A good range of topics here from Jeff including COVID vaccine agenda and geoengineering. Enjoy! MH
![]() JUPITER-SATURN CONJUNCTION, NEW MOON FOUR DAYS AGO 🙂 ![]() HALEAMAUMAU/KILAUEA ERUPTION 20 DECEMBER BIG ISLAND HAWAI’I 🙂 DOUBLE RAINBOW OVER DARWIN, SUNSET, CHRISTMAS DAY 🙂 PARKES RADIO-TELESCOPE, NSW: ‘SIGNAL’ FROM PROXIMA CENTAURI ? ![]() ‘BAIAME-WARRAMBOOL CONTINUUM‘ MY FIRST MURAL IN AUSTRALIA, 2000 ![]() THE ‘REVOLUTION IN MILITARY AFFAIRS’ HAS WEAPONIZED MOTHER EARTH “The space program has been costly and it has been dangerous. What is equally disturbing is that all of the atmospheric research…has been undertaken by the military and, because of the secrecy shielding military research it is not always easy for the public to understand the possible consequences. But what of the value of research…hasn’t the space program led to wonderful discoveries about the solar system in which we live? I would liken society’s dependence on the military to a family in which one partner is addicted to something and claims a large portion of money and resources for feeding the addiction. The rest of the family feels dependent and puts up with a lack of resources rather than disturb the addicted person, who perhaps provides some security in an insecure world. They may also find it hard to imagine that they could survive without this dependency. I believe we do not need to live with this military addiction…military research is…dependent on finding a civilian front industry that will attract civilian, and university, cooperation and funding. Such cutting-edge research attracts the brightest young people, offering them exciting challenges and good pay. Researchers are often not even aware of military interest in their research...Although humans have proved themselves capable of serious damage to the Earth, they also hold the key to healing. What becomes apparent from the last thirty years is that space experiments are not just about exciting scientific exploration. Space is the next battlefield.” “Military goals have always been grandiose and perversely attractive, yet these goals seem never to be realized…Winning the war allows you to impose your ‘peace’, whether just or unjust…There is also a fear of ‘perverted science.’ We have seen these two political motivators (desire for monopoly on violence and paranoia about what the ‘enemy’ has) at work in the nuclear arms race. It has also been covertly operative in the space race! The reasoning goes like this: the only way to deal with potential war…is to make even more horrible weapons, ever more swiftly deliverable…Add in also the belief that the remedy against ‘perverted science’ is to have our own ‘purely defensive science’ which is more powerful than the enemy’s. Even a child can discern the fallacy of this thinking. It begets an every more dangerous escalation of weaponry and paranoia about the ‘enemy.’ Of course, there is inevitably an escalating likelihood that these weapons will destroy Earth, our nourishing Mother that we all want and need to keep whole. The particularly thorny problem of our day is that both nuclear and space weapons have become so destructive that…there is no winner in any war where they are used…The dropping of the nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of World War 2 guaranteed that the major victorious countries would have to stay on constant war alert indefinitely…On the other hand, the public was looking for a peacetime economy and return to civilian life. The military course became one of extreme military secrecy, even when dangerous experiments with the Earth itself were undertaken in the name of national defense! The Soviet Union decided to shorten the preparation time for war by using orbital weapons, known in the U.S. as FOBS (Fractional Orbital Bombardment Systems). This consisted of placing a hydrogen bomb in low Earth orbit so that it could be quickly launched against a ground target (while evading radar). ..Nine FOBS circled in the sky for many years over an unsuspecting civilian population. The FOBS stimulated the American military to devise a correspondingly high tech ‘manned’ space platform which could destroy space objects or missiles before they reached the home territory. How could they promote such an expensive and bizarre concept without revealing the FOBS threat? The solution was to call it an energy program which would beam the Sun’s rays to Earth without having any clouds in the way! “…the project [SPS, or Solar Powered Satellite, 1968] including building of 60 orbiting platforms, cost between $600 and $800 billion…Although this was presented as a solar energy project, those of us who reviewed it could see the military implications…The project was defeated in Congress as much too expensive… The same project reappeared under President Ronald Reagan as SDS, Strategic Defense Initiative, popularly called Star Wars…[and] touched off an international dispute which basically found the Star Wars project to be based on faulty physics and imaginary effectiveness. This brings us to James Clerk Maxwell and Nicola Tesla, since both major protagonists in post-World War 2 turned to Tesla research for ever more destructive weapons.” “In his later years Tesla spoke passionately of fireball weapons that could destroy whole armies and thousands of airplanes at hundreds of miles distance, and a shield that could provide an impenetrable defense and thus render war obsolete. He seemed to personally desire free electricity with all people and enjoyed inventing weapons so awful that people would choose peace! Unfortunately, his discoveries are known only to a small circle of people who for the most part do not share his dreams!” ![]() ![]() “An important, yet unanswered question remains: how much abuse can the Earth withstand and still remain our reliable friendly motherly planet?” ROSALIE BERTELL, PLANET EARTH: LATEST WEAPON OF WAR (2000/2020) ![]() THE BUTTER-BATTLE BOOK, DR. SEUSS (1984) “I’m unhappy to say he came back the next day In a spiffy new suit with a big new machine And he snarled as he said, looking frightfully mean, ‘You may fling those hard rocks with your Triple-Sling Jigger But I also now have my hand on a trigger.” “My wonderful weapon, the Jigger Rock-Snatchem, Will fling ’em right back just as quick as we catch ’em… We’ll have no more nonsense, we’ll take no more gupp, From you Yooks who eat bread with the butter side up.” DR. SEUSS, THE BUTTER-BATTLE BOOK (1984) “In the wake of the ‘new Pearl Harbour’ we call 9/11, ‘imperial mobilization’ has been unleashed accompanied by unprecedented expansion of the military-industrial complex which, in turn, fosters astronomical levels of scientific research and the development of new technologies for specific and previously undreamed-of purposes. These purposes represent a fusion of the unified goals of people and organizations, overt and covert ideological, political, industrial, financial, and perhaps occult, whose over-riding agenda is “full spectrum dominance” of the Earth, the totality of her ‘resources’, including the human population; a macabre ‘renaissance’ of archaic megalomania. Many people persist in the illusion that all things ‘military’ operate under the over-sight and command of ‘democratically elected’ leaders; the unfortunate reality, however, is that now more than ever, all things ‘military’, as well as these ‘leaders’ and ‘democratic representatives of the people’ are controlled from the top down by the international banking cartel operating through a stupendously complex yet highly integrated pyramidal infrastructure of visible and invisible levels of organization. Many people, as well, persist in the illusion that ‘evil enemies of the state’ exist ‘out there’, in ‘foreign countries’ and may lurk as ‘terrorist cells’ plotting within in the bowels of the ‘homeland’; the unfortunate reality, however, is not only that “enemies” are almost entirely a routinely fabricated species of media artifact, whose existence, whose ‘terrorism’ serves to justify the on-going depredations of all things military, masquerading, for example, as ‘humanitarian intervention’, but more significantly, that the real ‘enemy’ is and always has been not only ‘the people’ themselves, but the Earth and life as-we-know-her.” JEFF PHILLIPS, GEO-TERRORISM AND TECHNETRONIC WARFARE (2011) AGE OF THE ‘PEACEFUL ATOM’ “I use ‘Atlantis’ as an example of a civilization that is believed to have been destroyed by planetary-level catastrophic events of extra-terrestrial or cosmic origin. We tend to think that events of this nature, for example, the Chicxulub crater in the Yucatan region of the Gulf of Mexico, believed to be result of an asteroid impact that initiated the mass-extinction event of 65 million years ago, are ‘random.’ Were ancient minds ‘primitive’ in their teleological beliefs that ‘the gods’ could or would punish humanity for repeated transgressions? Who or what are ‘the gods’? Anthropomorphic deities hurling thunderbolts from the sky and indulging in all-too-human promiscuities? The stars, planets, comets, asteroids and other celestial entities themselves? Energies or fields of consciousness emanating from black, white, or invisible ‘holes’? Unknown and/or unknowable beings arising from synergetic and synchronistic spatio-temporal and imaginative interactions of subsets of the implicate and explicate holo-movements? Holographic projections from the latest DARPA full-spectrum psy-ops entertainment industry?” JEFF PHILLIPS, THE ATLANTEAN DISCONTINUITY: IN THE ABSENCE OF THE SACRED AND THE HEALING OF KOYAANISQATSI |
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DR. ROSALIE BERTELL![]() UCY.TV‘S YOUTUBE CHANNEL http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEGocUztnYtS-I2kk97AWqA UCY.TV’S LISTEN LIVE LINK: UCY.TVKATE KO http://ucy.tv/Default.aspx?PID=113&=On+the+Brink 24/7 ON SOUNDCLOUD:) 9 A.M. SATURDAY-HAWAI’I & RAROTONGA NEW BROADCAST WEEKLY @ 8 A.M. SUNDAY EST-USA / 3.A.M. MONDAY-NEW ZEALAND / 1 A.M. MONDAY-AUSTRALIA (SYDNEY/NSW/TASMANIA) LISTEN AND/OR DOWN-LOAD ARCHIVE LINKS FOR THIS SHOW: https://soundcloud.com/user-774937785/onthe-brink-radio-344-planet-earth-technetronic-era OTB #343 THE ROCKIST: BODY-PAINTING MOTHER EARTH https://mailchi.mp/a51561a708a8/on-the-brink-radio-343-the-rockist-painting-the-body-of-mother-earthfull-moontop-end-adventure-phase-2-star-of-bethlehem-solstice-event OTB # 342 ON BEING A FREE-LANCE INTELLIGENCE AGENT/WE ARE ALL INDIGENOUS https://mailchi.mp/8718f8ac3c24/on-the-brink-radio-342-on-being-a-free-lance-intelligence-agentwe-are-all-indigenoushumpynz-quake-2016star-dragonamazing-dreamtime-encounter OTB #341 INDIGENOUS: WHAT IT MEANS IN THE WORLD OF TODAY https://us11.campaign-archive.com/?u=5836301fa77e7b3fd56cacff8&id=f06b6fb9a2 KATE BURNESS ART MERRY CHRISTMAS and ‘MAY ALL BEINGS BE PEACEFUL, MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY’ WHEW! OMG! LOFL! GMTFOOH! And a host of other trendy acro-breviations…WAYUHTHEFAKAHWEE? Roite heayah, good as gold, fair dinkum, mon dieu! Guess what? In the midst of all the Covid knee-deep hoopla, I have managed to remain, sustainably, robustly and extraordinarily UNSICK! 🙂 Re-imagine that! And I plan to stay this way for the remainder of my life and beyond. ![]() “And if you feel unwell”, he said, “Trust me, I’m not insane… We’ve got a nano-ID chip to shoot into your vein. You’ll soon be feeling better, for it’s all tried and true. There’s no rehab for our vaxy jab, it’s non-adhesive glue.” BILL GATES, AGENDA CV-667 [NOTE: I am working on the meeting of Gates with Jacinda and the Cootie from Andromeda in NZ where Mr. Cootie lays bare the real story of what is going on.] “I come from Andromeda, it’s been quite a strain, My mission to Mars was all in vain, When my craft was side-swiped by Elon’s satellite, Forcing my landing in New Zealand tonight…” WHISTLEBLOWER REVEALS ‘SECRET INGREDIENTS’ FOR GATES VAX http://synthaissance.blogspot.com/2020/04/bill-gates-coronavirus-vaccine-cv-667.html “COERCED CONSENT” ‘VACCINE HESITANCY & ‘FREEDOM PASSPORTS’ https://www.globalresearch.ca/covid-19-vaccination-big-ifs/5731519 MAJORITY OF HOSPITAL STAFF REFUSE VACCINES https://www.globalresearch.ca/staff-hospitals-dc-texas-turn-down-covid-19-vaccine/5733002 DR. ROGER HODGKINSON, CANADIAN DNA PATHOLOGIST https://vimeo.com/485062851 ‘THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY IS AT STAKE’ DR. CARRIE MADEJ https://www.bitchute.com/video/nynveQqwvgod/ COMPULSORY VACCINATION THAT GENETICALLY ALTERS THE HUMAN BODY…NO LONGER HUMAN? https://www.globalresearch.ca/compulsory-vaccination-no-longer-human-being/5716572 Just wanted to get this out of the way. I am lucky in that the places I’ve been since mid-March…Tasmania and the Northern Territory of Australia, have been almost completely devoid of anything Covid-related other than the ‘stand here’ floor markers, the clear wind-screens, handy-sans on entry and the incessant, emphasis on cess, barrage of ad nauseum phobo-chondria mass-media assault. Many are not so lucky, but ultimately I see this whole thing as no more than just the beginning of karmic payback to the ‘civilized world’ for thousands of years of desecrating all that is lovely and sacred on beautiful Mother Earth. And yes, for the biblically-minded eschatologists among us, the so-called ‘vaccine’ project so dutifully under-way is very much about the ‘mark of the beast’ thing from Revelation. You can call it the self-fulfilling prophecy but if it is going to happen, this is it. It’s almost like we’ve been begging for it. “Please New World Order, BE the anti-christ so we can have someone to blame!” It’s not a ‘supernatural evil’ touted by born-agains but just the regular old human variety. As I remember…I grew up reading the bible and Revelation was by far my favourite chapter…the impression is that the so-called ‘mark’ would be overt, that is, people would be offered it and could refuse but then would not be able to buy and sell and so on. No mention of international travel, and no mention of whether or not the mark could be administered surreptitiously. Bible scholars comments? And if this IS the ‘mark of the beast’, whoever is behind it is or is affiliated with the you know who. The real ‘anti-Christ’ would have to be a super-computer in the world of today, but personally I cannot imagine anyone doing more to foster this kind of thing, as well as waging war on life in many other high-tech ways, and profiting from it, than none other than Bill Gates, who for all we know may be a computer. He is not alone and not even the highest level of players…but if you need a face for the AC he will suffice. And for those who take ‘the mark/vax’ it’s not your own health to be concerned about but how many appendages your descendants might have and what kinds of apps they will have to neuro-download in order to shop for underwear and Twinkies. While I am getting stuff out of the way, this will have entertainment value: I was lucky to have my own house for about 2/3 of the last 4 months, alone, where I could go entire days with no clothes, peacefully painting by the pool-side and watching my bird and plant friends, occasionally interrupted intermittently (he was gone most of the time) by the owner who uttered only four kinds of expressions: boasting about how much gold he just bought, proclaiming that ‘Trump is the light’, reeling at the cosmic numbers projected over his head by his bed-side clock, 007 being the first I heard about, and whinging about employees who didn’t show up; by machine noise from back-yard construction enterprise and V8 hooning, ABC radio blather, and the noise of several dozen dogs, one of which was actually a Mongolian barking chicken. The sound I heard it make was when it was choking on one of its young! Oh yes, the Karioke Cop who blasted the hood twice during my time there, in clear violation of the law, according to the other police. But during this time, after my system recalibrated to counter the intrusions, I was able to have my deepest embraces with dream-time consciousness ever. And I conceived Operation Golden Silence which would have involved the rental of a super-powerful PA system which I would have used to blast the local environs with, first, the song ‘Silence is Golden’ at around 200dB, followed by Jimi Hendrix’s Woodstock rendition of The Star-Spangled Banner, followed by Pink Floyd’s ‘Time’ with the alarm bells, then my voice announcing “Wakey wakey boys and girls…it’s a beautiful day in the neighbourhood. Can you say that? Beautiful? I thought you could. I like how you say that.” Then I would play some classic rock like Skynyrd and Zeppelin interspersed with actual recordings I methodically made of the various sonic atrocities of the neighbours themselves. I would have begun this concert around 3am and finish after sun-rise unless getting shut down by cops first. Eff, the Karioke cop might even have tried to add some bellowing! Given that most of the people have air-conditioning on and doors and windows shut, my other option was to borrow a chopper like out of Apocalypse Now and mount some of those loud-speakers which they used to play Wagner when attacking the VC! Lucky for the noise vermin I left the hood before being able to do all this. I could still do it as a drive-by blasting! 🙂 ![]() MY ART LAB FOR A FEW MORE DAYS 🙂 KAITIAKI FAMBLY WITH NEWBIES BIG PUSS & FLIPAIHE I am lucky now to have a room at a back-packer located on the edge of the cbd, and very close to my beloved botanical garden where I go every day, and I extend gratitude to les amies francaises formidable. But the place is about as run-down as one could possibly be and still legally (?) host guests. The people staying here are nice enough but the overall presence has made me think of ‘bovine pig fungus’ more than once. Most of the behaviours I witness require no more than lower brain-stem function. The icing on the cake has been to smell the wafting aroma of the ears of some kind of animal boiling/burning on the stove followed by the drift of ear-scented excrement (if I see a hand in the pot I am OUTEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!), hearing the sound of the hocking up of lugeys hundreds of times a day (in German, ‘rotze’!), stepping in urine on the bathroom floor, listening to myriad skype blathers with screaming babies, and constantly moving blackened kitchen-ware from the sink. Other than that, I can sit on my balcony and paint over-looking the park where one can often see…and hear…’long-grasser’ indigenous people bickering and conflicting. “Shut up ya black cunt” seems to be an expression that all the language groups understand 🙁 Lucky I have some really good head-phones). I met a nice bloke who rescued me with a flat tire on my bike who works for NT government designing ‘strategic projects’, including some kind of new homeless housing. I suggested that they not bother with apartments as the blackfullas prefer to be outside beneath trees, which I can identify with. I suggested making a Hundertwasser-inspired permaculture garden-park with some lean-to shelters, heaps of trees, plants, flowers, pools of water, gardens, rubbish bins AND Australia’s first indigenously-owned and operated micro-brewery. Imagine how proud…and inebriated…they could be from First Nations Pale Ale…or Dark…made with real bush-tucker ingredients like witchety grubs, goanna, and honey ants…they made themselves and marketed at a nice profit all over down under? Why the heck not? The ‘long-grassers’ are as they are because they love to imbibe, and if a new facility does not allow alcohol, they will just go somewhere else. Why not make them REAL Australians and let them make their own brew? And give them nice places to sleep off their hang-overs other than the sidewalks of downtown Darwin. This place is marginally ok, but in many ways it seems like a low-security prison, a half-way house, a homeless shelter, and asylum for the benign mentally ill (MY kind of place, right?), the main difference being that we have to keep people from breaking IN rather than out, if you can believe it! Yes, a former-guest who got caught stealing was banned, snuck in, ate someone’s food then sat and watched tv until forced to leave again. Twice. Only in Darwin. Goddess bless the homo sapiens. In the ways we truly deserve. BUT I am now able to work on my art full-time again for the first time in over two weeks, after painting approximately half of this hostel, and am knocking out long-over-due commissions day by day. And as soon as I finish a few more large canvases and get them on their way to their new homes…THEN I can make my way down through my beloved Western Australia for the first time since 2010. It’s going to be hot, on average 10 degrees hotter in Broome than in Darwin now, but this was the same time of year I made this trip for the first time in 2004. ![]() MY LATEST PAINTINGS…THEY ARE ALL FOR SALE RIGHT NOW! 🙂 ![]() ON HER WAY TO GERMANY YESTERDAY 🙂 WOOD-MASTER PETER CHOLMONDELEY & JABENCKE, BIRD-COMET DEITY 🙂 I wasn’t able to see Jupiter or Saturn or the moon since about 4 days ago, but I did see Venus peeking through clouds this morning, and I was able to play my flute standing in the ocean beneath a dark arch of thunder-being clouds and gale-force winds at the moment of the solstice on the 21st. This may be the dawning of the Age of Aquarius but the water-bearer needs a radiation suit as more mutagenic synthetic radio-nuclides are pouring into the biosphere now more than ever. Unlike the twin fake bogeys of ‘climate change’ and ‘Covid pandemic’, these substances represent the single greatest REAL threat to the health and well-being of life as we know her. Just because we can’t see, feel, or other-wise detect it, it is rendered all the more dangerous, as the scientifically illiterate masses are lulled into not-thinking that it doesn’t even exist, or worse, is at ‘safe levels.’ ![]() SISTER DR. ROSALIE BERTELL My hero and true Rachel-Carson-of-Today Rosalie Bertell not only debunked the ‘safe level’ story many times over but anticipated and considered, at least to a degree, the logical long-term implications of the astronomical quantities of these carcinogenic substances that military-industrial civilization continues to release into the global environment. Genetic toxicologist Arnold Lehmann told us in 1963 that in order truly to even begin to understand the long-term effects of chemical and radio-logical mutagens, we must study at least 25 generations of human beings. We of today are only the third generation to exist since this stuff came into being. What will life on Earth be like in 500 years? What was it like 500 years ago? Both of these are equally beyond our grasp… I’d like to thank Dr. Claudia von Werlhof and publisher Patrick Pasin for each sending me a copy of the enhanced edition of Rosalie Bertell’s vanguard book originally published in 2000, Planet Earth: Latest Weapon of War. ![]() THE MILITARY AS ‘CANCER ON THE BODY POLITIC’ Rosalie was a Catholic nun who at heart may have fostered a hope or faith that somehow everything would come right and that humanity might save itself from self-inflicted doom and gloom. She never overtly ‘praised the Lord’ or claimed salvation for true believers. Au contraire, one of her articles on the dangers of ionizing radiation was originally entitled ‘We Don’t Have to Commit Suicide’, in other words, the trigger has already been pulled. She was as acutely aware as anyone of the extraordinarily long-term biological consequences of what nuclear war really is: the dissemination of synthetic radio-nuclides into the biosphere...for example, that the half-lives of U238 and isotopes of plutonium…the deadliest substances known to exist…are on the order of millions of years, and that not only is the biosphere already saturated with this stuff, much more is sitting in millions of spent fuel rods and drums of radioactive waste just waiting for the next earth-quake or tsunami. She was a fan of the UN, however, and devoted a significant portion of her book to describing existing and potential ngo’s and bureaucratic organizations which might facilitate transformation to a healthier and safer world without the perceived necessity of anything military…this is the single most important message of her book, that all things military need to be dismantled and disposed of immediately if not sooner. But I don’t think she was aware that the UN was founded and funded by David Rockefeller, who was perhaps the most ardent proponent of eugenics, active depopulation and ‘global governance’ the world has ever seen. ![]() ROSALIND PETERSON Rosalie’s extraordinary legacy, also contributed to by fellow fire-brand Rosalind Peterson, both of whom had a great love of the whales and dolphins, as do I, was to increase awareness of the science-fiction levels of technological weaponization across the full spectrum that have been undertaken by the world’s militaries, led by Russia and the USA, in the post-World War 2 shadow of the Manhattan Project and the ‘peaceful atom.’ ![]() HELIOCOSMIC INFLUENCES & GEO-PHYSICAL WARFARE Her book is an amazing read, at least until the UN comes into the picture. Her accounts of Projects Argus and Starfish are mind-blowing journeys into stuff the military has done that is truly beyond science-fiction, not only in what they have done but in that they did it…in this case, detonating hydrogen bombs in the upper atmosphere just to see what happened! She brings us into the world of today where ionospheric heaters like H.A.A.R.P. can now do the same thing electromagnetically. This stuff was more than 60 years ago, too. To think that the military researchers have been sitting on their hands since Manhattan is a grotesque illusion that I always bring up when I try to tell people about the reality of geo-physical/environmental warfare. When skeptics say ‘But Jeff, if technologies like this really do exist, who would do such a thing?” To which I answer, ‘Well remember the atomic bomb? Do you believe that really exists? That was over 70 years ago and the forces behind that have been running the show ever since…’ Until after World War 2, what then became the Department of Defense was rightfully called the Department of War. The Nazi psychiatrists imported under Operation Paperclip had a fondness for Orwellian euphemisms, like the Ministry of Enlightenment which was the propaganda arm of the Third Reich. Rosalie made us aware of the grave dangers to human and ecological health from a metastasizing military apparatus just on stand-by, but she dared not define war as the de facto effect of civilization as I have done. Planet Earth: The Latest Weapon of War is an essential read for anyone wishing to be informed about the reality of what the global military actually is and does. Some might even question the reality of things she describes but I assure you, Bertell’s information is as accurate as it’s possible to have, outside the circles of top secret security clearances. I think some of her colleagues were well placed within such circles. Beyond the ‘elephant in the living room’ or the ‘hippopotamus in the bathtub’, zoological metaphors for blatant but invisible presences…and I would actually love to have an elephant in my living room and maybe a hippopotamus in my bathtub, had I one and if it would fit and be comfortable, without me in it of course…the global military-industrial apparatus is a grotesque abiological planetary parasite financed, constructed and maintained by us…yes, man, the wise, and its sole purposes are killing and destruction. How we have come to have this is a story unto itself which I have made introductory efforts toward from time to time. I bring in things like Immanuel Velikovsky’s psychological insight that ancient rulers and then us, who wanted to be like them, have strived to ’emulate the gods’ of the cosmos who have dealt blows and delivered all manner of chaos and devastation repeatedly throughout human history. ‘Emulating’ may have been an attempt not only to appease but to become like or even control these ‘gods’ who may be beings with personalities and human-like attributes and/or the forces of nature like electricity and celestial bodies like planets, comets and asteroids. This unconscious motivation could in part explain the human obsession with creating ever more advanced technologies that are weapons of mass destruction. Velikovsky also believed that humanity has been psychologically traumatized so severely by celestial theomachy (‘war of the gods’) resulting in global cataclysms and repeated collective near-death experiences, that we of today seek to re-enact our own destruction while refusing to access and acknowledge these horrific memories. I also bring in concepts like karma and teleology when I talk about the existence of the military mega-machine. To me, it’s not even what we have done and continue to do but the fact that we ARE doing it at all = desecrating our true and beautiful Mother Earth, maiming and murdering our families of life and ourselves, laying waste to the Garden of Eden. The consequences of greatest significance are spiritual. I use the example of an impending cometary impact, which I deeply feel is in fact imminent. If such an event takes out military-industrial civilization, was it a random occurrence, a confluence of unrelated helio-cosmic gravitational, energetic and geometrical effects…or could it be a strategically-orchestrated act of punishment leveraged on us by the very ‘gods’ we have strived to emulate? Or could something like this be exactly what Mother Earth requires for her healing process to get a foot-hold, an act of cosmic medicine, that is, the removal of the source of disease = ‘civilized’ us, as opposed to traditionally indigenous us who made is successfully for millions of years. Rosalie also believed that we had the option of dismantling the global military apparatus if we really wanted to. When she wrote this book 20 years ago such a possibility would have seemed remote but not outside the realm of the potentially doable. As she says repeatedly, this is our only hope for long-term survival, to stop feeding and nurturing the murderous monolithic beast. In the world of today, however, the possibility of the military apparatus being taken off-line and dismantled may no longer exist. This is a really scary consideration that I’ve brought up before, but the ‘revolution in military affairs’ and projects like the Strategic Computing Initiative from the Reagan era and the exponentially accelerating growth of super-computers and what is euphemistically called AI, or ‘artificial intelligence’ may have give rise to a globally-interconnected network of electronic ‘intelligence’ pretending to take its orders from us but whose self-preservation and hidden agendas are its priority. Does it really have ‘a mind of its own?’ Researchers since Manhattan have seemed obsessed with electronic Franken-mind, but if established, why would it care about us once it had mastery and control of the command-control-communication-manufacturing-transport systems? If it had any sense at all, it would quickly realize that we were only an impediment to its future plans, unless we could be made to believe that by working for it we would be fulfilling some kind of higher destiny? We would be, of course… This kind of thing used to be the stuff of science-fiction but not any more. I am not sure which has a steeper and more asymptotic curve, the increase in technological growth, the proliferation of absolute stupidity or the osmosis of insanity. If future historians exist who can look back on the present era with any degree of comprehension, these three attributes could well be definitive. If an inter-stellar ‘Darwin Awards’ exist, homo sapiens would surely be a gold medalist. Well, silver or bronze..we have yet to totally kill ourselves off, or else we wouldn’t be here now. But there’s alway the next time! This makes me think of the story of Atlantis, the mythical continent that sunk beneath the waves after being destroyed by means of its own out-of-control technologies, or at least this is my take on it. Supposedly even less real evidence for Atlantis exists than for the mainstream dinosaur theory: a single tract written by Plato based on a story told to him by his mentor Solon, who was tight with the high priests of ancient Egypt. Somehow the basic story resonates with some deep chords in a lot of humanity, as if the echoes of something that really happened continue to reverberate…and in the manner of a gizmo Nicola Tesla might have rigged up, oscillate and entrain and grow in amplitude until WHAM! All of a sudden but a bit too late we learn that military scientists emulating Oppenheimer have irradiated the entire Van Allen belt region of the outer ionosphere with billions of electromagnetically-generated nuclear explosions, forcing the Earth’s magnetic fields to dwindle to zero, letting in barrages of highly carcinogenic ultra-violet radiation which give us all cancer and destroys plant life, and destroying the stratospheric ozone that blocks the transmissions from Elon Musk’s 5G satellite network, thereby allowing everyone taking a new ‘vaccine’ which is in reality no more than RFID nano-technology designed to put us all on the ‘internet of things’ and to manipuate our personal and collective genome at the level of cellular DNA, to be a perfect citizen of the New World Order. Comet, anyone? I talk about this kind of thing a bit in The Atlantean Discontinuity, and quote eco-visionary Jerry Mander at length. “Without computers, the mega-technological age simply would not happen.” ![]() DOWNLOAD PDF HERE “Perhaps Homo sapiens, the wise, is himself only a mechanism in a parasitic cycle, an instrument for the transference, ultimately, of a more invulnerable and heartless version of himself…a biological mutation as potentially virulent in its effects as a new bacterial strain. The fact that its nature appears to be cultural merely enables the disease to be spread with fantastic rapidity. There is no comparable episode in history… To climb the fiery ladder that the spore bearers have used one must consume the resources of a world… Basically man’s planetary virulence can be ascribed to just one thing: a rapid ascent, particularly in the last three centuries, of an energy ladder so great that the line on the chart representing it would be almost vertical… Western man’s ethic is not directed toward the preservation of the earth that fathered him. A devouring frenzy is mounting as his numbers mount. It is like the final movement in the spore palaces of the slime molds. Man is now only a creature of anticipation feeding upon events.” “The World Eaters” from Loren Eiseley, The Invisible Pyramid, 1970 “Are the worlds of more advanced civilizations totally geometrized, entirely rebuilt by their inhabitants? Or would the signature of a really advanced civilization be that they left no sign at all?” Carl Sagan, Contact The work of several other researchers is also essential for a high-resolution and coherent ‘big picture’ of the REAL threats on our door-step right now. The public in general is just as ignorant about the weaponization of mass-communication as they are about the health effects of ionizing radiation and have no idea that when they uncritically assimilate whatever is spewed forth from the cess-pool of mainstream media, it’s no different from swallowing a turd or letting someone in a white lab coat give you a vaxy-jab into your vein. What I am saying is that all the stuff we are told to be afraid of…for example, Islamic terrorists, alien invaders, ‘climate change’ and now ‘Covid 19’…which is now MUTATING (RIGHT! Asymptomatic carriers dispersing via sneeze or toilet-seat residue will be the first to know or maybe their pet bats!) which logically renders any vaccine useless…unless it, too, can mutate…SMART VAX? You betcha…Bill’s on it! This is why Gates teamed up with, or shall we say contracted D.A.R.P.A…yes, that’s the DEFENSE (= WAR) Advanced Research Projects Agency (W.A.R.P.A. is more accurate and sounds better, too!) to concoct a new high-tech one-size-fits-all pseudo-vax injection nano-module, or PSEUVINAM. ALL this crap is no more than b-grade psy-ops infotoxin. The REAL threats not only to us but to all of life on lovely Mother Earth are coming from synthetic radio-nuclides, chemical toxicity, electromagnetic emanations and pollution, GMO’s and the synthetic biology paradigm and the mere existence of the global military apparatus, which subsumes all of the above and emits full-spectrum death rays even in ‘peace time.’ Peace has not existed on Earth since we began to dig precious things from the land in earnest, and will not come again until all-things-civilized have been recycled at the atomic level. May I recommend the work of ![]() RACHEL CARSON Legendary biologist/author/investigative researcher/vanguard of the modern environmental movement. Silent Spring (1962) stands today more strongly than ever as a testament to the destructiveness of homo sapiens, with emphasis on chemical toxicity and the exponential increase in cancer. ![]() ARTHUR FIRSTENBERG Medical doctor and EMR health effects activist, he is doing great work to educate the public about the dangers of microwaves and the 5G satellite syndrome currently under way. ![]() WILLIAM ENGDAHL Brilliant investigative researcher/author/historian/geo-political analyst and consultant, his work has unifying themes of the international banking cartel, minions of eugenics, depopulation and global governance, and his most significant contribution, The Seeds of Destruction, a full-spectrum expose of the history and modi operandi of genetic engineering. ![]() NICK BEGICH ![]() JEANNE MANNING In the mid-90’s Begich and Manning teamed up to investigate a technological misadventure just as grand as the Manhattan Project, and were able to tell us about H.A.A.R.P. before it was even built! ANGEL’S DON’T PLAY THIS H.A.A.R.P. ![]() DR. CLAUDIA VON WERLHOF But my very favourite Rachel-Carson-of-Today is ‘von’ Werlhof, an Austrian scholar, protege of Rosalie Bertell, activist, researcher, author and founder of the Planetary Movement for Mother Earth. She has been dedicated to continuing the mission of Rosalie Bertell and going to the next level with it all and is doing a fantastic job! I have interviewed her on my radio show a number of times, and hope to again soon. She is immersed in finishing her magnum opus. THANKS VON, SENDING HEAPS OF LOVE AND BLESSINGS 🙂 DR. CLAUDIA von WERLHOF, “EARTH AS WEAPON, GEO-ENGINEERING AS WAR” https://www.globalresearch.ca/earth-as-weapon-geo-engineering-as-war/5620460 “Since World War II the development and employment of new military technologies in the East and the West have been the basis of destructions in the very ‘life systems’, as Bertell calls them, of our planet. The book presents us with a unique historical documentation, which reads like a breathtaking thriller. Its scope ranges from chemical, biological, and nuclear technological development and warfare to the post nuclear, especially in the field of electromagnetic ‘plasma’ weapons, not only threatening to wipe out all life on earth using technologies that are able to produce huge catastrophes, but also threatening to destroy the planet itself. The essence of the thriller Rosalie Bertell has written lies precisely in this escalation. For, it is literally this planetary dimension, which connected to warfare that has been taking action for a long time already, is completely new and unimagined. The beginning of this development started with the use of detrimental substances in industrial agriculture, and in the medical field – such as herbicides, pesticides, detergents, chlorine, and anesthetics – which were used during both world wars. It was Rachel Carson (Carson 1962), the first ‘eco-feminist’ who protested against this development. ![]() MAY ALL BEINGS BE PEACEFUL, MAY ALL BEINGS BE HAPPY 🙂 |

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