Once again, not a peep from the MSM, but elsewhere this is going viral. Here’s a report from The Daily Wire:
Video Of Swedish Company’s Covid Passport Microchip, Implanted In Hand, Goes Viral
A Swedish company is making headlines by calling to mind a nightmarish image for Christians around the world.
A video from the South China Post went viral Friday for showing the microchip technology recently introduced by the Stockholm-based startup, Epicenter. The company’s “chief disruptor” Hannes Sjoblad demonstrated how their product, the size of a grain of rice, has been adapted as a Covid passport, implanted under the skin in the arm or hand.
Sjoblad said the company developed the tech for other purposes, but quickly realized it had potential for use as a kind of Covid passport, storing data about vaccine status that can then be read by any device using the near-field communication (NFC) protocol. “Implants are a very versatile technology that can be used for many different things,” he said, adding, “Right now it’s very convenient to have Covid passports always accessible on your implant.”
According to the U.K. outlet Metro, his chip is already being used by about 6000 people in Sweden, who also use them to store their financial information, enabling them to buy goods with the swipe of a hand.
For Christians, the description of the microchip immediately called to mind the Apostle John’s prophecies in Revelation 13:15-17:..READ MORE
Here’s the video:
So, this is exactly where all us “conspiracy theorists” claimed it was headed next. I should imagine a fair number of Christians will be, to use understate matters, somewhat hesitant to embrace this initiative. As for myself, I recall the first time I was shown the “060606” track-trace technology patent: “This is a joke, right”? Wrong. This is for real. Martin
SEE ALSO: https://uncensored.co.nz/2020/05/07/mark-of-the-beast-luciferase-and-patent-wo-2020-060606-for-real/

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