The war drums beat louder. You can almost hear the cash registers ringing in high places. Perhaps this ties in with the UK dropping all mandates: Preparing for war with Russia?
From The Western Journal:
The Russian military will strut its stuff off the Irish coast next month in a swaggering display of its power.
With international eyes fixed on the ground forces amassed at the Ukrainian border, the Irish government announced that it has been told by Russia that missile tests involving Russian bombers and ships will take place in international waters off Ireland’s southwest coast, according to The Journal.
The site Russia picked for its tests, scheduled for the first week of February, is 150 miles off the Irish coast and is within Ireland’s Exclusive Economic Zone. The area is patrolled by the Irish navy.
“This is a range practice. This is what the great powers do, the exercise is posturing and is about messaging directly with European powers,” Irish legislator Cathal Berry said.
“The location is not an accident and has been entirely anticipated. … There has been an increased number of incursions into this area and near to Irish airspace…READ MORE (Western Journal)
Martin comments: Further into this article, one reads ““Our navy is under-equipped and undermanned, our Air Corps have no response capability but we will have to send out someone to monitor this when it happens.” Sounds very much like a setup for military intervention by the Usual Suspects. While everyone is still in Chicken Little mode over Covid, the Hidden Hand is making it’s next move.

SEE ALSO: Ukraine: MSM Fake News Up To It’s Old Tricks! (

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Did somebody say”Gulf of Tonkin”!
wasn’t me. Wouldn’t dream of mentioning The Gulf of Tonkin. oops 😉