND / 1 A.M. MONDAY-AUSTRALIA (SYDNEY/NSW/TASMANIA) / 9 A.M. SATURDAY-HAWAI’I & RAROTONGA 24/7 ON SOUNDCLOUD:) UCY.TV‘S LISTEN LIVE LINK: http://ucy.tv/Default.aspx?PID=113&=On+the+Brink UCY.TV‘S YOUTUBE CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEGocUztnYtS-I2kk97AWqALISTEN AND/OR DOWN-LOAD ANYTIME ARCHIVE LINKS FOR THIS SHOW: https://soundcloud.com/user-757020234/on-the-brink-radio-335-operation-frankenseed-interplanetary-rape-exo-toxicity RECENT BROADCASTS ON THE BRINK RADIO #334 HELIO-TERRORISM and the DARWIN AWARDS https://soundcloud.com/user-757020234/on-the-brink-radio-334-helio-terrorism-darwin-awards ON THE BRINK RADIO #333 THE KARMA OF COVID and OTHER UNNATURAL DISASTERS https://soundcloud.com/user-344588439/on-the-brink-radio-333-karma-of-covid-other-unnatural-disasters ON THE BRINK RADIO #332 TASMANIA TO TOP END: TRAVERSING A NEW SONG-LINE https://soundcloud.com/user-344588439/on-the-brink-radio-332-tasmania-to-top-end RELATED POSTS SYZYGIES OF COSMIC BEAUTY: ASTRONOMER FRED WATSON https://mailchi.mp/fc963e59eb01/on-the-brink-radio-330-syzygies-of-cosmic-beauty-honouring-the-astronomical-with-fred-watsonmars-under-attackhiroshimas-75th ON BEING AN ASTRONOMER https://mailchi.mp/4e0545872cdc/on-the-brink-radio-322-on-being-an-astronomer-honouring-star-nations-and-our-cosmic-context SPACE: ARE WE THERE YET? https://mailchi.mp/ff83bcec88dc/on-the-brink-radio-309-space-are-we-there-yet-part-oneaustralia-eco-holocaust-update “Shiver me timbers, and walk the plank… Blow me down and bite me crank… Splice some genes and send them to Mars… Why stop there? It’s ON TO THE STARS! “ It must be the heat getting to me. Non-sense and gibberish seems to be pouring out of me at an even higher rate than normal. In this I am very much not alone in the world of human activity; at least I am able to get this blog written and posted closer to schedule than last week. May I share a bit of my story before launching into Operation Frankenseed, a plan to ‘infect Mars’ with genetically-engineered microbes. SHE-OAKS AT CASUARINA BEACH The weather up here in Darwin is steady and stable, with clear cloudless sunny days for over 3 weeks now, a bit of wind often coming up about now, around 3-4pm, but nice…it’s probably starting to cool from around 30 C today, and at sunrise I’d say it was around 18 C…almost a slight touch of chill on the footsies. I love the warmth. Optimally, it’s nice to have cool refreshing air to breath and warmer air on the feets, and when driving that’s not hard to do…but I am really enjoying not having to wear any clothes unless I venture out into the yard or beyond…like my hero Hundertwasser used to do! I’ve been asking the local nature and atmospheric devas if it might be possible to have an early onset of some rain this season, to contend with the ‘once in five years’ catastrophic fire conditions here; lo and behold, the bureau of meteorology announced last week that significant rain should be forth-coming in October! I’m not asking any questions, just giving thanks! DAVID GULPILIL, the ‘face of Australia’ I am honoured to be in touch with aboriginal actor par excellence David Gulpilil. He has starred in all of my favourite Australian films, including ‘The Last Wave’, a Peter Weir production, which is to me the best film ever to come out of the ‘lucky country’. He has portrayed the spirit of the real people of Australia to the world in many roles, some of them auto-biographical, being the face of the dream-time ancestors to hundreds of millions of people around the world. To say that Gulpilil is the face of Australia is not an understatement. His care-giver rang me earlier in the week and told me that he is doing well with his treatments for lung cancer, which was great to hear. I am going to send him the rock I made for him two years ago, a small painting, and some other rocks for her and their friends and family. When he’s feeling up to it I might even get to say hello on the phone. ‘LOST’ OR ON ‘WALKABOUT’? AMAZING VISIT OF HUMPBACK WHALES TO KAKADU NATIONAL PARK Earlier this week three humpback whales were spotted going up the Alligator River in Kakadu National Park east of Darwin. Two of them returned to the ocean but the third one is still making its way up the river. Scientists and park officials are stunned as they’ve never seen humpback whales in this area ever. Even though this river has one of the highest densities of crocodiles in the world, the whale is not in danger due to its sheer enormity. ‘Experts’ think the whale must be lost, as they are generally heading to Antarctica now for their summer feeding frenzy, but they are ‘natural explorers’ and may be on ‘walkabout.’ I reckon they might be the same three who came to see me in northern Tasmania a couple months ago and are trying to find me up here. In a couple hours I’ll be going out to the ocean and will try to spot them! https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-09-12/nt-humpback-whales-in-kakadu-stun-experts/12657898 MONDAY 14 SEPT: WHALE 20 KMS UP RIVER, IN DEEP WATER AND OK… https://www.abc.net.au/radionational/programs/breakfast/whale/12660626 TUESDAY 15 SEPT: MARINE BIOLOGISTS WEIGHING OPTIONS… https://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-09-14/kakadu-whales-humpbacks-options-for-nt-scientists/12660398 Marine biologists all over Australia have their heads together on helping the humpback whale to get back out to the ocean…this is a great interview with Dr. Carol Palmer, cetacean researcher for NT. They have done aerial photography and are planning to put satellite tags on him in the next day or two, then to use acoustic techniques to shift his direction, first noises made by boats then playing recorded humpback whale songs. The latter worked to get Humphrey the humpback from the San Francisco harbor back to the ocean in 1985. Very exciting and an honour for me to be here now! 🙂 HUMPBACK WHALE IN ALLIGATOR RIVER, KAKADU N.P., NT “CHILLEEWIRR” Marri Tjevin name for dragon-fly 🙂 In the past week or two dragon-flies have started to come out in numbers, I can often look up and see a dozen or more hovering in formation. The other day I was standing in the yard doing my Qi Gong. I looked over my shoulder and there one was, hovering less than a meter from me and looking right at me! I said ‘g’day’ and asked what his message might be, as in some native American mythologies he is known as a spiritual messenger. I think his message has to do with the planet Mars… ‘INFECTING MARS’ AND CONTAMINATING THE HELIO-COSM: OPERATION FRANKENSEED and the EXO-TOXICITY INITIATIVE http://geo-terrorism.blogspot.com/2020/09/infecting-mars-and-contaminating-helio.html A very interesting synchronicity…ANOTHER ONE…that on the very day I am writing this post about what I consider to be one of the most diabolical ideas ever concocted by the mind of man, to disseminate genetically modified organisms on Mars, that Mars himself is momentarily and apparently stationary in the sky from our perspective. Mars isn’t really motionless and is orbiting as usual; it’s an artefact of our perspective and relative motion on Earth that creates this illusion. Astrological people make a big deal about planets ‘going retrograde’ and make it sound like they are moving backwards, like in that old film The Day The Earth Stood Still or something…and not that this hasn’t happened due to proximal encounters with rogue planets. But this is really no more than an optical illusion similar to parallax shifts and mirages. For some reason, this has been a hard post for me to write. I am accustomed to dealing with the heaviest of the heavy stuff concerning what homo sapiens has been doing on Mother Earth for a long time. Maybe it’s because this story has a personal element: it’s not like atomic weapons or deep sea-bed mining which are highly destructive enterprises conceived and deployed by industries, departments and organizations, essentially nameless and faceless. I never met Oppenheimer or the CEO of Lockheed-Martin. Au contraire, Operation Frankenseed as I am calling it, is more or less attributable to one person, and a person who I met and did an interview with a few months ago. This is how I know about it, believe it or not…from the horse’s mouth, as it were. And not Jacinda’s… DUNCAN STEEL WITH ROCK FROM EARTH I first heard of Duncan Steel when I was visiting some of the world’s top comet astronomers at the Siding Spring Observatory in the remote Warrumbungles region of NSW three years ago. I had been drawn to communicate because of my increasingly intensive interest in comets and asteroids, particularly after an experience I had in NZ in 2015 in which a pod of dolphins telepathically transmitted an image to me of what such an object might look like for the split second as it passed through the atmosphere on its way toward the observer. My friends showed me Duncan’s book Rogue Asteroids and Dooms-day Comets. I read a bit of it and found it to be quite informative and technically proficient, not that I am an authority on comets, asteroids, or orbital mechanics. He included the customary Velikovsky-bashing, and a lot of it seemed to be dedicated to employing advanced technologies not only to detect ‘PHA‘s’ and ‘NEO‘s’ (Potentially Hazardous Asteroids and Near-Earth Objects) but to ”do something about them’…blow them up for instance? NEAR-EARTH OBJECTS I emailed him at this time asking if he would do a radio interview. He declined due to pressing ‘personal issues’ but did send me two very interesting articles. Last December I found myself house-sitting in Nelson on the south island of New Zealand, where I knew he was living. I was able to get a message to him and we caught up for a cuppa one day, at the Art Museum, which is only a couple hundred meters from the geographical centre of New Zealand. You know, the kind of place where strategic weapons systems tend to be deployed! We chatted a bit and I gave him a painted rock with some dolphins and a comet on it, then I asked if he had time and interest to do a one-hour interview for my radio show. He agreed, so we went over amongst the shrubberies and he shared a wealth of information about comets and asteroids: to me, Duncan Steel was a leading authority in this area and was highly respected by his colleagues who I knew, regarded as a bit eccentric but of very capable intellect. When we met, however, he made it clear that his work with comets and asteroids was primarily in his past and that he was now working for a company that processed satellite data and involved in many new projects. When I first looked at his web-site in 2017, I saw that he was writing a book about disseminating genetically-engineered organisms on Mars. As he had shown a bit of humour, for example, about how ‘manly’ his name was, I figured this Mars thing had to be a joke: who could possibly think that something like this was a good idea from any point of view, other than that of Monsanto or the Pentagon? Much to my dismay, towards the end of our interview I asked him about this Mars thing, and he assured me in no uncertain terms that it was not a joke. Somehow I was not surprised to hear this. In the radio interview I edited out most of what he had to say about this, but have included it word for word at the beginning of this post. Over the next few days, as I had time to think about the implications of this, I also began to have some questions about exactly what Steel and company actually do and for whom. I did a bit of digging and came up with some disturbing results. When I asked Duncan if he would do a follow-up interview to explore my new questions, and asked his employer to put me onto their other top researcher, all I got was condemned for being ‘rude’ and ‘how dare I ask such questions…’ I pulled the interview with Steel from the On the Brink queue and have not broadcast it, even though it is a brilliant talk with a highly knowledgeable mind about comets and asteroids = just what it was meant to be. ON THE BRINK RADIO INTERVIEW WITH DUNCAN STEEL https://soundcloud.com/user-877993762/on-the-brink-radio-309-duncan-steel-astronomer-space-scientist STEEL’S VIEW OF MOTHER OCEAN https://www.stuff.co.nz/science/300104121/nz-has-pivotal-position-in-potential-satellite-conflicts “Consider Rocket Lab’s launch site on the Mahia Peninsula. From there satellites can be dispatched on trajectories within the arc from northeast to southwest, and the lower rocket booster stages drop harmlessly into the Pacific. The famous complex at Cape Canaveral in Florida was built there for similar reasons, as is the second Rocket Lab site at Wallops Island, Virginia – there’s only ocean to the east. But shouldn’t we have some sort of capability to see for ourselves what is happening in the skies above New Zealand? Suitable radars located near (say) Invercargill, Auckland and in the Cook Islands could track every satellite passing across a line drawn from the South Pole to the equator, and make a vital contribution to ensuring that peace is maintained in outer space.” This person thinks that rockets and their parts can just ‘drop harmlessly into the Pacific’ and there’s ‘only ocean’ out beyond…’terra nullius’ of the ocean? NOBODY THERE SO WE CAN DO ANYTHING WE WANT? This contradiction is what has made this blog hard to write. Someone who is a leading authority on a topic not only of great importance to me, but to life as we know her on Mother Earth, and with whom I had a personal connection, turned out to be a master-mind of something which, if done, could have consequences even more disastrous than man’s splitting of the atom. Steel is not the first person to think of doing this, and is not alone by any means; I am focussing on him because as far as I know, he is the only person writing a book about it and is therefore the de facto ‘let’s infect Mars’ PR spokes-person, plus that he told me all about it in person. My initial instantaneous response to this plan, which I am calling Operation Frankenseed and Steel Frankensteel, was that it is in clear and flagrant violation of every long-standing precautionary principle from the dawn of the space age concerning the necessity of NOT contaminating any other object or body in the solar system, nor to do the same in reverse, that is, accidentally bring back microbes, life-forms or other ‘agents’ to Earth. This in honour of and respect to life: here, that we are part of, who/which might be endangered by unknown organisms from ‘out there’, to which, for example, we may have no immunity or defences, in the same way that native American populations in the Americas were decimated by diseases brought by the Spanish conquistadors; and there, who/which might be invisible to and undetectable by us, with no immunity or defences against anything from here…natural microbes or genetically-modified organisms on any scale. A note on Frankenstein. In the Mary Shelley novel from 1818, the so-called ‘monster’ never had a name…Victor Frankenstein was the ‘mad scientist’ who assembled body parts and animated them electrically to create a being who on coming to understand his origin, was quite angry and confused but also at heart a being of intelligence, sensitivity and compassion. I use the name in association with the hubris, arrogance, megalomania and ‘theoi-mimeitai‘, should I be so bold as to coin a term meaning ‘god-imitating’, demonstrated by ‘patriarchal man’ since the dawn of ‘civilization.’ GO TO 34:00 TO SEE ‘GLOBAL WARMING’ GRAPH Astronomer Carl Sagan, for whom I have a great deal of respect, regardless of his virulent Velikovsky-bashing as well as his involvement in pre-Al Gore ‘global warming’ propaganda…his astro-educational tv series Cosmos remains an unparalleled constructive use of mass-media, and his nuclear-awareness activism unequalled…and some fellow researchers came out with a document in 1967 entitled ‘The Contamination of Mars’, written in response to COSPAR ( Committee on Space Research) ‘planetary protection’ rules, which they believed were not nearly stringent enough. The guiding principle supposedly has been “that the planet of Mars may offer the only feasible opportunity to conduct this search during the foreseeable future, that contamination of this planet would make such a search far more difficult and possibly even prevent for all time an unequivocal result, that all practical steps should be taken to ensure that Mars be not biologically contaminated until such time as this search has been satisfactorily carried out, and that cooperation in proper scheduling of experiments and use of adequate spacecraft sterilization techniques is required on the part of all deep space probe launching authorities to avoid such contamination”. (COSPAR, 1964) Without going into further detail…suffice it to say that they were talking about 30 spores per space-craft landing on another planet being the maximum acceptable level of contaminants. In the mainstream space and astro-biological community, the accidental, much less deliberate, contamination of another celestial body has always been as big of a taboo as incest, rape and cannibalism is in western cultures. Doing this kind of thing deliberately conjured up images in my mind of Nazi doctors experimenting on concentration-camp inmates, injecting them with weird drugs and impregnating women with gorilla semen; of people being given lobotomies on stage with ice-picks; of giving small-pox infected blankets to native Americans knowing the disease would run rampant and decimate them; of dropping the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki so the scientists could study the effects of ionizing radiation on living populations. If you think these comparisons are harsh, how much do you actually know about genetic engineering and GMO‘s, genetically modified organisms? I’ll talk about that in a minute… The whole thing with Mars centres around the question ‘is there life there or not?’ Many if not most scientists believe Mars had and/or has life, but some want to convince themselves that it is ‘barren.’ And at what point can the search for life there be said to have been ‘satisfactorily carried out’? Trans-humanist Ray Kurzweil might have time to do it as he plans to ‘live forever.’ Short answer: how would we know for sure? How aware and respectful are we of life on Earth? How utterly invisible, taken for granted, trampled on, exploited, demonized and desecrated here, on the only planet we know for sure HAS life, of which we ourselves are a part. We are so stupid that some of us think of life as ‘flawed’ and that humans are the only ‘intelligent’ beings and that ‘unintelligent life’ exists, that we are ‘alone’ at the pinnacle of evolution and must go ‘into space’ in search of someone else and to sew our seeds of ‘freedom, democracy and sustainability.’ This whole issue is difficult for me to embrace, not only due to its hugeness and inter-disciplinary nature but also because it arouses a lot of emotions in me…passionate emotions having to do with my extraordinarily deep love of life in all her myriad manifestations…every member of every species of which is my family, my brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, aunts, uncles, grandmothers and grandfathers, ancestors metaphorically and literally, that is, geo-biologically: stone IS the ‘first ancestor.’ For all we know, Mars may be the place where rock is first acknowledged as a life-form. Remember in Michael Crichton’s brilliant debut novel The Andromeda Strain and subsequent film, the ‘agent’ returned from space on a probe turned out to be a crystal…it had no DNA or RNA, no amino acids considered to be necessary for biological life. Andromeda was an abiological life-form, or ALF. Last night I watched episode 5 of Carl Sagan’s Cosmos series, ‘Blues for a Red Planet.’ I strongly recommend that you watch this, in honour of Mars’ closest approach to Earth on 6 October and to give a context for Operation Frankenseed. SAGAN WITH VIKING MOCK-UP ‘BLUES FOR A RED PLANET’ Carl Sagan Cosmos 5 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zhKajw9jAI Sagan relates that two of the three experiments carried out by the Viking Mars landers in 1976 which were designed to detect life, ‘seem to have yielded positive results.’ Start watching at around 34:00 to see simulation of Viking and around 36:00 the soil experiments… It’s here that Sagan shines at his brightest, giving a balanced evaluation of the evidence for life and the uncertainty of its presence, observing on how easily humans fool themselves. He goes on to speculate on the nature and origins of life, and if we might find life based on something more ‘exotic’ than carbon and water, like silicon or ammonia…but he…a self-admitted ‘carbon chauvinist’ and ‘water chauvinist’…remains confidant that if life is found on Mars, it will be made of organic molecules. WOLF VISHNIAC, the Olegas Truchenas of Antarctica Sagan goes on to tell the story of his friend Wolf Vishniac, a microbiologist who was part of the Viking team. Vishniak believed that Antarctica was more similar to Mars than anywhere else on Earth and spent a lot of time searching for microbes in the dry frozen ice deserts. In 1973 he perished while trying to retrieve some samples from a crevasse. CRYOPHILOUS BACTERIA FROM ANTARCTICA ‘THE FIRST HUMAN TO WALK ON MARS’ https://www.americaspace.com/2014/07/07/wolf-v-vishniac-the-first-human-to-walk-on-mars/ “Some of his soil samples were later returned and Vishniak’s colleagues discovered that there really is life in the dry valleys of Antarctica, that life is even more tenacious than we had imagined. That fact may turn out to be very important for the future history of Mars.” THOMAS GOLD Thomas Gold was a highly respected astronomer and a bit of a rogue intellect who ranged across various disciplines in search of answers to ‘big picture’ questions. Despite pissing off a lot of experts, he was almost always right. Interestingly, Gold over-saw the construction of the Arecibo radio-telescope in Puerto Rico, and it was he who gave Carl Sagan his first job at Cornell University. ARECIBO RADIO-TELESCOPE, PUERTO RICO Gold is well known for his ‘deep, hot bio-sphere’ work which is essentially the hypothesis that the vast majority of the biomass of all of life on Earth is in the form of subterranean microbes who need neither oxygen nor sunlight to thrive. Some of them even feed on the abiogenic hydrocarbons created by geo-chemical processes deep in the Earth’s mantle. THERMOPHILOUS BACTERIA “There are strong indications that microbial life is widespread at depth in the crust of the Earth, just as such life has been identified in numerous ocean vents. This life is not dependent on solar energy and photosynthesis for its primary energy supply, and it is essentially independent of the surface circumstances. Its energy supply comes from chemical sources, due to fluids that migrate upward from deeper levels in the Earth. In mass and volume it may be comparable with all surface life. Such microbial life may account for the presence of biological molecules in all carbonaceous materials in the outer crust, and the inference that these materials must have derived from biological deposits accumulated at the surface is therefore not necessarily valid. Subsurface life may be widespread among the planetary bodies of our solar system, since many of them have equally suitable conditions below, while having totally inhospitable surfaces. One may even speculate that such life may be widely disseminated in the universe, since planetary type bodies with similar subsurface conditions may be common as solitary objects in space, as well as in other solar-type systems.” THOMAS GOLD, 1992 These concepts are heretical to mainstream biologists and geologists, but Gold is not alone and evidence is accumulating that he is right, with more and more extremophile and thermophile bacteria showing up in impossible places. With various landers and rovers on or going to Mars right now, it may only be a matter of time until the presence of life is finally and officially verified. SHADOW BIOSPHERES I came across a very interesting article about life on Earth yet to be discovered…or incapable of being discovered. ‘LIFE ON EARTH…BUT NOT AS WE KNOW IT’ https://www.theguardian.com/science/2013/apr/14/shadow-biosphere-alien-life-on-earth “These researchers believe life may exist in more than one form on Earth: standard life – like ours – and ‘weird life’, as they term the conjectured inhabitants of the shadow biosphere. ‘All the micro-organisms we have detected on Earth to date have had a biology like our own: proteins made up of a maximum of 20 amino acids and a DNA genetic code made out of only four chemical bases: adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine,’ says Cleland. ‘Yet there are up to 100 amino acids in nature and at least a dozen bases. These could easily have combined in the remote past to create lifeforms with a very different biochemistry to our own. More to the point, some may still exist in corners of the planet.’ “ ” ‘Billions of years ago, life based on different types of carbon biochemistry could have arisen in several places on Earth…These varieties would have been based on different combinations of bases and amino acids. Eventually, one – based on DNA and on proteins made from 20 amino acids – formed multicellular entities and became the dominant form of life on Earth. That is why we find that life as we know it, from insects to humans and from plants to birds, has DNA as its genetic code. However, other lifeforms based on different bases and proteins could still have survived – in the shadow biosphere. . ‘Amino acids are an example,’ says Sasselov. ‘Each comes in a right-handed version and a left-handed version. Our bodies – in common with all other lifeforms – only use left-handed versions to create proteins. Right-handed amino acids are simply ignored by our bodies. However, there may be some organisms, somewhere on the planet, that use only right-handed amino acids. They could make up the weird life of the shadow biosphere.’ “a complex organic chemical can come in two different shapes even though they have the same chemical formula. Each is a mirror-image of the other and are said to have a different chiralityA different prospect is highlighted by Sasselov, who points out that GEOBACTERWe must note Sagan’s warning about how easily we fool ourselves, as well as acknowledging the fact that elements exist who may not want there to be any life on Mars. Without naming any names, the discovery and verification of life there would stand in the way of Operation Frankenseed. Remember how the snail darter, a small fish protected by the Endangered Species Act, temporarily stopped the construction of a huge hydro-electric dam in Tennessee? Eventually ‘experts’ moved the fish into another river…the Hiwassee, in which I have swum many times!…and the dam was built. SNAIL DARTER HALTED CONSTRUCTION OF A DAM So if some cryophilous UV-resistant bacterio-phages are discovered near the site of Elon’s Club Red, what then? SPACEX’S MARS RETRO-POSTERS BIOSPHERE 2 ‘CLOSED SYSTEM’ ECOLOGY EXPERIMENT (reputed to be model for Elon’s Mars colony and New Zealand 2030) When then-lieutenant James Cook and his accomplice Joseph Banks first arrived in Australia, they looked out and saw myriad and unusual plants and animals, fertile lands of verdant beauty and sub-tropical splendour, and healthy vigorous-looking ‘human-like’ beings with whom they communicated, copulated. Yet they had the malicious audacity to say that Australia was terra nullius, an uninhabited land belonging to no one, thus establishing precedent and setting the stage for imperial invasion resulting in colonization and genocide. What if a similar thing happens on Mars? Elon steps out of his landing module, looks around and sees no one, and declares it to be terra nullius thus paving the way for space-ports, condos, shopping malls and strip-mines, all solar-powered, of course. All the while crushing a trillion Martian microbes beneath the heel of his boot. The Martian shadow biosphere shivers in its wee timbers…but, alas, they are not unprepared. WHAT COULD GO WRONG? BRUSH-TAILED POSSUM Anyone who lives in New Zealand is acutely aware of the issue of ‘invasive pests.’ Possums, for example. I beg to differ with the official narrative, as is my job to do, but the basic story is valid: they were imported from Australia in the late 1800’s so they could be hunted for fur. Unexpectedly, their populations soared and their ecological impact sky-rocketed so astronomically…so we are told…that the New Zealand of today deploys thousands of kgs of one of the deadliest pesticides that exists…to try to kill the possums, who are a protected species in their native Australia. Possums are thriving…but native faunae like keas, kiwis and tuataras are undergoing mass die-offs because of 1080. Despite a decades-old nation-wide CBW (Chemical-Biological Warfare) campaign to render Aotearoa ‘pest-free’, what is by orders of magnitude the most numerous and destructive ‘invasive species’ in New Zealand is thriving: the cow. CANE TOAD Anyone who lives in Queensland knows about cane toads. They were imported from Hawai’i in 1935 to control beetles damaging sugar cane crops. Rather than reducing the cane beetle population, cane toads have spread across several states bring pestilence and disease. They are hard to kill even with a rock or baseball bat, and their poison glands kills not only dogs but even crocodiles who may eat one. MONGOOSE And in Hawai’i, at least four islands, one sees many mongoose, a weasel-like mammal imported from India in 1883 to control rats who were damaging the sugar cane crops. Unbeknownst to the importers, mongoose are decidedly diurnal and rats nocturnal, so n’er did their paths cross. Hawai’i ended up with twice as many invasive pests as before. Just three examples of what can go wrong when we try to play God. Every wee creature is special and sacred in its own right. When we witness the error of our ways, no matter what we do to try to remediate the situation, the cure is worse than the illness and all we do is create a new level of disaster. This happens with technologies as well as with life-forms. When technological methods were applied to biological organisms, a Pandora’s Box of unimaginable size was flung open. To say that transporting traditional life-forms to non-native environments has proven to be ineffective is incorrect: this practice has shown itself to be extraordinarily proficient at creating entirely new and insoluble ecological problems. Sure, seeds blow in the wind to distant shores, birds fly across from other continents. Spores might drift in from space or arrive in the debris of a comet or asteroid. Tarantulas might hide in banana crates. Indigenous women might become pregnant from visiting soldiers or tourists. And untold myriad germs, bugs and assorted ‘disease vectors’ are routinely transmitted across the spectrum of the human population, with greater visibility now than ever. So isn’t contamination par for the course, part of how nature works? It’s the age-old story…or is it? CORN IS ONE OF THE MOST GENETICALLY MODIFIED OF ALL FOOD CROPS NOTES ON GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS For decades I’ve been talking about the ‘hand of man’ and it’s fingers of destructiveness. On one hand I put the primary things that we have ‘dug from the land’ in violation of the Hopi prophecy, each of which is has its own catastro-factor: stone, gems (diamonds), metals (iron, gold), hydro-carbons (coal, petroleum) and uranium. On the other hand I put the primary tentacles of the post-World War 2 military-industrial paradigm: chemicals, synthetic radio-nuclides, pharmacologicals, EMR (electro-magnetic radiation) and GE/FMO’s…genetic engineering/genetically modified organisms. Each of these is a story unto itself. Told from the perspective of mainstream history, each represents a stepping-stone of progress in our conquest of nature and our biblically-ordained imperative of dominion. From the perspective of Mother Earth and her indigenous people, however, each is something stolen or made from her body, each has been weaponized or used in non-life-nurturing ways, and for the vast majority of our existence here, humanity has lived quite successfully and harmoniously without any of them. BUSTING OUT…GENETICALLY ENGINEERED ALIEN FETUS Genetic engineering is the penultimate triumph of technology: the manipulation of life herself including ourselves. This topic deserves a huge investigative treatment and here/now is not the time/place, but suffice it to say that what we are doing today is light years beyond the ‘artificial selection’ and other ‘analog breeding’ methods used on plants and animals for thousands of years. With consequences potentially even direr than the splitting of the atom, the unravelling of DNA has opened a Frankenstein’s Box whose escapees have yet to burst through our chests…but they are getting ready to! Genetic toxicologist Arnold Lehmann, a colleague of Rachel Carson, said in 1962 that in order even to begin to understand the genetic effects of the tidal wave of synthetic chemical and radio-logical mutagens being unleashed, we would need to study at least 25 generations of human beings, over a span of 400-500 years. This would just be to understand what had already been unleashed then. We of today are only the third generation to exist since autogenetic mutation began in earnest after World War 2. Mueller was able to detect mutation due to ionizing radiation because the fruit flies he was studying reproduced extremely quickly. He was able to study dozens if not hundreds of generations of fruit flies. Our situation is rather different. The fruit flies weren’t irradiating themselves. The military-industrial mutagen juggernaut has not been idle since World War 2; au contraire, an accurate graph of the real and financial resources poured into all things weaponized would truly be asymptotic. Genetic engineering has progressed from the first GE animal in 1974, to GE-approved food in 1992, to an unending spectacle of things like terminator genes, herbicide-resistant crops, goats with spider silk, chickens with breasts and no legs, to sequencing the genome of bacteria that convert waste into fuel. The Human Genome Project got us all mapped out by 2003. Every university in the world would have entire departments devoted to all this, not to mention innumerable corporate and governmental research institutions. It began with changing plants and animals but the leading edge of today is us: biologically flawed homo sapiens. It’s no longer just prettier fruits and juicier meat, it’s all about curing diseases and correcting genetic deficiencies, helping people to live longer, if not forever, and to become ‘super-soldiers’ in our War on the Universe. Or so the relentless PR goes. My hero and favourite investigative journalist of all time, however, William Engdahl, has quite a different story to share on the reality of all things GE and GMO. His brilliant 2009 book Seeds of Destruction tells the story of genetic engineering developed and advanced by Anglo-American ‘philanthropists’ as a way of ‘managing humanity’ whose numbers were straining the carrying capacity of the Earth. Two names appear on almost every page: Rockefeller and Monsanto. In the chapter ‘The Brotherhood of Death’ Engdahl names names and provides gory details of the leading edge of man’s inhumanity to man. When I am explaining to people about geo-physical warfare and how the fire-storms raging across the western USA and that destroyed vast areas in Australia a few months ago are clearly not natural occurrences and are the result of environmental warfare being waged using technologies that have been in use for over 30 years now, they say ‘But who would do this?’ I say, ‘Remember this thing called the atomic bomb from 1945? The same mentality who would create and use that would also do this. And here are the names and stores of just a few of them…” ‘THE BROTHERHOOD OF DEATH’ WILLIAM ENGDAHL https://rachels-carson-of-today.blogspot.com/2009/11/brotherhood-of-death-william-engdahl.html The Rockefellers and Monsanto have a lot in common with the Third Reich of Nazi Germany, the former having traded with and financially backed them, and the latter being born in conjunction with daughters of the industrial behemoth I.G. Farben. The Rockefeller name is intimately associated with eugenics/depopulation agendas, and Monsanto has given us Agent Orange and Roundup, among other things. SOME VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON ALL THINGS GE/GMO THE NEW GLOBAL THREAT FROM GMO’S https://www.responsibletechnology.org/science-guide/what-is-gmo-2-0-and-why-should-i-care/ GMO’S AND THEIR IMPACT ON HEALTH https://blog.daveasprey.com/jeffrey-smith-gmos-their-impact-on-health-178/ MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT GENE-EDITING https://williambowles.info/2020/09/02/gmo-promoter-krebs-misleads-the-bbc-and-the-british-public-on-gene-editing/ GENETICALLY ENGINEERED MICROBES ARE PARTICULARLY DANGEROUS https://protectnaturenow.com/genetically-engineered-microorganisms-are-particularly-dangerous/ If we’re doing such a terrible job of taking care of the planet on which we have been graced to live, what POSSIBLE justification does any being with even rudimentary intelligence have for spreading our virulence elsewhere in the solar system? Loren Eiseley’s words haunt me…”a more invulnerable and heartless version [of ourselves]…a biological mutation as potentially virulent in its effects as a new bacterial strain.” Alas, intelligence does not necessarily go hand in hand with virtue or wisdom. LIFE ON MARS: AN INCONVENIENT PRESENCE? IF any life-forms are discovered on Mars, we would stand just as much of a chance of never hearing about is as we would hearing about it. It could easily be the case that life was discovered there years or even decades ago by colleagues of Wolf Vishniac, but that the story has been quashed. This is, of course, pure speculation: one would hope and think that discovery of life on Mars would be front-page news. The harsh reality, however, is that any life found there is going become the snail-darter of Mars: it’s going to stand right in the way of all the high-falutin’ plans of people like Elon Musk and Duncan Steel. What are they going to do? Scoop up a few and transplant to…a moon of Jupiter perhaps? Musk and Steel have high-end company with their Mars projects. The two biggest players who come to mind are D.A.R.P.A., the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency, and Lockheed-Martin. D.A.R.P.A. is the science-fiction technology branch of the Pentagon and has their tentacles in every possible avenue of weaponization…including sending genetically modified organisms to Mars as well as genetically engineering people to go there. https://www.discovermagazine.com/technology/darpa-is-supposedly-engineering-organisms-to-make-mars-livable https://www.fanaticalfuturist.com/2019/10/darpa-wants-to-genetically-engineer-soldiers-to-protect-them-from-biological-and-chemical-weapons/ Lockheed-Martin is the world’s largest so-called ‘defence contractor’ making nuclear missiles, reactors, deep sea-bed mining gear; they run cyber-security for the U.S. government and are a monolithic trans-national with greater financial clout and political influence than all but a couple dozen of the world’s countries. Lockheed-Martin has a huge presence in New Zealand and has been more or less running the country’s military since the Christchurch quake in 2011. Year before last they acquired control of New Zealand’s Rocketlab. GUESS WHO IS INVESTING HEAVILY IN GOING TO MARS? LOCKHEED-MARTIN’S MARS BASE CAMP https://www.lockheedmartin.com/en-us/products/mars-base-camp.html“Mars Base Camp is Lockheed Martin’s vision for sending humans to Mars in about a decade. The concept is simple: transport astronauts from Earth, via the Moon, to a Mars-orbiting science laboratory where they can perform real-time scientific exploration, analyze Martian rock and soil samples, and confirm the ideal place to land humans on the surface in the 2030s.Mars Base Camp lays out a proposed technology road map to support NASA’s journey to Mars. This is a mission designed to be led by NASA and its international and commercial partners.”Wait there’s more. Duncan Steel lives in New Zealand and is deeply entwined with all things space and rocket, orbital and astronomical, civilian and military, as is the company he works for…whose name I will not give but it’s easy enough to find out. Satellite imagery is of interest to many people and organizations, but a few special cases come to mind. One of the other top researchers at this company, whose name I also won’t give but again it’s easy enough to find out, is a high-level computer geek from an Ivy League college in America who worked at Oak Ridge National Laboratory before coming to New Zealand. One of his projects was to create the highest-resolution map of the Earth’s surface that existed. Think about who likes that kind of thing. Also consider that Oak Ridge, or ORNL, was originally one of the main hubs of the Manhattan Project to develop the atomic bomb, and today is home of one of the largest complexes of super-computers in the world, much of whose computational capacities are devoted to genetic engineering and gene sequencing activities like the CRSPR technology. The long and the short of this is that Duncan Steel is not a ‘lone nut mad scientist.’ No comment on the ‘nut’ or ‘mad’ parts, but suffice it to say that when it comes to the possibility of actually sending GMO’s to Mars, all the connections are there: Steel tells them where to disseminate…at areas where liquid water is likely to be found; ORNL and D.A.R.P.A. come up with some new microbes who might, for example, ‘terra-form’ the atmosphere, turn the soil into concrete and the ‘noxious’ perchlorate into fertilizer for plants. The sky is the limit here. https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2016/08/19/designing-gmos-human-mars-colonies-follow-toxic-salt/ Likely candidates to become a Martian GMO: CHROOCOCCIDIOPSIS Cyanobacteria from Extreme Deserts to Space https://www.academia.edu/23805195/Cyanobacteria_from_Extreme_Deserts_to_Space “The study of microbial communities thriving in lithic habitats in cold and hot deserts is gathering appreciation when dealing with the limits of life as we know it, the identification of bio-signatures for searching life beyond Earth and the validation of the (litho)-Panspermia theory. Cyanobacteria of the genus Chroococcidiopsis dominate rock-dwelling communities in extreme deserts that are considered terrestrial analogues of Mars, like the Dry Valleys in Antarctica, the Atacama Desert in Chile or the Mojave Desert in California. The extraordinary tolerance of these cyanobacteria towards desiccation, ionizing and UV radiation makes them suitable experimental strains which have been already used in astrobiological experiments and already selected for future space missions. Evidence gained so far supports the use of desert cyanobacteria to develop life support systems and in-situ resource utilization for the human space exploration and settlement on the Moon or Mars.” VENUS ATMOSPHERIC TEMPERATE ZONE ON VENUS HAS MICROBIAL LIFE BEEN FOUND ON VENUS? https://earthsky.org/space/life-on-venus-phosphine-biosignatures Then a consortium of Lockheed-Martin/NASA/RocketLab and Elon Musk can deliver the payload, simultaneously breaching thresholds of morals, ethics, biological responsibility, exo-ecological sensibility and inter-planetary etiquette. ‘THE ZANTI MISFITS’ CRIMS FROM SPACE England transported the worst of their criminal elements down under to Australia and New Zealand. In one of my favourite episodes of the Outer Limits, ‘The Zanti Misfits’, another planet sends their criminals to Earth, knowing that we would end up killing them. They were not allowed to kill members of their own species…but having studied us, they knew us as ‘practiced executioners.’ A D.A.R.P.A. PROJECT…QUADRIBOTS What if the life-forms of Mars see a battalion of these bounding around with Johnny-GMO-seed bags, throwing out a cornucopia of microbes, seeds, spores and other Franken-forms? CONCLUSION Is the science settled??????? Unsettling is more like it! This has been by far the most challenging blog post I have yet to write, for several reasons. Mars is growing closer and brighter day by day for the next 3 weeks. The moon is new tomorrow and the austral spring/boreal autumn equinox is on 22 September. I have taken the time and energy to share with you heaps of relevant information about something that is potentially extraordinarily dangerous. CHARLES DRACE Last week I talked with my old friend Charles Drace, an American investment broker living on the south island of New Zealand. Back in 2002 Charles put together and published the world’s first book/compendium on the realities of all things genetic engineering and GMO. I am trying to locate the interview I did with him back then, and to find a digital copy of his fantastic book. I asked for his thoughts on Operation Frankenseed, and his response was exactly what I’d expected: he thought it was extremely dangerous, one reason being the ‘blow-back’ it might create between us and other bodies/beings in the solar system/helio-cosm. I observed that engineering microbes to convert Martian sand into concrete were perhaps more ‘benign’ than some of the other uses but he emphasized that NO GMO is benign. All too true… The bottom line is that any organism that has been genetically engineered or had its genome ‘tinkered with’, to use Frankensteel’s expression, becomes a virus, which is in essence invasive nucleic acids seeking new hosts and niches. Another freaky synchronicity that may have a lesson or two is that around the same time that Steel’s Operation Frankenseed was becoming clear in my mind as to the gravity of what it is and could mean, back in late January and early February of this year, the whole Coronavirus thing began to explode in Wuhan, China, just as they were rolling out their new 5G network. MAY ALL BEINGS BE PEACEFUL, MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY NEW PROTOCOL FOR INTERNATIONAL TRAVELLERS ENTERING NEW ZEALAND: ‘WILDFIRE’ DECONTAMINATION FROM ‘THE ANDROMEDA STRAIN’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrwA8XcasT4 FIRES IN WESTERN USA SENDING PRAYERS FOR RAIN, SAFETY AND HEALING 🙂 UNBELIEVABLY WIDESPREAD CONFLAGRATION FIRE SCENE FROM ‘BAMBI’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GF3iK3rJUfU VENUSIAN ATMOSPHERE (ARTIST’S CONCEPTION) SAN FRANCISCO GOLDEN GATE 5 DAYS AGO |
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