Two weeks ago ahead of hail storms and expected January flooding Rocket Lab launched its 96th mission from Mahia Peninsular New Zealand.
by Ben Vidgen

The mission was named ‘The Owl’s Night Begins’ in a nod to Synspective’s StriX family of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) spacecraft developed to be able to image millimetre-level changes to the Earth’s surface from space, independent of weather conditions on Earth and at any time of the day or night.

Strix (mythology), a legendary creature or witch of ancient Roman mythology a bird of ill omen, the product of metamorphosis, that fed on human flesh and blood and was the enemy of human civilization, particularly women and children. Roman Witches were the original vampires.In their bird form, the strix offered their breast to babies and fed them poisoned milk. They were thought to be a precedent for the famous Slavic folkloric witch Baba Yaga, The Strix was feared in ancient times for their association with famine and plagues.
Less monstrously the strix s the genus (lati name) of “earless” keen eyed wood-owls.

Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) basically same technology used in phase one of the DARP HAARP program which was used for looking for minerals, deep under ground bunker and for tsunami modelling and forecasting.

The satellite will be the first in Synspective’s planned StriX constellation of around 25 SAR satellites designed to provide geospatial solutions. That is “new data” to “oversee human-beings economic activity.” Understanding the data “to get information accurately and quickly”.
I noted back in January 6th as Rocket Lab launched Make It Rain the geoengineering focus cited in the the article ‘Orissa Cyclone — Role of Space Systems in Disaster Warnings and Mitigation Use of INSAT’ reports the “Super-cyclone” that hit the Orissa coast on Saturday, October 29, 1999 was tracked by the India Meteorological Department (IMD) through INSAT-1D Very High Resolution Radiometer (VHRR) imagery and INSAT-2E CHARGED COUPLE DEVICE (CCD), which like Auckland University of Technology’s Quake Tek (just one of Rocket Lab’s geo-engineering affiliated clients) looked at the interactive relationship held between the ionosphere electromagnetic field and the earth. During Orissa Remote Sensing satellites and the microwave data from the Canadian RADARSAT were used for disaster relief and rescue operations.

The Geospatial mapping however was also used by India for planning post disaster agriculture and food production. For example this included the distribution of GM modified salt tolerant seed by Bayer Pharmaceuticals by UN approved agencies CARE India and Oxfam. Similar disasters caused food shortages (and famine related disease) in Africa and the Philippines after extreme weather events wer exploited and used to dump genetically modified seeds owned and patented by UN corporate strategic partners Monsanto. Like NZ (USA, UK, Australia) India underwent extensive geospatial mapping during lock down which in India case was carried out by a firm named Kiwi Air.

The core technology of Night Owl was developed by the ImPACT program led by The Cabinet Office, Government of Japan. The program’s full name is Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program (ImPACT). It focuses on “high-risk and high-impact initiatives”. Its inspiration is the US defence research agency DARPA. Potentially The Owl’s Night Begins’ is not just a surveillance tool but component useful for those with a focus on economic warfare and food monopolisation.
Published by BENS WORLD – an interesting read with your coffee.
Ben has worked as investigative journalist, researcher and writers for a number of NZ/Australian publications, radio stations, as well as working for universities, NGO and commercial clients, as well as being a best selling author (State Secrets 1 & II [Return Fire]) specialising in organised crime and national security issues. With a degree in history and political science specialising in political violence and counter terrorism Ben spent six year in New Zealand Army territorial (reserves) serving in the Royal Artillery and the infantry with posting in signals, artillery intelligence, field and counter intelligence, reconnaissance and as a rifleman & platoon grenadier. Ben also has decades of experience in all aspect of the hospitality and tourism industry (from kitchen hand to marketing and promotions) through out Australasia as well a having strong root in the arts community of New Zealand’s South Island his beloved home and were he prints his own cafe publications and books .
Martin comments: Long-time followers of the weather modification and geoengineering agenda might remember this one: Weather As A Force Multiplier: Owning The Weather In 2025 :
/tardir/mig/a333462.tiff (

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