Correlation does not necessarily indicate causation. Having said that, these coincidences may amount to a connection, so we take note of them. MH
From Pam Vernon at EWR

NZ’s Outdoors Party has noted the death of a port worker in Tauranga two days after taking the Pfizer injection. (Sincere condolences to this family).
* (Link to MD letter to FDA at the end)

A comment on Facebook also confirms a ‘port worker from his street’ having died, citing alleged coercion by his employer.

If after looking at possible side effects to this jab, you decide you would prefer not to take the risk but know your employer may insist, learn about your rights of refusal by listening to NZ Lawyer Sue Grey at the link.
Whilst it is frequently pointed out there is no proof that the jab is causing the adverse reactions world wide (see comment below by NZ vaccinologist Helen Petousis-Harris) why are we not seeing autopsies regarding the 1500 odd deaths and 31,000 injuries to date (with only 1% reporting) to get to the bottom of this bizarre ‘coincidence’? After all is not the purpose of VAERS to report a post vaccination injury?
No proof of cause and effect cannot surely be taken as proof of safety can it?

*Here is a link to the letter by an MD to the FDA that is referred to.
Photo: @ Wikipedia, “View of the Port of Tauranga, taken from Pilot bay”. By, CC BY 3.0 nz,

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The only ‘misinformation being spread here Helen is the huge cover-up of information that supports the dangerous use of a useless and experimental vaccine for a SARS (with added bat shit) scare in the first place. Instead of justifying your degree as any sort of springboard for the ‘facts’, do yourself a favor and inform people of the benefits of HCQ and other time tested and proven cures for SARS. If this is to much for your ‘tunnel vision’ view of medicine then I suggest you quit being a nuisance and get a real job.